Content Harry Potter


amsev posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2012 10:48pm

I am enjoying this story and very intrigued to see where it will go.

If it helps, I know how to knit and can teach the canon-nitpickers to knit if need be (then they would become knitpickers, which is a far more advanced state to be - they'd leave AU stories the heck alone.

Now off to to the next chapter!

FallenPetals15 posted a comment on Wednesday 7th March 2012 3:29am

Brilliant!! I loved this, Its certainly different from your other stories that I've read. :)

phartilous posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2012 2:19pm

This is the third time I give up on this fic. I don't mind going AU, or Super Harry, but there are just too many problems with this story.

Harry is much too powerful and talented. He is successful on the first try, even at things that are supposedly impossible. He comes across as a Marty Stu. I wouldn't be surprised if he sparkled in sunlight.

The story feels rushed, too much is happening in too little time, and in far too few words. It feels unfinished, like it's half-way between an outline and a finished story.

Every character seem to overplay their roles. It's like they take turns to dial up the drama to 11 to steal the scene completely whenever they're in the spotlight.

I just read "The Power of the Press", and it's much better written. I even think "Dumbledore's Army/Spiritus Crystalus" is better written than "Sunset Over Britain".

Ka-ris posted a comment on Friday 20th January 2012 1:19pm

why is it, that reading your Authors notes , puts me in a silly mood?

Like the latest, where you talk of attacking Canada. You then mention that you already conquered California.
Whats silly you ask.
if you conquered California, then you already hold the area known as 'Ontario' (near LA county).
That accepted, then given that the city of Ottawa is in Ontario, and ottawa is the capital of Canada. It carrys you already did. (apropriate given US troops tryed it 100 years ago)
Guess the quality of US beer will improve, and we canadians wont need passports to goto florida anymore.

On a serious note: I am very much enjoying this story. I am not sure if Dumbles is evil or just blind. and that is a good thing as it makes the story better for me

Ka-ris posted a comment on Friday 20th January 2012 7:37am

One wonders if one inspired the other.

CrucifiX posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2012 12:21pm

I realize this review comes years after this story has been posted, and I'm not even sure if you still keep up with this story or its reviews, but I just have to comment.

This story has to be one of the best, in depth, well written stories I've encountered on any fanfiction website. Generally with Super Harry fics, the story is completely predictable, and generally not worth my time. That isn't the case with this story. To be perfectly blunt, I am in awe of this story. Admittedly, I've spotted a few discrepancies with the story, along with minor grammatical errors and such, but they're so few that I won't bother to point them out. I particularly like your unique take on disclaimers. I've seen some pretty amusing disclaimers before, but yours have to be the best I've seen.

That being said, I was wondering, if you're still writing for the Potterverse, if you'd consider doing a collaboration with me. If you'd be interested, or if you want to reply to this review (if you even see it), you can contact me at:

Again, I commend you for such a masterful piece of work. I've not yet finished it, but I do so look forward to finishing it up.

j_davis_tx posted a comment on Monday 9th January 2012 11:42am

great story so far

g4bandit posted a comment on Wednesday 4th January 2012 1:07am

I have read over 100 fan fictions in the harry potter series. Most of which were at least over 100,000 words. This is absolutely, one of the best I have ever read. This is well written, enjoyable and most of all makes sense (which most stories use magic as a mystical plot filling device). I can't wait to start reading the sequel and hope it is up to par with this story.

darridle posted a comment on Sunday 18th December 2011 11:07am

great story, sad it's ended but happy, that the sequel is doen :)

darridle posted a comment on Sunday 18th December 2011 9:16am

and again Dumbles is the reason for Voldy's rise to (more) power. Can't say I'm suprised

... bad Bob n Alyx, you said no more cliffies *points up* n what is that then? *evil smile* well, no cliffy for me, cause the next chappy is already posted *goes after it*

darridle posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2011 6:12pm

:( Poppy is one of my most liked chars... when she isn't shown as bad person for ignoring the signs of Harry being abused or such. On the other hand, she's a good "good" main char to kill off, when one doesn't want to kill of the stereotypes, well done .)
TBH, this is the first fic, where I see her killed, without or even when all other ppls in Hogwarts bite the dust.
*chases of to the next chappy* this story nearly done and still the sequel open *squeels*

darridle posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2011 5:19pm

"The students names are being withheld pending notification of the Nott, Goyle, Crabbe, Parkinson and Goldstein families."
lmfao, nice one, couldn't stop laughing

PS: two months for 3k words is nice, one of my old favs had mid-size chaps n update intervalls for a while, but then it dropped to 3k words in like 4 months and you could really see, that they were forcing themself to write those words and to post it... end result was another dead wip

*cuddels Alyx n Bob* ty for always finishing your great fics n pretty please never stop writing *insert puppy-dog-eyes*

darridle posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2011 11:31am

yeps, still love it...

and I keep nodding to your pet peeves.

Makes me want to cry, when I find a story with a good idea, that holds within itself each n every one of them *sniffs*

darridle posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2011 8:32am

hmmm... My spider senses r saying that they'll move to paddy's manor in Ireland... but they told me that since the hat's song.

Looove the fic and am sooo happy n lucky, that it's all done n ready to read for me, so no dreaded waiting for updates .)

Your fics rock, really they do

Mommy2db posted a comment on Sunday 4th December 2011 1:05pm

WOW !! It is all I can say.The story is marvelous, well written, convoluted enough to remain interesting and believable enough to remain "real".

I am looking forward to beginning the sequel a bit later.

I first discovered Bobmin when you were mentioned in a group as a rec. The main point being that these were good writers but the author's notes were the best part. Maybe not the best part but certainly a great part and the most fun.

You now have a confirmed Bobmin addict on your hands. I may even read a cross-over, something I have avoided in all the years I have been reading fan fiction. I'm a mature reader and very picky. Many of your stated pet peaves are the same as mine. May I add one more? Homonyms, why can't most writers get them right?? Nothing is more jarring (OK, there are some things more jarring). Your stories make me wish that I had the kind of imagination needed to be a writer.

Thanks, for the angst, romance and chuckles. May you and Alyx continue to entertain a growing world of fan fiction devotees.

noylj posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2011 2:26pm

Am I to believe that Harry actually thinks Minnie has ever done a good job and that her students her, or was Harry the only student she never stood up for?
I mean, the pole up her arse is even longer than Percy's.

nurray posted a comment on Friday 7th October 2011 4:48am

Re-reading this once again, still a powerful and entertaining story.

Feno3000 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th September 2011 12:20pm

Oh come on, was that really needed? Even the best beta can only find a certain amount of errors in your texts. Redacting that's 100% effective has simply not been invented yet.

For example you are constantly using banishing when it would properly be the vanishing charm (banish = opposite of accio, vanish = counter to conjuration) and seemingly nobody has found that during the writing process. And in the modern times there are certain kinds of errors that don't stand out so much, especially mixing up homophones so that every spelling checker will only find another legit word where you did in truth use a word not very likely to work in your sentence. That would be like the "feet/feat" example in your own Pet Peeves text. Another category you often don't really find on screen is words that were left out while tipping your text. I could swear that up till now Sunset has had at least three to five places where a NOT should have been used but wasn't. One of them should be in this chapter. If you don't tumble about such mistakes when reading (aloud) you simply won't find them. And not many people take it up them to print out a 200+ pages story just to be able to better find errors than on a computer monitor when going around a room citing the text out loud. That would not only mean a certain investment of money into a hobby but also much more time needed than simply reading over the story several times. And it still IS a hobby, so the amount of free time any author or beta editor might have at his her or its hands is limited and does only last so long until the fun is starting to get thinner.

Yes, sloppily edited texts are nothing one should be proud of and there are heaps of them out there. But it's not fair to generalize many faults to not having a trustworthy beta as the tasks of a beta don't simply comprise of spell reading checking and correcting, but also reach into finding logical loopholes, plot holes and different kinds of errors in a story.

and last but not least i'm not too trusty of all the software of our most visited story sites on the internet. Much of that number does rely on somewhat improvised special programming to enable the authors uploading and so many pages tend to eat words, sentences or even whole paragraphs. The site that may not be named is legendary for it's potential to ruin your formatting when they kill the more exotic characters in a story, often used as space holders or dividers so much of the sense of the story gets a little bit fuzzy when no more breaks between pov changes are visible... And i do know some other pages where the uploading duplicates random parts of a text while loosing some of the text overwritten by this duplicate. There simply is no way that so many authors share the same writing problems so it must be an error of that web site...

So... now, after having let out the most of the steam your pet peeves essay has caused to build up let me say that i truly enjoy your story, regardless of possible mistakes hidden somewhere in the text, but rather because it's been thought out in a nice way, has some intriguing ideas put into the plot and showcases some unique characterizations that are outright inspiring. The only thing not really amusing me about the story is the format of the "disclaimers" at the start of each new chapter, but i'd never let the rest of it slip just because i don't share that kind of humor, it's only some seconds work to glance over it and start the err "real text". And then the fun, the suffering, the wrothing and groaning, the envisioning and sometimes also the wishing to have a barrel of brain bleach handily near you can start.

In the spirit off your complaint...: I would forgive it, if your text were written halfway in english halfway in klingon and both with an ugly serbokroatian accent to start, as long as the story is so good. Maybe it's just a pet peeve when the rest of the story isn't very satisfying in and of itself so you start roaming around with your thoughts and collect the minor unpleasantries until they seem to make up a real important part of the story?
As a couple of demigods amongst the mere mortal fanfiction authors please have/show a little bit mercy with your lesser colleagues, most of whom would never err out of malevolence but only because of haste and superficiality while wanting to share their latest imaginative output with other fans that might be interested in it. Sharing is (more than) half the experience after all.

teriwright posted a comment on Tuesday 20th September 2011 3:37pm

Most excellent! I really enjoyed this story in terms of the action, plot, and storyline. However, Hermione's character, for me at least, seems a bit of a harridan. She erupts over every little thing harry does. She doesn't seem to accept Harry for who he is but tries to control his actions through her anger and disapproval. I don't get the feeling of supportive partner, but rather an almost Molly-esque personality in the sense of her controlling nature. Example: he's been magically exhausted twice in as many weeks, survived the killing curse again, essentially has saved the world from the spread of voldemort, is in pain, can't walk and has just woken up from 4 days of near coma. Can she let him have the friken bath he needs when he awakes without jumping down his throat? No. No sooner that he's in the bath does she start in on him and when she doesn't get her way, she dumps ice water on him, cuts short the bath he needs with the result that he can't walk and expects him to apologize. Geesh, not my kind of partner, but again, that's just me. Not that I think this incarnation of Hermione would steal from an abused orphan, but she would definitely attempt to control and tell said orphan what to think, how to behave, what to feel for "his own good".
I love love love the Dumble and Ron bashing. You've made Dumble into a very believable bad guy with all the associated traits and complexities.
Overall, this is a fantastic piece of fanfic and I'm off to read the sequel just moments after finishing sunset.
Thank you so much for your time and effort in writing this for our pleasure.

will12 posted a comment on Monday 29th August 2011 1:41pm

Loved this story, cant wait to read the next