By Bobmin
migdaliafr posted a comment on Friday 4th January 2019 7:19am
Great story, thanks for sharing.
stephaniesanders posted a comment on Saturday 2nd June 2018 1:25pm
This was a really good story :)
The Seeker posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2018 4:44pm
This story came highly recommended by a friend of mine from another site. I'm going to thank him, since this was a riveting story, not the least of which was your underlying theme of the sanctity of family. Great OCs with Marie and Cyndi, and it's always great to see a kick-ass Harry Potter, who proved his daughter's repeated statement that he would 'come for me/us.' I've read many of your stories, and this ranks toward the top with the tightness of the writing.
jchangpa posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2017 5:41am
As I finish this bad recommendation, because by putting Hermione with the pathetic and moronic Weasley make it not just bad but pathetic too. As all the writer, living or not(your pass away was a greate lost), this one is one of the really bad stories.
Shadowdog posted a comment on Thursday 7th July 2016 7:23pm
I love a "badass Harry that takes no shit and comes back for revenge" story!! The other elements of magic are meh, but to each his own. I like the djinn specifically due to Snape being injured.
evansikki posted a comment on Wednesday 25th November 2015 10:24am
great story!!!!!!!!!!!
jspring posted a comment on Wednesday 12th August 2015 6:32am
I do so love this story. thank you for writing and giving us the chance to enjoy it. :)
r00ney posted a comment on Tuesday 21st April 2015 12:15pm
Bravo, very good unification story!
KSpringer posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2015 11:44am
Excellent! Exdcellent! Excellent story!
You have some AWESOME stories!
Thank you and I miss your writings...
potterfanchuck posted a comment on Friday 30th January 2015 9:11am
Bloody brilliant story!!!
Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Monday 15th December 2014 6:29pm
Was checking the reviews to find out if I've already read this, which I don't think I had; this quote really stood out for me....
"great story if a somewhat extreme in the reaction to the lessoning of the magical bloodlines to the point that they'd steal magical kids....but then Never underestimate large groups of idiots, partiucaly idiots with power."
Jonn_Wolfe posted a comment on Tuesday 18th November 2014 9:46pm
Brilliant. Simply Brilliant.
bjon66 posted a comment on Friday 5th September 2014 5:18pm
I always thought this was one of your better stories... Wizards Fall probably one of the best fan fics ever written..
Sable Phoenix posted a comment on Monday 9th September 2013 6:04pm
Love this story. Very interesting take on the way the world turned out and I can see the wizards throwing Harry to the wolves so to speak if they thought it'd defeat the dark lord. Dumbledore was such a two faced jackass.
adafrog posted a comment on Sunday 7th July 2013 4:00pm
Brilliant. I love your powerful!strong!harry.
calison posted a comment on Wednesday 27th February 2013 4:19am
Amos stood and looked down at Dumbledore. "Well, we know how to deal with Dark Lords.
Well, we know how to deal with Dark Lords.
we know how to deal with Dark Lords.
fuck that is funny
Nytefyre posted a comment on Wednesday 9th January 2013 3:40pm
Love this twist on the outcome of the war. Thanks for posting.
jules3677 posted a comment on Monday 22nd October 2012 4:28am
Fun read. A super powered Harry with morals & a divine sense of justice. Nice to read that this Harry was interested in ensuring that the magical world was no longer an exclusive club. Interesting concept, enjoyed the story. Thankyou.
bjon66 posted a comment on Tuesday 16th October 2012 10:32am
Very good story.. This and Wizards Fall are your best stories to date.. Thank you..
MrMrRubic posted a comment on Tuesday 31st March 2020 5:36am