By Bobmin
caitlinrennes posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 6:57pm
I don't normally review, but as requested, I despatched an e-mail to about this blatant forgery.
Please do not let this idiot destroy your motivation, you have many thousands of admirers of your work. Let them be your inspiration.
jhbwolverine posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 6:44pm
Great chapter you guys. I sent an e-mail about your plagiarized fic. Sorry to hear that happened but don't let it get you down. You still have legions of rabid fans eagerly awaiting the fanfiction gold that pours from your brilliant skulls. You wouldn't want us to have to go hunting for that gold up there ourselves would you? The last time I did any brain surgery was when I dissected a frog in 9th grade biology, and the only surgical tools I have are bosch electric drill and a rusty carpet knife.
Matt T posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 6:37pm
Consider the support e-mail sent guys... do people actually think that authors don't notice the "surprising similarities" when their work is copied?
Onto the story... What can i say? You've tied in the X-verse to the HP canon very neatly, so neatly that i half expect the Scarlet Witch to whip out her wand (not like that) and blast Voldie in the nuts (exactly like that) But from here... what is the darkness Harry teleports through? Is it similar to Nightcrawler's ability, or something... darker? Can't wait to find out!
sunrisesunset posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 6:28pm
I love the thought of Harry as a Star Trek fan. ^^ While it's true that kids brought up magically gain a slight advantage early on at Hogwarts, look at all the things they miss out on!
I don't think you could have written the parts showcasing Harry's love of learning unless the two of you were/are the same. That's awesome. Learning is life - how can you ever stop?
On a more serious note: I am deeply sorry that some punk's nasty little action has dampened your enthusiasm for the creation of fanfiction. I have been following the two of you as fanfic authors for the last three years and have been consistently titillated, amused, stunned, and entertained by your creative works. Please don't let this incident take away from you the passion that means so much to us readers - and even more to you, yourselves.
Of course, in no way do I condone that prat's behavior. I have sent the following email to (NOT ; that is no longer the correct email address):
To the kind staff of
It has been brought to my attention that the author AustinHP91 ( has recently posted the first chapter of a story that does not belong to him.
The story posted by AustinHP91 is titled Britain's Darkest Hour. The first (and so far, only) chapter was uploaded on June 6, 2008.
The original story, posted by bobmin, is titled Sunset Over Britain. The first chapter was uploaded on September 12, 2005.
As further proof that bobmin is the true author, you will notice that the above page also contains links to the other 24 chapters of Sunset Over Britain.
A sequel titled Sunrise Over Britain, also by bobmin, can be found here:
Because the chapters are rated "Mature", you will need a account to see the text of either fic.
I have taken the liberty of creating an account for you, to facilitate the removal of the copied work.
Username: Support@FanFiction.Net
Password: pleasehelp
I am confident that you will take the proper action. Thank you for your time.
Hopefully, that will do the trick.
Cheer up. Life is too much fun to waste by being angry.
Damon Ring posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 6:04pm
Hey guys,
don't let some low-life with no imagination of his own and the integrity of a snail bring you down. I have been a fan of your work ever since i read the first chapter of D.A.
Your stories have helped keep me sane in some of the most dangerous places in the world (Iraq, Afghanistan and Wales, ok maybe not Wales) and with an upcoming deployment in the wind again i will once more be relying on your updates to escape for an hour or so. So please, please don't stop...or i'll be forced to send the boys around for a word, and not even Alan Rickman could save you!
On a serious note (no, really) I am really enjoying the first two chapters and am looking forward to where this is going, just one question, are you planning on killing Ron off again? You seem to be setting him up to be Reductor bait. And will you be featuring any of the other x-men? My favourites are Nightcrawler and Shadowcat. That was two questions, sorry!
archean posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 6:00pm
Another awesome chapter, i love it. Especially the latter part about dual citizenship and all. Giving HP something he never had .... choices and a normal family life
Thanks for sharing.
ginnyrocks posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 5:56pm
I absolutly love this story. It was to the point that I was chcking three or four times per day to see if you guys updated. I know you have written a lot of this story but I would have liked to see other Xmen.especially Kitty and Kurt being that their powers are similar to Harry's. Oh well, those two are members of Excalibur(the UK Xmen) so they could conceivably meet up when Harry goes home. Who am I to complain. Just keep writing, you are too good not to.
ps Email is on the way
Nicholas Baldwin posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 5:56pm
Please don't be disheartened by thieves,'s admins may sometimes be a bit lax, hypocritical, stupid, etc, but the people at are awesome... Now a days i pretty much stick to FFA, and only stray to other sites on recommendations. Im just trying to remind you that even tho there are bad eggs out there, there are also apparently 7000 registered fans (and no doubt thousands more un registered) ready and eager for your (and bob's) next piece of work.
Bferbear posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 5:42pm
Email duly sent. A passive harassment campaign is always fun ;)
Excellent chapter. I am very much looking forward to the direction you are taking this.
carlelonex posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 5:33pm
we will all do our best in my class to help
Albus Brian Dumbledore posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 5:30pm
Best story I've ever read. Always wanted to read about HP/Xmen. GREAT
MadMax666 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 5:08pm
An excellent story, and I do hope that you will not allow the mess over at to curb you from writing further.
What I find strange about the whole matter is that, usually, is very quick to respond to complaints about violations of their TOS. Too bad you didn't include any song lyrics in the story, as that would have made pull it immediately...
Please keep up the good work.
Stoppelchen1977 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 4:49pm
(Sorry for bad english, but i am an german Fan. ^^) Hi there, i really like youre style of writing and enjoy each story of you. If anyone takes one of youre storys, rename it and repost it at, i think this would speak for the weakness of the "thief" himself.
Please don ´t let this stop youre great storys. I think, youre Fans (like me) help you and write to the Admin(s) of
My mail should entering their Mailboxes now. ^^
Drake posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 4:47pm
Message Sent: Stolen Fanfic
The staff at has always been the bane of many good, and some not so good, authors. I myself was slighted a number of years ago, and never retained the love of fan fiction that I use to hold.
Another great story by the way. Wish I had a donut to wash it down with )':
Oldwolf posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 4:38pm
On the subject of writing, I hope you keep it up. I look forward to every new chapter very eagerly.
Now, as to the story itself, I'm glad to see Harry responding so well Professor X. After Dumbledore, he'd be entitled to be a bit paranoid about old men. I'm also glad to see Harry reacting so well to Logan. Wolverine may be foul mouthed and surly, but he's very honest and upfront, both of which Harry needs at present.
I wonder how long it will be before Snape outs Harry's location to Tommy. It's pretty much just a matter of time.
Why would Fudge think Harry would do anything for him except curse and hex him? Maybe Lucy implanted a compulsion or suggestion. Oh well, it's going to get interesting if nothing else.
Rufus posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 4:33pm
Dear Bob and Alyx,
Of course we'll use that address...
In regards to your motivation to write, I can understand the blow. I just ask you not to stop writing those fantastic stories you brought us so far. I've read Sunset and Sunrise five times each... And I recommand it (without the need to steal it and publish it under another name) to every person looking for a good fic and not knowing you exist...
In Re: Mutant Storm, I just want to say that this is the beginning of something of equal quality as sunset or sunrise. I'll be waiting (patiently) for the next installment.
Peter_Clarke posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 4:22pm
I have to agree with you about people who steal anothers work they deserve to be committed to the deepest and hottest part of hell. I had a quick look at the link. At the bottom of the chapter the poster gives all credit to you and suggests that to read the rest of it we come to this site.
A/N: So, this is a story that was deleted from fanfic cuz it had extremely long authors notes and some guy got all pissy and flipped out. To read the rest of it, go to Bobmin356's profile and follow the link. Just trying to creat awareness for the best story out there! :-) P.S., on their site it's called 'Sunset Over Britain"
So far I have enjoyed every one of your stories and this one seems to be heading the same way.
Yunaine posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 3:54pm
Thanks for the update, loved reading it further.
Sending Hagrid was indeed the best way to go further since everyone else would be "circumcept" (?)
Damn I really need to learn some more words in English, school has been too long ago xD
I sent a mail to fanfiction -again-. I'm starting to wonder what criteria they do use to remove stories.
I once reported a story over three times because of blatant rape of 7-9year olds, in the story it was eventually glossed over and nobody was even punished for it. I finally gave up, those admins really need to grow a brain. I'm starting to wonder when they'll ignore the wrong person that won't stop at mailing and take it to court. Oh well, their problem.
Tuomas Heikkinen posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 3:47pm
I Will certainly be posting a complaint to after i have posted this review. You two are best active writers in current fanfiction and new chapter from you always brightens my day
James Barber posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 7:04pm