By Bobmin
skippy posted a comment on Thursday 13th May 2010 4:55pm
Good first chapter - I am looking forward to reading all this story
Suzanne posted a comment on Monday 10th May 2010 7:21pm
Excellent so far, and I just read your pet peeves authors note, and no, you are not the only person to find it borderline moronic. Stupid idea #567 is most certainly worthy of totally moronic.
Janneason posted a comment on Sunday 9th May 2010 1:28am
"In case no one understands at this point, Yes Dumbledore is evil. So is Ron and Snape." - do you know how much I love you for saying that bluntly?
vadimb posted a comment on Friday 7th May 2010 6:21am
"’s rare that you find a published book that uses more than one person’s point of view"
AFAIR, one of the oldes books in the world had a pretty imprtant wizard's deeds described by 4 different people. Just about 2000 years ago. Originally, there was more like 30 of them, but the critiques decided that it was too much and cut the numbers down.
Also, the famous trilogy by William Faulkner did POV shifts constantly for 3 books and it's at the top of my list of best books ever.
One thing I can agree with - not everybody can do it right.
lirial89 posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 6:52am
liking the idea so far :)
purrfus posted a comment on Sunday 25th April 2010 9:30pm
Lovely explanation and meeting of the minds.
Dear authors - better to spend whatever creativity and energy is available on the story. Chapter titles are the sprinkles on top of the iced cake - nice but not essential.
purrfus posted a comment on Sunday 25th April 2010 9:13pm
A thoughtful, considered, manipulative Dumbledore is always better than one that just stumbles into badness.
How does he set up the complex theft and money laudering scheme and then falter when it comes to Harry. Is it the difference between actions and interpreting emotions and responses?
He just can't grasp why Harry might not see a spider bite in the dorm as reason to stick close to the school? Is it sometimers or did he fall in a vat of stupid between the time he originally set up the bank scheme and now?
purrfus posted a comment on Sunday 25th April 2010 8:53pm
HPP - a wonderful storyline? Somebody is totally delusional. Possibly the result of a potion or evil spell?
I checked out the options. The font, sizing, and misc functions are great. Enlarging the print, changing the default font, and reducing the page size makes the reading experience much more comfortable. Thanks.
purrfus posted a comment on Sunday 25th April 2010 8:31pm
Some people just can't bear to let a gadget or concept molder in the muse pile.
Intriguing Draco.
Snape grabbing and threatening a student in public, and nobody notices? or are they just ignoring it because they're afraid of Snape or don't care because he is only threatening a Muggleborn?
purrfus posted a comment on Sunday 25th April 2010 8:07pm
Decided against the ritual - or just delaying it?
Canon? Its easier to picture Harry with Hermione than with Ginny. Of course, I find it easier to picture Harry with just about anybody ( the twins, a Creevy, etc) than with Ginny.
Harry would be incredibly awkward with just Hermione; the parents have really worked with the story - excellent choice.
purrfus posted a comment on Sunday 25th April 2010 7:44pm
Dumbledore not going Vader? Guys - its the thought tht counts. Theft, bribery, blackmail, conspiracy: he has crested the hill and is on the slipery downhill slope straight into hell.
purrfus posted a comment on Sunday 25th April 2010 7:21pm
Followed a link on redfrog's ffn's profile page reccomending this story and the sequel.
The deviations from canon are intriguing. The flow seems a bit awkward, but that might just be because I've spent the last few days reading multiple stories by one author and my fiction ear isn't ready to hear the change is voice yet.
Slytherin66 posted a comment on Friday 23rd April 2010 6:58am
A very good chapter I am glad Harry is recovering from the damge that has been done. I hope Ron, Albus and his followers are dealt with and end up loosing everything including their lives. Fudge was a surprise.
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Thursday 22nd April 2010 6:47am
The birth then sprang aloft and flew back out the window. exactly would that work? <G>
moregoth posted a comment on Monday 19th April 2010 12:54pm
Great story, the plot is well done and I enjoy that you have dared to make it dark and with a more all out war that not only affects the wizarding world but the muggle world as well. Looking forward to reading the sequel!
RheaN posted a comment on Sunday 18th April 2010 11:44am
Just a note: during the ritual to form the coven, you misspelled "bowl" as "bowel". Good story altogether, though. Off I go to 'Sunrise'...
Flower248 posted a comment on Thursday 15th April 2010 12:05pm
The square root of pi is as follows
Shall I go on?
Thank you for writing such an excelent story.
Snag posted a comment on Wednesday 14th April 2010 5:57pm
Sobriety test? Well, damn. I failed! (Chapter: Laws and Legilimency)
tulip7815 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th April 2010 9:28am
Bob and Alyx,
I do not normally review stories, but this one merits it. I'm quickly going to read the sequel!! I found it to be well written, the characters believable in their actions and with very few dead spots (the ones I saw were plot essential anyhow). From a literary prespective it was a really nice, easy read. I'm sure the second part will be just as great. The stories come highly recomended by every other HP fan out there, so you should take great pride in knowing the whole of the fanfic community enjoys your stories... (those nuts who don' like H/HR have no leg to stand on this story is too well written!).
Thank you so much for the entretainment,
karinleemischal posted a comment on Monday 17th May 2010 8:52am