By Bobmin
Jewelle posted a comment on Saturday 21st June 2008 9:07am
Good story. I look forward to where you take it.
sparrownightmare posted a comment on Saturday 21st June 2008 2:08am
I've been checking several times a day for the latest chapter. I think this is your best effort so far :)
hyperbookslover posted a comment on Friday 20th June 2008 6:30am
i love this story. i found your site through please write more.
DAMNED posted a comment on Thursday 19th June 2008 9:41pm
keep it comming
ahsun92 posted a comment on Wednesday 18th June 2008 6:39am
I Like?
It's a odd sort of fic, combining two things that should be fail for any DLPer but isn't.
In this case it is crossover and H/G ship. Also quite as bit of cliches. However, due to the quality standard of the writing this has passed, (barely!) the point of crappy cliche fic to the rather good cliche fic. Hopefully you develop the fic beyond most other cliches, but understandably some would be needed.
Anyhoo, keep up the good work!
mwinter posted a comment on Wednesday 18th June 2008 2:51am
As I sit here, staring at the screen, waiting upon the creative duo to update once more, I wonder what other pieces of my body are going to give out. My eyes have been twitching for days, my body screaming for sleep, my brain screaming against them all tirelessly awaiting the next chapter. Oh the humanity. I have finally figured out however the two of you are going to take over this planet of ours. Make all await your next installment of Mutant Storm and when we’re all asleep. BAM. You take over. I don’t care as long as you put up the next chapter. Oh and when can I be branded next?
katiedidnt365 posted a comment on Wednesday 18th June 2008 2:01am
I love your story I've only read 1 chapter and im already hooked.=) please update soon!!!
Davidjanetamplen posted a comment on Tuesday 17th June 2008 10:41pm
I am really enjoying this, even though what I know about the X-Men would fit on the head of a pin. Y'all are such talented writers (I try, but I'm nowhere near your level...sigh). I won't pester for updates since I don't want Alyx coming after me <g> but I am looking forward to it very much.
Mariposa posted a comment on Tuesday 17th June 2008 9:25pm
I LOVE HP/XMen crossovers! This is off to a quick start and you've got me hooked. About how often do you think you'll update?
pointer3109 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th June 2008 4:27pm
"after Jean and I give him some memories, start bringing him up to speed academically"
Welcome to Xavier's School for Gifted Children. If they weren't gifted before they got there, they will be before they leave.
Enjoyed it.
I would have expected Hermione to have been smarter than that. Too many people know about the training to keep it a secret.
FireStorm posted a comment on Tuesday 17th June 2008 5:46am
I like where you are taking this story, and I look forward to the next chapter in it. Keep up the great work
canteyn posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 12:30pm
They won't abandon the story unless they say they will.... and they did say they won't start posting this story until they were at least at the half way point. So with that said and since they haven't shown any sign of abandoning it, I would say we will have a great story by the time they finish posting it all. So far this story is absolutely incredible!!!
Maximum posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 11:12am
Brilliant story - if you stop, I will track you down and hold you hostage over a keyboard until you've finished. Best mutantHarry story I've started.
Anita Livings posted a comment on Sunday 15th June 2008 6:27pm
This is the first time I have sent a review. I have read the first chapter of Mutant Storm and so far like what I have read. As to the ships question, I don't care about what ships you put together, to me it is always the story that is important. Look forward to reading more.
Ron posted a comment on Sunday 15th June 2008 8:18am
Just one question? What was Jean's name before she was obliviated? It doesn't make sense that two daughters would have flower names, and the third, a twin even, wouldn't.
mathmans posted a comment on Sunday 15th June 2008 4:32am
I like where this is going I hope you write more soon.
Mihir posted a comment on Sunday 15th June 2008 4:28am
great chapter! It lives up to your standards (as usual) as good as sunrise ... and sunset ... (just finished reading both of them)
so when's the next chapter? I can't wait. I want to know what will happen to Hermione and Ron ... i hope you don't redeem them ... it would be nice for a change to have Hermione in the wrong ... so far, you guys have been doing Ron a lot. I also want to find out how Ginny will factor in this. Finally, I am curious as to what will be Draco Malfoy's and Snape's standing in this story ... Hope you update soon!
fyrecat posted a comment on Sunday 15th June 2008 3:56am
AArgh! You evil b@5t@rd5!
How can you post ONLY ONE CHAPTER of a story this good?!?!?
Samantha posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 12:44pm
Good to see you guys are back with an even better story. So far am enjoying the story but since I don't actually know anything about this Xmen thing I can't really comment on how well you are portraying that side of the cross-over. To me this is a whole new take on Harry Potter so am prepared to give you full points for creativity. One concern however - will there be any mutant Llamas harmed in the making of this story?
T. B. Cummings posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2008 1:12am