By Bobmin
Darkraven posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 6:54am
Great story so far. Its the 1st potter/X-men crossover i ever read. I enjoy it imenseley.
OrionHR posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 6:44am
I'm quite pleased to see this as it blends two of my more favourite universes. I've actually seen somewhat of this idea done, but I will say that this take on the concept will prove superior.
I am surprised that you have an animosity set up between Dumbles. and Xavier. I could easily see them working together. But I can just as easily see them at odds. I'll be curious to see if you introduce Magneto to this and if his past as a child of the Holocaust is related to Dumbles. victory over Grindelwald.
In the mean time, keep writing and I'll try to keep reviewing.
David21 posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 5:06am
Only one problem I can see here...I need more.
Fine. I'll help. Virtual llamas are being sent now. Real llamas as soon as I can arrange them.
I'm trying to track down Alan Rickman, but he's proving unusually elusive. As soon as I can locate him, I will take action.
Since I rightly fear Alyx more than Bob, there will be no donuts sent. Sorry, Bob. I even live near a Krispy Kreme store....
I'm also working hard on finding Yellow and Black spandex in bulk quantities so there will be enough for the design of Harry's X-Man uniform.
No Alan Rickmans were harmed in the creation of this review.
Mark Safransky posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 1:13am
Ooh, the Harry Potter/X-Men crossover has arrived. Nice start to this story and it really ties together nicely thus far. Wonder if you're planning to pair Harry with one of the teenage mutants. Hmm, will he stay in contact with his friends at Hogwarts? Will Dumbledore try to manipulate that friendship? What am I saying, of course he will. Looking forward to new parts!
Panaka posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 9:39pm
Good start on the story. I'll be following this one with great anticipation.
Here's hoping Snape pisses of Jean and tries to attack her mind somewhere in the future (and the truly epic mental can whoopass she'll open up on him).
nelgraf posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 2:53pm
Great story and great writing! just not my style. Good luck and I'm sure you will wow people as usual.
aka. Pixle
tw posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 2:23pm
There are several things that come to mind after reading this chapter. Things like: "Why the hell didn;t I read this sooner?," and, "Holy Shit! Is there any plot that this dynamic duo can't do with a decent amount of credibility?"
I mean seriously! The bar has been raised and set, yet again, by none other than my favorite, physcotic, authors Bob and Alyx. Is there any hope for the less talented of us out here of ever atracting such interest in writting as you have; or in imaginative creativity?
I love the tone that has been set, and judging by how you strive to be unique in your plot, and hope that the tone will continue to develope as it did in Sunset and Sunrise. But, then again, I'm refering to a Bobmin work and know that it will exceed my meegar preconseptions.
I have read many hundreds, possibly thousands of stories, and have yet to find an X-men crossiver as interesting and well thought out as this one.
Will Harry be a class 5 mutant? If so, is nagic what acts as the catalist for the development of a Class 5 mutant?
OOOOHHH!!! Can Magneto do that thing to Voldemort??? Where he summons the iron from his blood? PLease!!!!!!
Have a great day and hope to hear from ya'll soon.
-TW :)
Aki posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 1:42pm
This is a very important question. How often are you going to update? I know that you are at least half way through this story since you mentioned in a note last year that it will only be put up when it is at least half completed. So, is it one chapter every week? Every other day? On which day? Because I find myself checking every few hours which is insane! I'll never be able to get any work done at this rate! This is of course testimony to how addictive your story is.
truly_charmed posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 11:38am
I'm not too big on crossovers but I do like how you've started this one. It's good and it kept me interested until the end of the chapter. Very well done!
I love how Jean is his Aunt and how Xavier knows Dumbledore and the relationship between the two of them is almost similar to Magnito and Xavier...almost... well at the begining anyway.
I can't wait for the next chapter!
truly_charmed posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 11:37am
I'm not too big on crossovers but I do like how you've started this one. It's good and it kept me interested until the end of the chapter. Very well done!
I love how Jean is his Aunt and how Xavier knows Dumbledore and the relationship between the teo of them is almost similar to Magnito and Xavier...almost... well at the begining anyway.
I can't wait for the next chapter!
darthme1011 posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 10:38am
very enjoyable
Alorkin posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 8:24am
BobMin, your writing is some of the best I have ever come across. While I do not care for the H/G ship, your style of writing is more than enough to entice me to read regardless.
That said, away we go!
I love that you usually write Dumbledore as an unfeeling, deluded and self-important bastard. Here, he is no different.
It looks like Harry has Kitty's ability. He can 'Bamf' too!
A few notes: There is no summer homework after OWL year, unless Dumbledore assigned it personally, in which case, Harry, as angry as he is, would most likely disregard it.
Late, later...too late. Dumbledore is *this close* to having two dark lords on his hands.
Uncle Albie is gonna have a nasty surprise when Tonks and Remus get back.
Charles' letter has left ol' Uncle Albie thoroughly spanked, and in her own inimitable fashion, Tonks has let the cat out of the bag.
Snape is off to tell Voldy, Ron is an ass (as usual) I'm surprised Hermione didn't slap him for that little comment, and Molly is on a rampage. It looks like Gred, Forge and Hermione are salvable, and Ginny is still an unknown.
I'd be furious if I'd seen what Jean had. Charles is correct. Harry needs family annd guidace where he has had none. As for his question, did Dumbledore, have this in mind? My feelings are right in line with the twins. Dumbledore intended to use Harry to get rid of Voldemort...a creature he, himself is responsible for creating in the first place, and then eliminate, expeditiously, assuming he survived the battle.
As with all your stories, I eagerly await the next chapter of 'Mutant Storm'. Alorkin
Stanley Chalk posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 3:42am
I love your work and I can not wait to see were you are going with it. Keep on writing!
rune1806 posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 3:37am
Rather dark but I think that it need to be to show how far Harry had fallen. All I know about the X-men is what was in the movie, so go a/u all you want. What is Harry's power, he was doing so many different things?
rune1806 posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 3:31am
Still here? Oh you bet your chainsaw I am.
runnerman87 posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 2:51am
I think I'm hooked!
I've always been a bit put-off by Angry!Harry, and I'm a bit bothered by what he did to the Dursleys, even if they did deserve most of it. It seems like some of what he did went over the top, but I'm glad you mentioned that he never really intended to kill anyone. I'm also a bit bothered by how he treated Remus, who's made an obvious effort to look out for Harry even against his orders. I'm hoping that you'll put that relationship back together in later chapters.
Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 12:53am
Dear Bob & Alyx,
Well after 2 days of trying to read at work I have finally gotten through Chapter one.
My background regarding X-Men is quite comical since when I first met my husband 12 years ago online he went by the nick 'Wolverine' ... Ironically he thought of me as Jean Summers ...
I have been an X-Men fan for years (obviously) and for that reason truly is the reason I decided to begin reading this despite my delusional shipping preference.
This first chapter has been very well done and I believe very believeable in a fantasy/fan fiction sort of way.
Love ya both!
As Always,
Muirnin - may the muse AMUSE
Tarkas posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 12:16am
So, the long-awaited cross-over has begun -- whacko! And it's well up to your usual standard. Both the HP and X-Men characters are portrayed very well (Ron's bigotry seems a bit extreme, but he is like that in some ways). Xavier in particular comes across just as he does in the movies (I can hear Patrick Stewart saying his dialogue), which is probably my current favourite version of the character.
Excellent idea to have Jean a long-lost fraternal twin sister of Lily -- definitely one of the better ways to merge the universes. Harry's mutant powers are intriguing, too: they seem to be centred on something like Jean's psi powers but with Nightcrawler-like teleportation, and related concepts like the "phasing" thrown in for good measure.
I could go on, but I think that other reviewers have probably covered it already (270+ as I write); suffice it to say that this is yet another wonderful tale from Bob and Alyx.
Unfortunately, it also has the (small) flaws that tend to characterise your work. You have betas, and good ones, but you really need an editor, and a Brit-picker, to clean up the prose and deal with oddities like referring to Surrey as if it's a town; it'a a county, and a heavily populated one that resembles one of the states that surround New York City in its relationship to London (commuter belt and the like).
So, great story, but it could be even better. I look forward to more at your earliest convenience.
nfk posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 11:10pm
Coming into this story I wasn't sure what to expect as you're my... my... *blushes* my first (crossover). I just couldn't see how The X-Men and Harry Potter could play well together. And I'm quite happy to see how well they do!
The interaction between mutants and magic is fascinating (I got a kick out of Dumbles being taken down by Xavier and the threat on Hogwarts, oh what a jolly good battle that would be) and setting up Harry to teach Jean magic, well, that just tickles my fancy. I look forward to Harry's reaction to the various mutants and powers he'll be exposed to over the summer. Not to mention the possibility of all the X-Men baddies that could pose a problem.
And I won't deny tearing up a little when Harry called Jean mom. Or throwing a party after Kreacher's demise.
Excellent first chapter. I'm all strapped in and ready for wherever this crazy ride is going to take me.
Ryan posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 8:05am