By Bobmin
kenny posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 6:54am
I love this story already sends shivers down my spine just thinking of what you to will think up
Tanydwr posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 6:26am
Just... brilliant.
I love it. I want more. Soon.
The relationship of Jean and Lily was extremely cleverly crafted - how else to insert a new aunt? And in the context of your story, completely believable. Also fits with the belief that Jean was an orphan.
I can't wait for the criticisms of Hogwarts' education system to come. Sure, they teach magic, but, scary as it is, you actually *do* need to know Pythagorus' Theorem and trigonometry and angles and stuff. Not often - but my dad built our decking and he did all the calculations himself. (Well, I lent him a calculator, but you get the jist.) The decking's still standing. So, practical application of mathematics. Science - well, Harry will have a little more astronomy than most, but he probably hasn't learnt about red shift and all that crap (I'm reaching - I haven't done chemistry or physics in four years). Nothing about the environment, genetics, chemical reactions... Effects of drugs and alcohol... And for an English person not to have read at least one Shakespeare play is heinous (especially to an English Lit student!). And then there's history - well, at least he was learning applicable history, but you can bet that they don't do the smart thing and link Muggle and magical history - like the whole Grindelwald/Hitler thing, even if it was just 'in the same year Grindelwald was defeated...' No R.E., geography, electronics, cooking, textiles, resistant materials...
Really, on a practical note, the Hogwarts education is appalling. At the very least they ought to be teaching English, Maths and Geography! It's not like Britain looks different for wizards! And you can just imagine Snape's reactions to badly-written essays - 'Learn to put together a proper sentence' - "Well then, *teach* me to put together a proper sentence, you pseudo-chemistry-teaching fool!"
Ahem. Sorry, rant over. Am clearly in strange mood. It's fun.
On a side note, Harry would not be taking math. He would be taking *maths*. Scott might be teaching math though. Why you can't put an 'S' on the end of a word abbreviating the plural mathematics... Sorry. One of those weird American vs. Queen's English things that confuses me.
Yes, I'm British. I'm a British English Lit student. This means I read a lot, have all of six lectures a week and end up getting twenty books out of the library over one one-two week period and another two-three week period during the year. I think I had at least that with the last dose of essays... Oh, well, home soon, and a summer job.
I'm going to shut up now and admire the story again.
I like Harry/Ginny. No complaints there.
I actually quite liked the reaction of the Order. Let's face it, Harry's behaviour *was* disturbing. Dumbledore's a prat, but the rest of them had Harry's best interests at heart - well, 'cept Snape and Dung. They were guilty of ignorance, wilful in some cases. Ron's reaction = disturbing, but given Book 7, understandable. Hopefully, he will get over it, and realise that he's being an idiot (my preference, but I know you don't like Ron, so it's up to you).
When will Dumbledore learn that leaving grief-stricken people alone is a *bad* idea? Loneliness will just compound the idea of loss - and make suicide far more likely. Speaking as a normal human being with no study of psychology. It's just basic common sense.
I'd like to see Harry bond with both Logan and Scott. Both will sympathise (but not pity, because pity's a bad idea) with his situation. Logan because he's minus memories, and Scott because he lost his parents. And Jean gets to be good motherly influence and restore Harry's opinion of family.
And I can't wait for him to meet a few of the other students - especially Bobby, Rogue and Pyro (if he's there). Pyro would be an interesting character for Harry to meet - if this is pre-X2, because he's on the edge of all-out hatred of humanity too. Harry, I assume, will be pulled back from the brink. After all, most mutants are still Muggles. And - let's face it - Voldemort would kill them too.
I liked Jean's observation about Magneto and Voldemort's differences. Magneto actually has a moral reason behind his doings. Not a very good one and clearly flawed, but a moral reason nonetheless - he's protecting his kind from a generally hostile enemy. Voldemort, however, is leading an attack using hypocritical values, and he does *not* value his followers.
Okay, I think the analysis is over. I can only finish with what I started.
Update soon.
Lol, Tanydwr
P.S. Did normal disclaimers get boring for you? And how long do you spend writing those as oppose to the chapters?
P.P.S. Maybe you could burn that Cowell guy in effigy. In fact, anyone who judges those 'Idol' and 'Talent' shows. At least 'Strictly Come Dancing' (and I assume, 'Dancing With The Stars', the US copy!) raise money for charity. And Webber's shows (Maria, Joseph, Nancy), because those rock. Purely by having people who can actually sing on them. And I always manage to pick the winner way in advance - even this time, when there wasn't a clear forerunner. I was well impressed with myself.
Magnificent the Destroyer Lord posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 6:06am
One word:
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 5:59am
Great to see a new story from you two. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Ciroth posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 5:54am
Wow. Great story arc so far. Look forward to more.
Logan_MacLeod posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 5:41am
I was under the impression that Ginny was taking thetraining offered by Dumbledore and she was being put in the category of Harry being pissed at like Ron and Hermoine along with the rest of the Birds Nest. I would love for you turn this from a H/G ship to anything else.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 5:36am
I love AUs and I've nothing against well-written Harry/Ginny hookups (unlike the way JKR wrote it). This sounds like a fun ride.
One minor request, though; please match Hermione with someone worthy of her, not Ron. For my part, I'd suggest Neville, but that's just my tastes.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 5:27am
*whistles* Now that's one heck of a powerful start to your story. It seems Albus' efforts are now coming back to bite him most majorly and there's nothing he can do but ride out the storm that's going to be swirling around him. I daresay he's not going to be too happy that Charles Xavier now has Harry and he's likely to be rather stung if Xavier manages to help Harry where he, Dumbles, couldn't or wouldn't; that's gotta sting his pride.
Meanwhile, once things have settled a bit, I can see Magneto and company also being interested in Harry, especially with his current attitude (sheesh, Albus, were you trying to deliberately sabotage yourself, sending him there and leaving him there?). So, before too long you're going to have four groups interested in Harry, Professor Xavier and his people honestly concerned about Harry, the "evil" mutants, Dumbles and company who are scurrying to try and fix/hide their errrors (good luck in that, the Labors of Hercules were easier), and Tom and his merry band out to eliminate or turn Harry. This has all the makings of quite the donnybrook. I'm looking forward to the ride.
shadowsqueenvx posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 5:27am
Okay. I seriously like where this story could go. I'm a huge fan of Bob and Alyx, and I know you won't abandon the story. Keep up the wonderful work!!
Janick posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 4:17am
Hey Bob and Alyx,
I read al of you stories, and i must say you are doing well because you drive me nuts.
I would like to say that i love all stories no matter if it is canon/Au what ship it is and how long it is. I think all of it is briliant.
This new story is an other sign of your heavenly writersskill, so Alyx please accept me as your first minion for this story! i'll kindly scream and i promise not to bleed *grin*.
No siriusly i love your stories and i am hoping on the balls of my foot waiting for an update. I know you do it fast so no complaints there. Just looking forward to it.
With greeting from a big fan, Janick Koolhof (netherlands)
Allan2 posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 3:45am
This was a very good start :)
I never know what to write in rewiews, so i ´ll just say the usual - Keep up the good work, and update again soon :)
Oh, and i hope for some Ron and Snape bashing, i really dont like those 2
ginnysohma posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 3:10am
holy crap! that was a LOT to take in for one chapter!
great start! im not a big xmen fan but this... well i might have to go watch movies 1 and 2. [i've seen the third]
Tom Mathews posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 2:58am
Interesting premise.
I do wonder if Illyana aka Magik is going to make an appearance.
If you hadn't stated Harry/Ginny, I could see a Illyana/Harry or Kitty Pryde/Harry
Rocky235 posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 2:42am
I like them together. I also like Harry/Hermione. I guess it is the way you write your characters that makes them good.
The way Jo wrote I didn't even like Harry when all was said and done.
I will have to look for the "Mutant" movie on TV as I'm unfamiliar with them.
'"Dolt! We don't write smut!" she screamed.'
>cough-Bad Situation-cough<
I like this story.
Jezzie posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 2:24am
This looks like the beginning of another quite excellent story!
I must admit, though, that I was a bit sceptical about the whole crossover thing at first. But what I've seen so far, however, seems to work really well. I still have some trouble connecting with the x-men characters since I'm only familiar with them through the movies, but that is of course because there's only been a single chapter so far and the characters have only just been introduced.
I really like the different direction you seem to be taking with Harry as well, when compared to your other stories. Not that I didn't like how he was in your other stories, naturally. ;)
While I generally lean a bit towards the Harry/Hermione ship more than the Harry/Ginny ship, I find myself looking forward to what you have planned out for them (evil things, surely).
The only thing that I found a bit perplexing was that you chose to skip ahead in the time line quite a bit sometimes during the first chapter. I didn't think it was a bad thing or anything, but I guessed I'm just used to most post fifth-year stories where lugubriousness seems to be a theme for Harry when mourning Sirius' death. I'm glad you managed to avoid that.
Oh dear, this seems to be getting a bit long now. A last question, if I may: How long are you planning to make this story, do you think? After this first chapter I kind of hope it's going to be a really long one.
Anyway, great work! I look forward to the next chapter.
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 2:03am
Ooh! And so, at last, it begins.
This is a great start to an interesting idea. Classic Cowboy over on did a Marvel/HP along these lines and I am most interested to see where you choose to take it.
Your chosen ship particularly caught my attention. I have no problem with H/G. I know some people complain that Ms. Weasley is a Mary Sue. However, when you look at her in canon, that is exactly what she is meant to be. I am sure that you can make an interesting Ginny (indeed you have before) for this different version of Harry's life. I will be interested to see how she is introduced into this story and into Harry's life. Please, no mutant!Ginny. I think it would be better from a storytelling perspective if she were the bridge back to the Wizarding World.
We've already seen how events are affecting Harry's peer group (and others). I can see an imminent Hermione/Ron split. Ron has shown a bit of prejudice and bigotry here and I don't think that Hermione will endure that behaviour. Will Harry forgive her? Possibly, but it won't be a pleasent experience for her until she shows she is really sorry.
Remus and Tonks are likely to back out of the Order now. Tonks especially is idealistic enough that she cannot continue. Besides, is metamorphomagic actually a mutant ability? ;-)
Snape will certainly spill his guts to the first Death Eater he sees about what has happened. However, I'm sure that Dumbledore will continue to insist her is trustworthy.
I found your Dumbledore particularly interesting. Not malign but simply foolish and arrogant.
Overall, this is an interesting start and I will be watching for more.
BenRG's Rating: 8/10
fairylights posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 1:58am
I know nothing of X-Men universe, so this will be interesting!
You could have Harry paired with Dobby for all I care, I'm sure you'd figure out a way to make it work!
Roy C posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 1:19am
dont take this the wrong way but...YOU ASSHOLES!!!!! , you only drop a single chapter on us and now we have wait until you update this fic. Sorry about that had t vent for a moment as I love your writting nad I have been following you two and your twisted visions of the potterverse since you were over on FF. I guess as the saying goes we are passionate about our favorite authors and I will admit that I am absolutely insane about your work...passes cookies to Alyx...runs to hide the llamas and penguins from Bob (you are a sick man)...LOL Anyways hopefully you are going to keep with the bi-weekly post schedule you seem to have set up with previous fics. Much love to you and yours.
Harry2 posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 1:14am
it is a good start to the story, but i was wondering what ginny's excuse was or did she ever writer harry. what about neville and luna?
Kim Griffis posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 7:19am