Content Harry Potter


liquidfyre posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 9:15am

UPDAAAAAAATE *falls to the floor shuddering and crying as withdrawal pains wrack his broken and twisted body*

StarrySkies posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 2:11am

This is a wonderful idea. I've seen Harry Potter/X-Men crossovers before, but they've been poorly done. I think I've read perhaps one other decent one, and it had been abandoned. I have to admit, after looking at the summary for this I wasn't going to read it because it was a HP/X-Men crossover. But the I realized who it was by, and decided to give it a try.

I really loved it! The feelings and emotions that your characters feel really come through in the writing. I always enjoy reading what you two write, but this was spectacular! Thank you for giving this to us. posted a comment on Friday 13th June 2008 5:41am

It is OFFICIAL, a fan fiction story brought me to tears. You wrote Jean beautifully so far and I can not wait for Logans appearance.

makieus posted a comment on Thursday 12th June 2008 11:50pm

Well going on my last review, again WOW. (And I don't mean by my 70 Feral Horde Druid either) Like any true writer, the two of you seem to get better and better. I can only hope that Ron doesn't turn into a complete douche, but this is your story, and I am more than sure you have planned out, and are not writing by the seat of your pants. Looking forward to the next update!

(Oh no cannon Nazi from me, I am not a big fan of cannon fics, although I will let you borrow my
AK-57 Uzi Radar Laser triple-barrel Double-Scope Heat sneaking shotgun should you run into any... Or dumbldore, snape etc....

thewisesirivanthes posted a comment on Thursday 12th June 2008 1:57am

At the very last line they finally own up to the fact that it is yours not their story.

thewisesirivanthes posted a comment on Thursday 12th June 2008 1:55am

Someone has copied the first chapter of Sunset over at Here is the URL to the stolen work:

Steve's Place posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 2:46pm

Oh you two are good. I don't much care anymore what sort of pairing you two come up with, I will read anything you two grant us with.

Hey, still got the Lamas? LOL


liquidfyre posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 1:14pm

*makes an evil eye at yall* UPDATE

*makes puppy dog eyes and sniffles* update?

*makes his eyes wide and cute and innocent then sniffles slightly as they start to glisten and asks in a pitiful tone* Update?

rosiegirl posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 5:16am

Very good story so far.

madmanhg posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 2:37am

i'll start by saying that i have finished all of your stories within the past week and now started to read this one and i have one thing to say -

you guys ROCK in writing these stories. i have to rank your stories as the best i have ever read and your disclaimers are freaking sweet.
gonna be waiting anxiously for the next update =D

hpfirecracker posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 1:17am

I don't know what I like the best. Your stories or disclaimers. Both are very entertaining. Wonderful chapter. Can't wait to read the next. I hope DD gets his arse blown off. Or at least handed to him on a log. Something tells me Dumbledore is up to no good and will not be leaving Harry alone. Until next time.

sparrownightmare posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 12:20am

Yet another wonderful alternate universe story.

I can't wait to see more. I think I'm looking forward to Jean taking issue with Snape for his 'teaching' of occlumency to Harry :)

Ravnos posted a comment on Tuesday 10th June 2008 10:18pm

Wow, that is certainly a different take on the story. I really like the fact that Harry has other family, creating another betrayal in a long line from Dumbles. The characters haven't had a chance to be well developed yet but you are certainly getting there. Please continue soon!

Heir of Gryffindor posted a comment on Tuesday 10th June 2008 2:06pm

this story is amazing. i had read something similar, but it had nowhere near the depth that this one has. great job. write a new chapter soon.

agouraki posted a comment on Tuesday 10th June 2008 1:12pm

nice just if you could forget hogwarts for some years, its getting boring all the stories about it.

beauty01021 posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 2:45pm

yeah this sounds great so far can't wait for more so please update agian and soon.

FrequencyQueen posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 12:14pm

Harry seems like quite a handful right now, and I'm hoping you let him express his feelings and go off on Dumbledore. His mutant abilities are interesting but can easily slide into uber if you're not careful. Nice plot with originality.

Katherine Summers posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 10:48am

OMG absolutely awesome! best of both worlds right here!

RNCybergate posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 2:54am

Interesting plot line.
Extremely eye catching.
Unique in the Harry Potter series.
Well written.
I can hardly wait to see the next few chapters.

In short...I absolutely love it!!!

Keep up the brilliant work.


Jarvey posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 9:06pm

I'm very interested in seeing where this will go.