By Bobmin
withfujkilp9087528nvhc posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 2:45pm
Hurray! A cool update, I can't believe you combined Broom, with flying jets! That was very cool of you by the way!
tintin posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 2:34pm
Interesting story but i really would like to know if this is Harry/Ginny ff or another H/Hr. I love your first H/G fics and im not a fan of H/Hr. I`m sorry i know its lame but i just cant seem to like H/Hr together, so if you just give a hint who will be with harry that would be appreciated. Is it going to be Ron and Dumbledore bashing too? Cool.
jalva200 posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 2:10pm
Im glad they took the fic down, and i hope that stupid ass SOB burns in hell for that shit.
As for the fic, thought the A/N in the beginning was actually the start of this chapter lol, loving it alot! One of the very few HP/Xman xovers that i have liked at all so i hope you keep it up!
Update soon cause i love your storys! posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 1:17pm
Outstanding chapter!!!! I'll take a hot dip in the wax then I wont have to shave!!!! Will Harry still be friends with Hermione when he comes back to Hogwarts???? Will Harry be friends with any of the people he was friends with before he left???? Will Harry stay a British citizen or become an American Citizen???? Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please!!!!:):):):)
tw posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 1:15pm
another brilliant chapter! The wait was more than worth it for such a great reward!
Here are your doughnuts....Amazing! No Calories!
wwwendy posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 1:07pm
Always ready for another Harry Potter story, esp one from you guys.
Though I'm a bit curious (dare I say worried?) about the Ginny aspect. How and why does Harry forgive her, much less start a relationship with her when she was also being trained by the order (granted, she didn't write a letter and lie about it, but she didn't write a letter and tell him either)
and my curiousness/worriedness has nothing to do with the fact that I'm not a big Harry/Ginny fan. honestly. It doesn't. not a bit. :)
Patches posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 12:48pm
This is really good. I am so impressed by the scope of training Harry is receiving. It is really good that he is training his Aunt Jean to do magic. The mental training they are giving Harry is really good since it will protect him from Voldemort's prying and manipulations. The flying of jet planes is excellent. Someone who loves to fly like Harry does would take to it like a duck to water. I am surprised that they haven't looked into Lasic surgery for Harry's eyes. Contacts are an improvement though. Voldemort will think Harry's vision has been repaired. I am so glad that Hagrid was the one to be sent to talk to Harry. Hagrid would never hurt Harry intentionally. That and Hagrid has no prejudice. He knows what that kind of attitude is like first hand. He would never inflict it on someone else. I am really enjoying this story and I love the long chapters. Some authors put out chapters that are only 6 to 10 pages. I appreciate them but yours are much better. Thank you for writing and I will be sending an e-mail to ff about Sunrise. No one should use or take any part of anyone's story and use it as their own without permission of the original writer. That is just wrong. I have read stories where authors for one reason or another cannot finish the story. They have allowed another author to try to complete the story. The key thing is they have permission. Please realize that all your fans greatly appreciate your writings and hope you will continue. Please don't let a few bad apples affect the great job you do on your stories. Thanks for writing. pms
noylj posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 12:22pm
Do we get to learn what your idea of Dumbies plan is? Wouldn't it be better to let him learn love and family and caring before setting him up in mutant basic training?
LSLycanthrope posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 11:59am
I am so loving this story! On of the best crossovers I have ever read! I just have one question. You said this was AU to both stories, but are you basing it on movie or comic book X-men? I'm just curious because of the mutants you introduced.
mnmbaby1 posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 11:42am
I really, really like this story! Keep up the good work!
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 11:35am
Greatness here, a wonderful read. Too bad that Ron seems to have lost whatever common sense he might have had earlier, and a shame that he seems bound and determined to throw away whatever chance he might have had with Hermione. Good to see Ginny at least starting to wise up a bit, but Molly seems as thick as Ron. Hermione is making good inroads, imo, and I hope her and Harry will be able to make up with each other. The Ministry is thicker than a brick it seems, and do not want them to get ahold of Harry as a formal protest by the US will likely be ignored. Can't wait to see what happens when Harry gets back, and to see Jean putting some smack down on folks.
Jiapa posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 10:37am
Thank you for an entertaining chapter.
Atalas posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 9:54am
wow, amazing story. I didn't think of reviewing the first chapter. A real nice build-up, this is. At least Hermione and Ginny are rethinking things and seem apologetic. But Minerva's statement about there being other mutants to attend Hogwarts in the fall... who could the others be? Original characters? Other canon characters developping mutant abilities? Transfer students who are wizards/witches and mutants.
rune1806 posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 9:47am
You are doing a good job Writing Harry, showinf him for the messed up kid he should be. If everyone know Malfoy is a de why would they give him Harry?? That has to be one of the most overused and dumb ideas in fanfic. Make up a respected unknown de to use. Enjoying the story glad you are back.
you are doing a
impatientuser posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 9:29am
Best Crossover. Evar.
The dialogue is top notch and stays very much in character. My only recommendation would be to make Scott more uptight.. but then this is fanfiction and I kinda like a less uptight prudish Cyclops.
Ron is an evil little git... I like hating him for that.
I can't wait to see what happens next or who the other mutant(s?) at Hogwarts are/is.
Thanks for writing =)
Best. Crossover. Evar.
Lottii posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 8:53am
Whoooeee, the writing/story development is engaging and believable. I can't wait to see what happens!! Cheers
Ezra'eil posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 7:30am
Yet another great chapter, I can't wait for number trois!
msgupy posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 7:04am
Good to hear about the removal of 'Sunset'. I have to be honest - I love your stories. I hope it isn't a problem, I have all of them saved to my computer for easy re-reading. I am thinking that I may need to create a new file though - "Disclaimers of Bob & Alyx". They are nearly as entertaining as the stories.
This may seem like a bizarre request, but is there anyway I can make a financial donation to yourselves. You may not think your writing is publishing quality, but I do. I pay a lot for books here in NZ and yours should be no different. That said, I'm not paying $25 per story, but I would like to donate to your expenses.
MsGupy (Yvonne Gupwell)
Dragen posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 6:56am
Great chapter mate, loving the story, I like how Hermione explained mutants to Ginny and the Order. Ron is a jealous fool and Molly is a fool to think that the ass Dumbledore can do no wrong.
I like the training that Harry went through. So Harry as got a touch of telepathy also empath, he can also teleport things.
I love how he is getting on with the x-man.
I like the Order meeting and finding out that there is going to be another mutant going to Hogwarts, is it Jean?
PLEASE update soon
noylj posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 2:46pm