By Bobmin
Aberforth's Avatar posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 7:22am
This chapter was an excellent close to a highly imaginative work. I enjoyed it immensely, and look forward very much to reading to the sequel. Thanks for sharing this with all of us!
Mark Safransky posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 7:17am
An awesome story and I definitely look forward to the start of Sunrise Over Britain. You achieved both the darkness you wanted while it was shot through with a ray of hope. Keep up the great work Bob and Alyx!
Jessica posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 7:13am
so are you gonna make a sequel where they get married?
alge28 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 7:11am
really really good work, thanks for entertaining ;-)
Best regards alge28
minervakitty posted a comment on Sunday 13th November 2005 11:05pm
Looks like the house elves has another career, if they want to change jobs. What is the requirements for the Ritual of Anthrokrak? Is it going to take a few people's magic and life? How long for that ritual and the ritual that Harry's planning? Is Remus going to find out that Dan is letting Dobby watching the bad war movies? Have the Slytherins that rebel in the relocation, stripped of their magical powers and oblivated to the location of Padfoot. Dumbledore's not going to find out about Padfoot? Is the Queen safe, or will there be a rescue of the Queen by someone? Who has the complete list of what the Weasleys liberated? Serves Snape right for siding with two masters. At least, he know now of his standing with the two of them. How much of the Pepper Up/restorative potions would be needed after Harry's ritual? Who will be in that group? How many witches/wizards is orphans due to the Amesbury incident?
Mikee posted a comment on Sunday 13th November 2005 4:06pm
I am so happy to have found your story. I've been looking for updates on it on 'the other site,' but finally got smart and checked your bio page. I am re-reading the story for, I think, the fourth time. Love your story (and the other two on the other site.). Will you re-post there.? I hope so. Anyway, I'm thrilled to have found "Sunset Over Britain" again. Thank you.
Aberforth's Avatar posted a comment on Sunday 13th November 2005 9:53am
this is an interesting story with overtones of 1940. Well done! The venality of Dumbledore and Mrs. Weasley is truly a creative touch, as is allowing Ron's jealousy free rein. I don't think I've seen anything similar, which is delightfully refreshing. I am enjoying your story very much, and I thank you both for sharing it with us.
I was waiting to see if Fawkes would switch allegiance to Harry. Rereading a couple of scenes makes me doubt that will happen. Harry has gone just a touch too grey in his aims, hasn't he?
Reading this prompted me to look up your stories on I think this one much better executed, and much more original.
Seeing as you've noted your pet peeves at some length in the authors' notes, let me note one of my own that your writing rubs the wrong way: lack of homonym discipline. You have consistently used your when you're is required. Also, there has been a breach in the Weasley family, not the breech you noted. English is a language allowing the precise expression of thought and nuance of meaning, not a blunt instrument.
Sikandar Durrani posted a comment on Saturday 12th November 2005 11:35pm
I am rereading your story here on this site. I was reading it on before.
Valerie posted a comment on Saturday 12th November 2005 4:26pm
Hello...i really do love your stories and i do love the way you tell it like it is...
A question....Whatever did happen to fawkes after he left dumbledore? I really would like to see him join with harry...although that is rather over used isn't it? Well it was just an idea that i thought would fit if dumbledore ever found out that fawkes is on harry's side....Again i love your stories and hope that your sequel won't take too long to write. Thank you so much for stating what you did in your pet peeves...i agree with all of them.
Love and luck on your storie
ThunderGod posted a comment on Saturday 12th November 2005 7:17am more grey box's..and the review thingy works..might be cause I fixed my system or ran th diagnostic thingy...
anyway..Great Chapter, and I don't believe Ron is body..which means..oh come on..everyone knows what that means..a villian thats died but left no body?..thats the oldest cliche..he will come Lord of The Spiders!!!! bwahahahahahahahahaha *cough* bad on the throat that is...
will be continueing to read..some interesting things to What has happened to Albus..where is he?..I wonder....
anyway..I like saying that anyway..hmmmanyway..of now to read the next chapter
Mark4 posted a comment on Friday 11th November 2005 3:02pm
Quick question: ont the page where it lists the stories 'stats' for lack of a better word, why does the status list the story as completed? Unless of course this is the end of SOB, thus the story is completed and I have a "Siriusly" sarcasttic comment coming to me (pardon the pun).
nurray posted a comment on Thursday 10th November 2005 9:16pm
Damn! forgot to login before I reviewed. The other post from "nurray" is mine. (If it matters at all).
nurray posted a comment on Thursday 10th November 2005 9:13pm
A british-ism for you. In Britain, a building entrance level is "Ground floor", the first floor is above the ground floor and numbering of floors continues from there. So in the text extract below;
...The first floor will be set up as a potions lab for you, as well as kitchen space. The second floor is being fixed up into living space, including library and bedroom...
When I first read this I thought you were taking about the shrieking shack being three stories high and I was wondering, what about the ground floor? I realized my mistake soon enough but you might wish to keep it in mind.
I wonder if that is one of the differences between the American and English editions of the HP books.
knightout posted a comment on Thursday 10th November 2005 10:59am
Am I the only one that isn't surprised that Dumbledore isn't the kindly old gent the appears to be? Although my family are G/H shippers this is fascinating story. We look forward to the 7th. year continuation story.
chris13 posted a comment on Thursday 10th November 2005 6:07am
another grate chapter guys, well done!
kari posted a comment on Thursday 10th November 2005 5:40am
Still loving SOB. Keep it up :D
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Thursday 10th November 2005 4:03am
Another great chapter and one that just demands you to keep scrolling down and reading.
Although Harry doesn't know it, a race is now on to seal Voldemort inside Britain before he installs too many troops in Ireland. I suppose, though, the worst-case scenario is for him to have to clear up a few dozen DEs and allies who suddenly find themselves cut off from their boss.
As for Dumbledore? For now, I imagine that he is not going to be an issue. His first priority is to rebuild his strength, now that the Order is largely either extinct or under Harry's control. He won't really be important, I think, until Harry is ready to counter-attack. Then, I strongly suspect that he will become a hinderance, trying to take charge and run the whole resistance. Ultimately, his Dark credentials will be exposed.
I think that I see a FW/OFC GW/OFC ship on the horizon. Oh Merlin! If you get two sets of identical twins with their twinspeak into relationships... madness awaits. :-o
The story is racing towards a great conclusion. I can't wait to see Harry's shocked realisation that, despite claiming no lordship or demanding any fealty, he has got both in spades.
Only the fate of Molly Weasley remains to be revealed. I strongly suspect that the Dark Lord is about to get a follower who (in her own mind at least) is equal and replacement to Bellatrix Lestrange.
BenRG's Rating: 8/10
tom posted a comment on Thursday 10th November 2005 1:41am
hey now there is no reson to bring me into this! And I don't do it underhanded, its easier to take the knickers off overhanded and twist..... figured out what pc means yet? My address used to be spelled out but I got to many complaints.
Jamie posted a comment on Wednesday 9th November 2005 9:23pm
*happy siiiggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* :-D Major GRIN.
That's all I can really say about this chapter. :) hehehe.... Maybe my brain is in shut-down or something, but all I can think is "awwwwww".... Must be the "he's so great, Hermione" moment at the end. ;) hahaha. Herm's right: as IF she or he'd let him get away!! :-D hehehe
....and I could KILL for a Krispy Kreme donut... Donuts in Japan are all cake-style :( blech! Going on 16 months without a "proper" donut :'( so sad....
eagerly awaiting more! (the last chapter, that is... THEN i'll be waiting for the plot-bunny story... i know the SOB sequel is gonna be a while in coming...) :-D Yay for great authors! (and betas! ;) hehehe. you, too, Alyx.)
Brandon West posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 7:23am