Content Harry Potter


rosiegirl posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 5:49am

I love that the Order's response to the books is to immediately assume it is someone with bad intentions. Looking forward to their "I could have had a V8" moment when they realize it was Harry! Also looking forward to Harry's reaction that they took his books. Nice use of Hagrid in this chapter, he often gets ignored in these types of stories. Wouldn't mind seeing a Hagrid/Logan wrestling match!! lol

Dragen posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 5:47am

Great start mate, I do like your Standard Disclaimer's, they are very funny, and they are the best part of the story in my option.

So Dumbledore KNEW that he was a mutent. Oh the fucking ass Dumbledore is going to give Harry's friends training and not Harry. But why did he want Harry to know that he is a mutent??

I like how Harry handled his famliy. So it looks like that Harry can go through things, cool.

Oh I like that Jean is Harry's aunt, I think the ass Dumbledore put blocks oh Jean's mind.

Oh I like that Harry is getting books from Grimmauld Place. At least Harry knows what his friends is doing. I like what happened when Harry met Jean.

I do like that Fred and George are on Harry's side.

I have to say how you're going to get Harry and Ginny together, when he hate her and his friends.

I do wonder what else Harry can do, and I can't wait to find out.

Fate posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 5:35am

Wonderful chapter!

redhandgrunt posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 5:24am

Great chapter. It will be interesting how Hagrid fits in around Xaviers for the time. I would love to see a fight between him and Wolverine.

Carol Layland posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 5:05am

This whole story is just wonderful. Please don't keep us waiting for the next update. You really have great things going on here.

David Stanley posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 4:15am

Good story. Nice to see Harry is calming down a bit, and learning the joys having a family that cares. Good to see the Order being shaken up by the revelations of Harry's life outside of Hogwarts, and not just following Dumbledore's old I know best attitude, though he seems to have lost a bit of that as well. Looking forward to more.

RedPhoenix_2k3 posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 4:11am

Another excellent chapter.

I'm happy to see that Harry is adjusting well to having adults that actually care about him. Given what his past experience has been he could have easily become a hermit or worse. Although he does seem to be pulling away from the wizarding world (which I really can't blame him for) he's embracing his new world and trusting people again.

We've only just begun to see the Scott/Jean/Harry interactions but it is clear that Harry has finally found the type of family he would have had if his parents hadn't died.

Ooh, nothing good can come from Dumbledore 'stealing' Harry's books. I'm rather surprised that they didn't have some sort of monitoring charms or portraits keeping an eye on the room from the inside like the portrait that was in Harry and Ron's room.

Can't wait for more Mutant Storm.


keldon posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 4:00am

Yea, as of the 4th the copy-cat story has been removed.

I hope it was just slow reaction time on the admins part, rather than some blatant apathy.

Anyway, great story, I love the whole idea of an x-man crossover, and I look forward to the rest.

wiredwizard posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 3:45am

Bob & Alyx,

Great story so far! Many thanks & here's hoping for many more like it in the future.

(I have to admit, I'm getting images in my head of Hagrid teaming up w/ Logan in a bar brawl/fight. I may have to see if I can track down some decent screencaps for a wp or something. =) )

Wiredwizard out.

Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 3:24am

great chapter. Loved the dialogue between harry and Logan expecially the part about leaving his grumpiness behind. I still haven't had much of a chance to catch up on the X Men yet so i'm not sure what all thier powers are and such. I guess I should do more research so I can understand this story a bit better.

Thanks for the update! Love how you portray Harry and friends. can't wait to see Harry interacting with old friends again and which mutants goto hogwarts.


taxzombie posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 3:07am

Wow! Hermione's explaination of mutants was excellent. Even a rockhead like Ron should have been able to understand it, accept it might be something else.

The interplay between Harry and the X-men was also a delight, loved his clowning around with Logan and Scott's reaction to Harry's flying was also quite enjoyable.

Looks like you've laid the groundwork for some 'pocket jets' among other things. Looking forward to how they come to play in later chapters.

In my review of chapter one I mentioned that I didn't see why Harry would want to go back, as there really isn't anything in Britian for him to return to, people wise at least. Now with him finally being able to block out Tom even he isn't a draw on the self preservation side.
That said I can see where you've laid some solid groundwork for him to return. Not for them but for himself. Sounds like it's time for some folks to invest in sweaters and refreashing thier knowledge of warming charms to get ready for the cold shoulders they are going to be receiving.

As for Ron the Git, he might want to invest in some band-aids as it looks like he's going to be leading with this chin. His green eye'd monster may be leading him to a black and blue shiner. (Or it should be)

I thank you for a most interesting chapter. As with all you material it is an O+.

icybaer posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 2:32am

Hey there,
you made my day with this new chapter of Mutant Storm. Thanks for writing your storys. Or is it storries? Don't know. What I know is that I like them very much and it's a shame, that didn't remove Britain's Darkest Hour earlier. When I checked, it was gone so I don't send them an email like I would have done if it still had been there.


94caddy posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 2:15am

I am wondering who the other mutant is at Hogwarts. And I hope Harry is able to get the rest of his books before they move them.

Lady_Readwolf posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 2:03am

This is very interesting, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you'll take it.
Happy writing!

Clell65619 posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 1:37am

- Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

- Why is it I have a feeling that the 'other mutant' will turn out to be Ginny?

Tanydwr posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 1:36am

I think you're brilliant.

Bonkers. But brilliant.

proftlb posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 1:07am

Excellent chapter, as always - I particularly enjoyed Scott's reaction to Harry's first flying lesson:) I'm definitely intrigued by Dumbledore's mention of another mutant in Hogwarts...not a whole lot of change from folks in the Order in this chapter, but that was a nice teaser! Glad to hear that they finally removed that stolen copy of your story - that was an absurd delay on's part, but at least they finally removed their head from their sphincter and did something about it. Thanks for sharing this with all of us, I'm really enjoying it!

Roy C posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 12:45am

okay I am slightly annoyed that it took more than the normal two weeks (kidding) to get an update for this fic. yet again another phenom chappy to this fic curve. Looking forward to more. I will agree that I would have been pissed if someone tried jacking my work too and I tried to follow the link to the boosted fic and it has been removed. Admitedly it may have taken them a bit to do it, hell I know hte author who jacked Like a Sister had damn near 200 hits calling them a thief before that fic was pulled down, so anyways its GONE now so I will end this as I am rambling.

dic posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 12:44am

I think I didn't review the first chapter when it first came out, so I really have to write something now. I don't have to say anything about writing style, that's good, has been good for a long time, and, I guess, will only get better.
content-wise, I was a bit disappointed by the first chapter, because there seemed to be not much original ideas in it compared to other hp/xmen xovers... but that was the first chapter, and somehow one has to bring these two worlds togehter, so it's okay, I guess...
I really like the second chapter, though. harry training, flying, teaching, all written well and very enjoyable. thank you. if by any chance you have already finished this story and are only letting out one chapter a month to torture us poor readers, I would be very thankful if you could send me the whole thing... if not, it's okay too... I'll just be at home eagerly awaiting the next chatper.

greetz dic

Jujuberry posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 12:43am

Great chapter! Thanks so much for the fun update.

On a side note- NOT the BUFFY DVDS! The Horror! The Horror! :D