By Bobmin
CaffeineAddict posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:09pm
A polite complaint has been lodged with the support team over at, I sincerely hope they are able to facilitate the removal of their craniums from their posteriors long enough to result in the eradication of this disgusting example of blatant skulduggery by an otherwise unimaginative buffoon. Unfortunately, at this point I wouldn't hold my breath.
Although you know you're good at what you do when those less intelligent try to rip off your work, not that that's any kind of consolation...
Jonathan Northwood posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:06pm
You can damnsure bet I've put in my (politely worded) two cents worth.
willyjoeshow posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:04pm
A) I have sent a abuse report to on the story. (Which was great btw [it and sunrise]) So I hope another report helps.
2) The current story is, as expected, Great and I certainly, can't wait to read the next update.
D.5) Have a great 4th of July.
jim5 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:03pm
I sent the email, like you asked, then went over and looked at the I could only take about two pages of reviews. One arthur over there had a good idea which I will be doing myself, and that was removing his stories from the site. I don't have many over there, but I think that if the administators won't lift a hand, then maybe a show of writers removing their work might prompt some action.
Ok onto your story I like the ideas that your showing, and can't wait to see how the Salem trip goes.
ladysavay posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:02pm
Loved the chapter and everything else to date and followed your suggestion to mail a complaint to
I can't understand why they have yet to remove this, but I hope this helps.
More of this great story would be wonderful.
Lady Savay
Kail posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 12:25pm
I love the chapter, guys. Very good work.
I'm also one of those who've reported the theft previously. I also made the personal choice to remove all my posted works from while leaving a very pointed note in my bio on why I was doing it, and trying to figure a way to make it a very public to-do in the faces of the staff.
I am very taken by your suggestion, though, and rest assured I'm on my way there right now to do just that.
It's easier than posting my protest as a story in every catergory I can before being blackballed....
Shadalarion2 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 12:21pm
Where is Dobby and Winky? I would think that both those house-elfs would be with Harry or helping him get all those books from the Black Estate thereby preventing dumbles and moldymoron from using them or destorying them.
Anyway looking forward to more chapters.
smhalcyon posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 12:13pm
Excellent new chapter. I am looking forward to reading more and hope the incident on FFn does not dishearten you to stop writing all together.
bobman posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 12:09pm
Great Chapter as always. This story looks like it is going to be absolutely amazing. But the correct email address to complain to is, not .net.
Jearom posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 12:08pm
An excellent chapter! I eagerly await the next installment.
I also wanted to say that I sent an email to as you asked we readers do. I am saddened to see that this whole episode has soured the two of you on fan fiction. I hope it is only temporary and you continue to write your excellent stories.
sblackfan posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 12:06pm
Email sent, however my first email to was bounced back to me. I went through the terms of service and they list as the email to use to report violations. I don't know if both work and my email was just being picky, but I wanted to let you know.
The chapter was amazing as always!! Who cares that I was suppose to be getting things ready for tomorrow's activities. New chapters of your stories always come first :) I really enjoyed the growing relationship between Scott and Harry. It's nice to see Harry have a true father figure.
I hope that removes that story soon and I will look forward to your next chapter!
Thanks for the fantastic work you guys do!!!
Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 12:05pm
Well,there is a report abuse section with "not the property of uploading author" subsection in review system.i have used that,and will be sending that mail also.
on another note,you say you took a major blow to your motivation.but consider this,that writer knew he/she was going to be found out sooner or later,but still took the chance.instead of taking it as a blow,why don't you consider this as a completement.people buy wallpapers off the street in pocket change,but consider loosing life or limb for only real classic arts.
i know i am not explaining this properly due to my lack of language skills,but what i am trying to say is,if your work is something other found worth stealing,take heart that your work is that good.
it doesn't excuse the theft,but proves the quality of your work.
As for admins of,i never had any rwason to ineract with them,but heard many stories over the years,and there is a reason you are at
anonymous5 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 12:01pm
This makes me ill. thanks for bringing it to our attention. Email has been sent.
(Great chapter!!)
Orion posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 11:51am
First off, I hope that all the positive reviews you get for this will help to restore your motivation. I was extremely pleased to see the next chapter of this. It is so far an excellent piece of fan fiction, and I can't wait to see what sort of story it shapes into.
Kudos, especially for how well you've written the interaction between Harry and his new family.
I would like to see a bit of interaction between Harry and some of the students. It might already be cliche at this point, but Rogue (for example) might be someone that Harry could relate to, due to how her powers isolate her. I am thinking a friendship situation, not romantic, as you've clearly stated it will be Harry/Ginny.
Speaking of Harry/Ginny, I'm really looking forward to seeing how Harry's feelings about his 'friends' change from this chapter to future chapters.
Now, as for the other issue, I have notified FFN as requested. I hope the support you get from us, your fans, makes up for some of the bitterness that the idiot (and the idiotic site that does nothing about it) have generated. I'm considering removing my works in protest . . . not that anyone will miss a dozen unfinished (and mostly barely started) fics that haven't been updated in at least 2 years.
Wolfric posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 11:49am
Another fine effort from you both. I know tumshie has removed his/her stories from FFN in protest of your plagerism problem. I am truly sorry that this has come to pass. I don't understand what would motivate someone to steal your work; your work certainly has value but nobody can sell it for cash or drugs. I can't imagine that there is any selfesteem to be had by garnering reviews for somebody elses work. Well anyway I will send an email as you suggested. Thank you so much for your work. W.
tangentsferret posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 11:30am
OK, after much struggle I have sent them something nice and polite.
Please, oh please, don't be unmotivated!
(Proffers Milk Duds, a large tortoise, several pounds of cat hair, a really pretty marble, and a bazooka.) Here, have presents!
Dave McCombs posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 11:29am
Another wonderful chapter. I have contacted as you requested and added to the cacophony. I'm hoping it will do some good.
To whom this may concern:
There is a story on your site, "Britain's Darkest Hour", located at This piece was blatantly stolen from other authors and posted to That story can be found here: Now, I know your Terms Of Service strictly prohibit plagiarism, and I am extremely curious as to why you people are not conforming to your own rules by allowing that story to remain.
I'm sure you know by now the news of this blatant piece of thievery and your lack of reaction to it is all over the Internet.'s reputation is circling the drain even as I type. I encourage you to do the right thing and remove "Britain's Darkest Hour". Take it down now while you might still have something to save.
Dave McCombs
QOShea posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 11:27am
Just checked the email address for support and it is '', not .net.
Great chapter btw :)
Viridian posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 11:23am
The aftermath of the flying lesson had me giggling out of control - I nearly passed out. I saw it coming the minute Scott offered to show Harry around the jump-jet, but that didn't make it any less enjoyable!
Hagrid was a good choice to send to Harry - he's too sincere and open (some might say stupid, but I like him) to be devious and Harry knows it. Jean and Xavier would see that in about 2 seconds as well.
I wonder how Harry will react when he realizes his books were stolen...
Michael10 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 1:18pm