By Bobmin
silentjackal posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 9:23pm
please keep up with the writing! I enjoy your stories immensely and will miss you horribly if you stop writing.
your information makes me glad that I have moved all my own attempts at fan fiction over to
Laura8 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 9:17pm
I am a huge fan of Sunset and Sunrise. Mutant Storm has all the hallmarks of being just as wonderful as those stories and I think you guys are very talented writers. After reading your author's note at the end of Ch. 2, I went to to read Britain's Darkest Hour and lodge a complaint against it. To my surprise I couldn't find the story under either the link you provided or the story name. I don't know whether finally removed the story or if the so called author changed the title again. Please don't let the actions of some untalented person that believes others are as idiotic as themselves, and the administrators of one site, make you not want to continue your wonderful works of genius. Those of us that love your work read it on and will stand behind you no matter what.
NateGold posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 9:12pm
Another excellent chapter, although I would have liked a bit more about Harry's first days there as well as what was going on back in Brtain. I anticipate eagerly a confrontation between Snape and Jean/Professor X. Looking forward to a Major mental beat down.
By the way, I tried to access the plagiarized work after filing a complaint..looks like it has finally been yanked, as it couldn't find the story.
Hope this eases your mind a bit, and looking forward to more.
Ebbie posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 9:08pm
I just tried to find the story on FF.Net and I think that they have removed it. Please don't let the actions of a thief and the administrator's at FF.Net discourage you from writing. You are such talented writers; please please keep writing. You have many talented fans who anxiously await new chapters and new stories. Thank you so much for sharing your imaginations and talent with your faithful readers.
redjacobson posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 9:06pm
I've already reviewed, and sent a complaint about the plagiarism (is that correct? I did a spell check, and that's what came out)
Anyway, I find myself very much enjoying the story, even though I don't particularly care for or about the X-Men; I do like the way the relationship between Harry and Scott and Jean is developing.
It was a nice surprise to see Hagrid getting some use in your story, and actually seeing him do something besides be "Dumbledore's Man"
My major complaint is that the chapter was too darn short! I'm hooked on this story, and want to see what happens next!
There! I hope that qualifies as a real review, and not "Gr8t Chptr! Write MOAR!" *GRIN*
See ya next chapter
David9 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 9:01pm
Hey there,
This is a great start for a story I'd love to see continued. It is most definally not a cross I expected to ever read and enjoy. Thank you very much for changing that fact.
As to your author's note I attempted to look at the story to see if it was still there and it appears to have been removed! It looks like your actions provoked them into action finally.
Once again, thanks for the enjoyment of your story.
Andrew Niehaus posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 8:55pm
I want MY MTV.
Well, it looks like they finaly puleld the story. Don't be too hard on the good people who are in charge at their all fucking idiots.
This is a great story, and I do hope you continue with it. I can't wait to see what happens next, expecially if Hermione and Ginny are able to make ammends with Harry.
Revan_Lah posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 8:48pm
Apparently, FFnet deleted the story. Maybe that they listened you after all.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 8:47pm
Quick note, I just tried to bring up Britain's Darkest Hour and it was gone, seems finally wised up and yanked the little thief. Outstanding chapter, this has been a great story, I'm a little curious as to how your going to wind up making Harry/Ginny work after the mess the Weasleys' and Hermione have made of their relationship with Harry (I'm don't object to the pairing, I've been following your work since Dumbledore's Army and Spiritus Crystalus.) A lot of building towards some potentially great things in this chapter, outstanding work as usual, thank you.
uncle_rand posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 8:43pm
Great story. Any chance of Colossus being in it?
P.S. It looks like they took it down.
Jim posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 8:43pm
Hi guys!
Love the story! But I agree with a previous review - can we get some llamas here? :)
Don't be discouraged from some butt-wipe that steals. They say that imitation is the sincerest from of flattery, but stealing is stealing!
That being said - After sending an e-mail I tried to access the story on and it's gone now. Apparently someone lent them a flashlight and they managed to find and pull their head from their own ass and do the right thing. :)
striker69 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 8:35pm
good news the copy of you storie has been removed so your plan worked lol.
vl100butch posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 8:32pm
please don't let this bastard grind you down!!!!
maybe it's time to hit where it hurts....start going to their advertisers and explaining the situation....then say you will not buy anything from then unless gets their act together...
sparrownightmare posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 7:48pm
I am very angry that some complete moron did this. I will send an email to that effect to I will also send flames to the morons who did this.
Thank you for continuing to write. You two are some of the best writers I've seen. I have enjoyed all of your work so far and this one in particular. Please continue.
Messages have been sent. You should check into the legal ramifications and remove all work that you still have on and put it up here.
helva2260 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 7:32pm
I have three things to say to you (if I can get my head organised enough!):
The first is, my email to is pushing and shoving its way through all the other electrons, and I hope it'll do some good.
Secondly, and relatedly, I took a look at the TOS, which I haven't done for a while, and I'd forgotten there was such a long list of things you have to do when reporting that someone's pinched your story - I don't suppose the delay in their action could simply be due to them not having enough information to act on? Probably not, but I thought I'd mention, just in case.
Thirdly, I'm really enjoying Mutant Storm, as I have all your previous stories, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the way all the little details continue to unfold. I particularly loved Hermione's demonstration of genetics with the salt cellars, and Harry's... well, pretty much everything about Harry's new experiences!
P.S. I hope your motivation recovers well - have you tried putting Arnica cream on it? It's very good for bruises!
mastapsi posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 7:30pm
Good chapter. I am too tired to write a better review than that.
Don't get too discouraged! Rather, be encouraged that nearly everyone who has posted a review there knew that it was your work.
C Wong posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 7:28pm
Not too long ago, someone decided they were going to try to pass off Sunset Over Britain as their own work, renaming it and reposting it as Britain's Darkest Hour over on Now several people, myself included called them on it, so they modified the file to include a small disclaimer at the bottom of the file stating they were copying the first chapter as a way of creating awareness of this story.
Bob & Alyx
As much as I don't agree with DCMA, it is the law. Have you considered sending a legal take down notice? As being yoy two are the copyright holders, has to comply or be in violation of Federal law.(and subject to penalties)
Now for the fun part, Great story. Alyx, New York is slightly closer to South America than England, so maybe you could reasonably work a llama into the story. (?)
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 7:13pm
Done, along with a little dig comparing them with a site where I do post fanfic and stated that their behavior so far has ensured that any fanfic I post that would fit on FFN will go elsewhere instead. I started with the elegant letter posted in your group and then adapted it to my situation. 'Twill be interesting to see what, if any, response I get.
Now, on to the story. It looks like Hermione and Ginny are starting to learn a few things about the real world; albeit "too little, too late" to make much difference with Harry for the nonce. I do like the way he's developing and maturing and I have to take pleasure from Snape's experiences at Voldemort's wand. 'Twill be interesting to see, in some 12 years time, how Harry might interface with the "pilot's associate" fitted to the F-35 or a magical equivalent (it's not yet a R2 unit, but the basic concept is there). Oh, you didn't quite get the full Gulfstream designation; it should be a GIII or GIV; considering the timeframe, I'd think a GIV would be the one in production (The GV would be in airworthiness fight testing at that time). *chuckle* Trust an aircraft enthusiast to catch that. ::grin::
Anyway, I can just imagine how Dumbledore will react to finding out that Harry's been adopted by his Aunt and her husband and that trying anything on them could be detrimental to his continued health. I rather suspect that Fudge is going to be perturbed when he finds out that Harry is now protected by the US DoM, who likely have the numbers on their side if a showdown takes place.
Thank you, again, for another thoroughly enjoyable chapter.
DrT posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 7:06pm
I'll note that it took over two months to remove the first chapters of one of my stories as well.
RE: black salt grain. Hermione would have been better off with three salt shakers -- one all white for Muggle, one with one changed grain for magic, and one with two for Harry.
Overall, good chapter. I am surprised that Hermione has written yet; she would be able to find the address of the school
bmatsea posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 9:40pm