By Bobmin
sempracaveas03 posted a comment on Monday 26th October 2009 1:32pm
Hello dears! I enjoy this story so much, that I believe that this is the third time I've read it. I also realized that I tend to notice details that I missed the first (and second) time. Like Draco saying that none of the Malfoys or Blacks were worth talking to. Well I could agree with him on the Malfoys (none that we've met so far would be worth talking to, and they all seem to still be alive as well), but I can think of at least one Black - Sirius. But then, Draco didn't know Sirius (or probably grew up hearing all sorts of bad things about him) and thus doesn't know any better. Maybe that's why Harry nodded in agreement with him ...
Anyway, keep up the fantastic writing!
Happy Snorkack Hunting (don't you just love Luna?)
Ratboy posted a comment on Friday 23rd October 2009 8:40pm
I know this is a late review, but in an earlier chapter you said that Harry's eyes had improved, but in this one he was wearing his glasses when Snape tossed him against the wall before the feast. Is he just wearing them as a ruse, or have they only improved a little bit? Again, sorry it is a late review, so here is a gross of doughnuts,a 12" mead scope and a bakers dozen of portable tactical nukes.
Gatonio1 posted a comment on Friday 23rd October 2009 7:17pm
I just finished reading your amazing novel and am sorry have not reviewed chapter by chapter but found myself far too captivated to stop and review. I am thoroughly enraptured by your work and was introduced to it through one of the reviewers of my own stories who suggested to read it for inspiration to write a good Draco-Luna relationship. I've spent the last four school days reading this book and have not stopped even for a moment. I was thrown out of my English class because I found your work far more interesting than following with John Donne's poetry.
The ideas and lengths you've employed to make this story travel are truly fascinating and inspiring and I hope to someday write something of this magnitude and length. Its to put it simply, awe-inspiring to see something so fascinating and unbelievable and I agree there are a lot of people on fanfic that have been inspired by your ideas.
I would highly appreciate you reading and perhaps reviewing my stories on fanfic at
Kisses and support,
~ Gatonio
artaud91 posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 8:48am
Your writing skills are incredible you had me in tears during Harry's breakdown in the pool with Hermione I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this fic and any others that are to be written
Please continue this magnificent skill of yours
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 5:22am
I thought the Muggle-related accuracy was pretty good, actually. Not at all like some ridiculous stories I've read.
Good battle of Hogwarts scene.
You spelled AK correctly, but a couple of chapters back you misspelled the Imperius Curse consistently - or your spellchecker did.
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 4:42am
Pet peeves: Second line first word of the standard disclaimer "Snap" for "Snape." Also every time I see (not here) "loose" where "lose" is meant.
It looks like Dumbledore, who started out overly manipulative and vain, but not Dark, has gone over to the other side.
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 3:54am
Well, thanks for the move to correct the injustice done to Millicent Bullstrode.
As for stopping giants, turning the ground underfoot into quicksand can work pretty well, too - although your methods are more permanent.
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 3:14am
Liked the staffs. That's pretty original.
Also liked the Jurassic Park coffee ripples.
I liked the description of a totalitarian takeover. It was quite realistic.
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 2:10am
Harry monologuing, and saying Hermione would be great "despite" Muggle parents?
Ginny likes Yogi Berra. Cool.
Your pet peeve is repetitive of one already made. It must really be peevish.
Bexis posted a comment on Sunday 11th October 2009 9:15pm
Please, no soul bonds.
Bexis posted a comment on Thursday 8th October 2009 5:23am
Speaking of typos, you've got a "whole" where you meant "hole" - but you did spell all the curse words right. I concur with the earlier comment on the prophesies. I think that's overdone.
Sex scenes were OK, and the death of Fudge was well done.
Your description of the Horsehead Nebula was off. It's a star nursery, but only of, at most, a few dozen stars. The nebula isn't all that big. The nearby Great Orion Nebula is much larger.
Bexis posted a comment on Tuesday 6th October 2009 2:24am
This seemed a rather cliched chapter, after several that weren't. An "if you read this, I'm dead" letter from Sirius. Another prophecy. Done to death.
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 5th October 2009 5:35am
More excellent Muggle attacks.
"Ginny purred for a moment and lifted an arm to caress his check."
If that's what he's going to do, shouldn't he pay in cash?
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 5th October 2009 2:25am
That's an impressive DE attack.
Did Harry get a case of gangrene from the spider bite? That would explain some of the symptoms.
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 5th October 2009 1:24am
This was a good chapter. No real holes. I'm wondering what's the point of their staying at Hogwarts, though.
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 5th October 2009 12:45am
That was a nasty and uncalled for trick to play on Bullstrode. She was a bystander in all of that.
No wonder Slytherins hate Gryffindors.
And a violet-eyed DADA teacher. That reeks of cliche.
Sweetdoggie posted a comment on Friday 2nd October 2009 2:00pm
I really loved the gift Harry gave his friends. Who doesn't have a loved one they'd like to say good-bye to, after all? Nice job with that. Thanks for sharing.
Bexis posted a comment on Tuesday 29th September 2009 10:57pm
"Who peed in Voldemort's gene pool" - that's even better than U-No-Poo.
H/Hr a couple by Ch. 4 - and Bellatrix, my favorite evildoer, dead. Gotta see what's left for the rest.
Bexis posted a comment on Tuesday 29th September 2009 3:39am
Good. I take it by what I read here that there will be no alcohol used as a plot device.
Nice, nasty trick on the Dursleys, except that the lawyer is now, himself, guilty of passing counterfeit money.
If Harry can take extra OWLs like that, one wonders why he bothers coming back to Hogwarts, rather than taking NEWTs the same way.
Oh, blast. I was hoping that Susan might at least give Hermione a run for her money. Someone always should.
Dobby and Winky being paid? When did that happen? Not a bad thing, mind you.
With the charm bracelet - does that mean Harry can apparate at Hogwarts?
past posted a comment on Thursday 5th November 2009 10:04pm