Content Harry Potter


mwinter posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 3:16am for Chapter 1

Glad your back! Been Praying for you all. Would love to see some muntant storm. However I like to read what ever you've written and if you want to give us other works until you get back to that who am i to stop you. Again, glad to know that things have gotten better for you.

whatareyouevensaying posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 3:13am for Chapter 1

Brilliant story. You gave me a whole new perspective on the Weasley family. One that's positive...only I'm not utterly sick of it!

stuart posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 3:04am for Chapter 1

Why does nearly every story have Harry dubbed "golden boy" or worse part of "the golden trio"? Glad you are back to writing I was getting a little worried, the den of fags that FFN has turned into is seriously lacking in readable stories. Your particular style has been sorely missed, I do hope this is just the begining and more will shortly follow. Cheers

mpaulj posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 3:00am for Chapter 1

I Like!!

rune1806 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 3:00am for Chapter 1

Your back, your back I have missed you so much!! Maybe now I can go back to work. I was just sitting in front of the computer hitting the refresh on your web site for the past two months. (Great way to lose weight, room smells but it was worth it right?) Love the story, why was it Black tower and not Potter? Also are you sure it was Ron's and not Harry's baby? The thought that Ron has a sex life when I just sat here is not a happy one. Well off to do a happy dance and shower if they have not turned off my water again.

darkelf12 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 2:49am for Chapter 1

Yay, the crazy people with the awesome fiction are back. I loved it. I love a Harry that isn't afraid to kick some a@#. Greatly enjoyed can't wait to see what else you have for us.


Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 2:39am for Chapter 1

hehehe nice story! I love seeing a powerful Harry that isn't afraid to use it. I was very glad to see an update from you guys in my mail box this morning. From your authors note I assume you play World of Warcraft which is where I waste days and days of my life. I play mostly as Shacklebolt on Malygos.

Hope to see more stories from you soon! Thanks for writing and welcome back!

millercommamatt posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 2:38am for Chapter 1

Thanks. This story brightened an otherwise gloomy day.

Kris posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 2:31am for Chapter 1

Thank you!!!!! I was so worried about you guys, and prayed you would be OK. This story was a shock to see, but I really, REALLY loved it! Would you consider a follow up to show how the Ministry takes to the upheavel Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione make?

Thanks again for the story, and WELCOME BACK!

dexterz posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 2:26am for Chapter 1

shows good creativity as things depicted here are not something i could even imagine happening in ron growing up or harry getting powerful....

thumper posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 2:21am for Chapter 1

Good fic but just once I want to see Harry or the Muggles have enough of this and Kill people left and right because of Stupidity like this.

goddessa39 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 2:09am for Chapter 1

yay. we all missed u both. I like H/G and am glad u've done more of them. sure i think the hero worsipmakes things... unlikely, but u both handled them. *grins*

Cary1 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 2:05am for Chapter 1

Enjoyable read. Thx for sharing.

Frederick Herriot posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 2:03am for Chapter 1

Very interesting take on the Marriage Law theme I've read on from time to time.

scribbler posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 1:56am for Chapter 1

Bob - Huge! AWESOME job. Even if I HATE Ron/ did a fabulous job on this. You're an amazingly talented writer and I really, thoroughly enjoy your work.



grovepjp posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 1:06am for Chapter 1

Welcome back!!!!!!

Bob Joyce posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 12:59am for Chapter 1

As always well done. I hoped it was a first chapter, but alas a one shot

millercommamatt posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 12:57am for Chapter 1

I haven't read this yet as I'm at work, but I wanted to chime in quickly as say that the title is awesome.

FireStorm posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 11:59pm for Chapter 1

Great story guys. I am very glad to see that you have weathered your problems and are back in the saddle writing again.

pfeil posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 11:55pm for Chapter 1

What more can people ask for? How about plot that matters?

As it is, the whole thing is "Well, there's a marriage law, but that's ok, because the two (inexplicable) pairings are pure/impure anyways, and there's just a bit of unimportant meddling with a non-existant H/G that's cleared up right quick."

I'd much rather see H/Hr, N/G, and R/L or something, where the marriages are at least not allowed under the intent of the law, rather than some irrelevant meddling. And "oh, Ron grew up somehow, but we're not even going to bother trying to explain how, since it's not doable" is one of my pet peaves, particularly when people are still cringing when things are said that would have set him off before, suggesting he's not really that grown up at all.

Sorry for the rant, but I expected more. Oh well, at least the disclaimer was good :P