By Bobmin
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:42am
Bravo! And if the so-called "Official" Book Six of the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Baked Plot, had been even one-quarter as good as Sunset over Britain, it would have been twice the novel it was. As it stands, however, I know I am going to be far more impatient about SoB's eventual sequel than I will be over the conclusion of the original series. Great work, Bob and Alyx!
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:32am
Voldemort is in trouble-His people are trapped in Britain and the island is a net importer of food and industrial raw materials. Combined with the facts that the wizard bank has shut down and that every nation in the world with a Ministry (or equivalent) of Magic will press for an embargo of Britain, it means that that he can't hold the kingdom for long from a logistics standpoint.
His one unit outside of Britain can no longer get in contact with him, and 2,000 galleons isn't much of a fund when you have to support 150 people. I figure that is roughly 50,000 dollars, which will keep Doholov's people in groceries for 2-3 months, assuming they don't spend it on anything else.
Albus is bound to show up in Haven and try something stupid early in the next book.
All in all, I believe this story is of higher quality than the official year 6 HP novel.
azntgr01 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:30am
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:21am
Nice ending, it wrapped things up quite nicely, though I would've liked to see where Molly got off to. I wonder how long unitl Dumbledore tries to show up at Padfoot? I found Harry's "prank" amusing too, it was nice to see him get one over on Hermione, if only because she missed the obvious.
John Wilburn posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:14am
Dear Bob and Alyx,
What a marvelous story! I can hardly wait for the sequel. Thank you. John
Athena Lupin posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:06am
please have the next story up soon. you have encouraged me to do homework cause im not allowed online until i do it. Thanks. :) :-)
Jarrod posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:55am
Great Job, Liked it a lot, can't wait for the sun to rise.
Also, wanted to thank you for guiding me to as the stories on here are all what I perfer, Good writing and long enough to do things with their characters with people who update at a good pace.
Gods speed with your writing.
Nicci posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:50am
I have just finished the final chapter of Sunset Over Britain and wanted to wait until you had completed before I left a review. I want to congratulate you both on a fantastically detailed and brilliantly written story. I have read a lot of fan fiction over the last twelve months and very rarely have i been moved to review. Your tale was well written and although totally AU has managed to keep the flavour of the Harry Potter Universe while being original and enthralling. I found myself getting excited every time my Inbox had an update of your story and the chapters kept coming quickly enough that you dont have to re-read the entire thing before you can continue the story. I am so looking forward to the continuation of this story and hope that you will be back chained to your keyboards before to much time has passed. On a final note it is gratifying to see a story that has so few spelling errors in it as these really disrupt the flow of a story and can quite easily spoil a good tale. My thanks for many hours of free entertainment and I hope to have many more hours pleasure reading the sequel
Theresa posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:24am
Excellent wrap up! I am as thrilled as Remus to discvoer the truth of the Brotherhood.
I, along with everyone else, await the sequel eagerly.
Darrell1 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:21am
Bravo BRavo very nice cannot wait for sequel
Chthonius posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:20am
Yay! Yet alas. While I'm happy to read yet another great chapter, I'm saddened that this half of the journey is over.
I'm really interested in the true Brotherhood thread. It sounds like you're suggesting that they can somehow bring back the old Members of the Brotherhood, but that would require them to be brought back to life, unless they are hidden somewhere... which seems unlikely given that the man in the text thought that he was the last surviving member.
The question that's most on my mind is "what does the summoning do?" I'm on the edge of my seat waiting, and I know it'll be a while since you've got the other fic you want to write before Sunrise.
Harley posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:11am
Great story ya'll are really great writers and I have to say your storys are some of my favorites.
Kailael posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:06am
Absolutely love your work. Any time there is a chaper update its like christmas. I look forward to the sequel,I just hope you guys get as much pleasure out of writing it as I do out of reading it. Keep up the Great work =)
jmcqk6 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:05am
excellent. that's all I can really say. You've definately succeeded, that much is true. I can't wait to begin reading the sequal. I hope that we'll be able to see the ward in action? And find out what happens to Dumbledore.
I think snape will discover a ritual that will bring voldemort's level up to harry's. Dumbledore's fate is a mystery to me, but that's fun.
Thanks for sharing this. I've enjoyed reading this so much! Keep up the good work!
AfterDark posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 7:58am
Ummm yyyyeeeaaa there have only been a few times where I have finished a chapter and said wow this is one of them. As for the witty comments that you put in your author notes and such, well it seems that at least your starting author note has spread to a couple of other authors. As for that you should be proud, as for writing a 700+ novel hell I would be bouceing around the room with the amount of people that you have following you. I for one will be looking forward to Sunrise Over Britain, as well as anything else you both write in the future. I wish I could write half as good as you can, but for now I will be fine with reading other peoples work and dreams. For this I give you a Snapping Salute worthy of Dobby,
Untill the next Sunset, "or in your case sunrise"
John Pinkston posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 7:52am
Now that you all have finished Sunset Over Britain, HURRY UP AND GET SUNRISE STARTED!!! Sorry for yelling, but I've enjoyed this story. Keep up with your style of writing, I've enjoyed that as much as anything else. Yes you've written a darker story, but it was done well, and I appreciate that the most. Keep up the good work.
vl100butch posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 7:31am
Tearjerker....what else can I say.
After this emotional roller coaster, I guess you two need a bit of down time....
Happy Thanksgiving to all,
Louise posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 7:28am
*tear* And you're going to make us wait for the sequel? *considers attacking Bob & Alyx*. I was just thinking about what the sequel would be and I was like 'Sunrise over Britain'? And then it turns out it /is/ called that. =D
anyway, awesome story and I can't wait for Sunrise (SoB again?)
Meg posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 7:27am
You've brought tears to my eyes. Bravo for a job beyond well done.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:20am