Sunset Over Britain
Storm Surges at Dusk
By Bobmin
Berkeley posted a comment on Wednesday 7th February 2007 4:20am for Storm Surges at Dusk
If you guys are going to use something that exists in real life, you should research it first. Voodoo dolls aren't used in 'voodoo'. They're from a completely different religion that has come to be associated with Voodoo because American's are stupid, and incapable of doing so much correctly (I am American, so I'm ok with me saying that."
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. I don't think we actually mentioned anything about voodoo "dolls".
As for us using things from real life, we do that quite a bit in this story and if you're complaining about something we didn't even do, you're really going to hate what we've actually done. We twist myths into reality, and resurrect structures long destroyed. At this point, my friend, you have two options: sit on your fingers, or stop reading. In this work of fiction, we, the authors, retain the right to twist, tug, yank and stretch reality until it fits our needs, no matter who it may offend. You've been warned! *Grin*
On the other hand, there are plenty of other stories out there for you to read, including some excellent works by the other authors of this site. We're sure that you will find something to keep you entertained.
Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 20th January 2007 5:36am for Storm Surges at Dusk
Things are starting to get bad, with Amelia and Arthur on a wanted list.
I wonder what Harry done to the Dementors??
Cool, Hermione is also going to have a staff too, that is a great idea.
Oh boy, Giants attacking Hogsmeade, not good. :_( Poppy Pomfrey dead, she was one of Harry’s favorite people.
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 10:31am for Storm Surges at Dusk
What took so long for me to find the story here? nuff said. My son told me about your new site -- and I'm quickly making my way through it.
Arkantos posted a comment on Saturday 11th November 2006 6:30am for Storm Surges at Dusk
...Mindspeakers, beastspeakers, stereospeakers...
i actually fell off the chair.
keep up the good work!
Ravi posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 10:10pm for Storm Surges at Dusk
I've been enjoying this story greatly since I started reading it, but there has been one thing that's been bothering me. I hate to be niggly, but if Voldemort could replace Wortail's entire hand, then why can noone replace the few mucsles in Harry's leg that prevent him from the full range of motion in his leg. Other then that, this has been an entirely enjoyable experience. Please keep writing! Far too few good authors are.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 5:07pm for Storm Surges at Dusk
I'm impressed you killed Pomfrey. Not only is that nicely realistic but I don't think I've seen it done before. In other stories I've read she's always fallen as part of a greater Hogwarts Massacre (yes, it's always capitalised) rather than on her own in a specific way with funeral. Excellent chapters, as always.
Cky Raes posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 5:16pm for Storm Surges at Dusk
First ever Pomfrey death in a story ever!...I think. But I am still gonna stick with you. Keep me updated on the Godzilla attack. XP
sandstar08 posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 3:08am for Storm Surges at Dusk
you know? i think i read that story that you mentioned in your pet peeve. ...
it was loads of fun to make fun of
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 10:16pm for Storm Surges at Dusk
Good chapter, hate Poppy getting killed, she is a favorite.
Obliviate posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 5:04am for Storm Surges at Dusk
Nooooooooooo.... *cries over Poppy*
You evil people!
Let Harry kill Voldemort now, please..
*cries more*
((On second thought, please do NOT kill Voldemort just yet, that would shorten the story too much, and I couldn't survive another week of school without this to look foreward to every time I come home. Thanks!))
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 23rd February 2006 1:24am for Storm Surges at Dusk
That was a novel idea for dealing with a giant, throw him up in the air - very clever and simply elegant almost.
I like the staff idea.
Wonderful characterizations.
Kaza posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2006 5:00am for Storm Surges at Dusk
dont forget spidy senses :D
Tildessmoo posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 7:54pm for Storm Surges at Dusk
Dammit, you made me cry! No one kills Poppy!
In other words, extremely original and touching. I never knew how much I liked Madam Pomfrey until she died...
ThunderGod posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 8:08pm for Storm Surges at Dusk
rereading this chapter still hits me hard that you Killed off Poppy ...murderers could you...
a pointless death...
harry85 posted a comment on Friday 2nd December 2005 11:05pm for Storm Surges at Dusk
This was sad. But war is war, and casualties will be there. Voldie has to take over Britain, and sooner he does that, sooner Harry can kick his ugly ass...
FairyQilan1 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 12:55pm for Storm Surges at Dusk
You bastard, you killed Poppy!
Rowan Mikaio posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 3:44am for Storm Surges at Dusk
I haven't finished the chapter yet but...
I'll be really upset if you kill Pomfrey. *glare*
*reads on*
I like pomfrey...
and is it sad that I'm almost positive about which story you are peeving about?
Rowan Mikaio posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 3:35am for Storm Surges at Dusk
I haven't finished the chapter yet but...
I'll be really upset if you kill Pomfrey. *glare*
*reads on*
quizgirl posted a comment on Saturday 29th October 2005 11:08pm for Storm Surges at Dusk
Yes, what took me so long? I should've made the official request a long time ago! ;)
Awesome chapter. Too bad Pomfrey died, but someone had to, right?
You two rock!!!
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Monday 19th February 2007 10:15am for Storm Surges at Dusk