By Bobmin
Gidget posted a comment on Wednesday 9th November 2005 3:45pm
I must start this off by saying great job. I have read much fanfic and I can honestly say that it has been a long time since I found a story that hooked me as much as this did from the very first chapter. I started reading this last night after finding it recomended on another site and I couldn't stop. I love the relationship you portray between H/Hr and the way you redeem Draco is inspired. Usually I scoff at all the atempts in fanfic to turn him good as being completly unbelievable. I will admit that at first the idea of a power hungry Dumbledore and greedy Mrs Weasley and Ron was upsetting. But as I continued to read I was convinced by the way you worked that all into the existing potterverse. All in all, I just wanted to say fantastic job and I can't wait to see what happens next.
P.S.-Loved Harry's shirts, please say we'll be seeing more of them
Joanna posted a comment on Wednesday 9th November 2005 11:54am
Oh come on!! Why does the black man have to be the evil one? It's not fair!!! Whatever...Tom does need to get laid. He's just...ugh. Lucius would be totally cute if he wasn't such an ass-licking asshole, yet I digress. Draco is enough. By the way, I think Draco and Luna are just the cutest thing. THey are so funny! I
hpnana posted a comment on Wednesday 9th November 2005 11:04am
SWEET! I jost got from class and SURPRISE!!! I'll review after I finish the capter. My ISP was down for a couple of days. BYE....
Joanna posted a comment on Wednesday 9th November 2005 8:35am
I haven't reviewed since it was on First, yes, I know they suck. Now, moving on-I would have reviewed earlier, but my internet didn't come back until day before yesterday, due to the hurricane. I digress. Where did Fawkes go? I never noticed he was missing! Bad, me!!! Why didn't anyone check to see if Ron was dead or if he was still alive? I know that he probably was dead, but wasn't there a chance? So Dean's the traitor?! Of course...just make the only black person in the school. I thought it was bad.
Kate Miller posted a comment on Wednesday 9th November 2005 4:42am
i absolutely love the way this fanfiction is coming out. its brillant. keep up the good work.
Rasmus posted a comment on Wednesday 9th November 2005 3:53am
WOW... this is propably one of the best written fics i have ever read, and that is alot.
The plot is so original I had never even thought of something like it. all the fics where Dumbledore is against Harry are all just rediculous, but this one reallt got me hooked... and the long chapter nice. keep writting.
Oh, I was told to keep annoying you for updates by the guy who recommended this story so plzzzzzzzzzzz... update, I'll ber done with this by friday so... update and keep up the good work
Snapesmistress005 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 11:37pm
Excellent chappie! I really liked how you brought the bell family in. show's the side of paranoya (is that spelled right?! probaly not) that is bound to be plaguing the british. Ok, now that i've finished my Krispy Kremes (which i will gladly share w/you any time you'd like) I must be off to work. can't wait to see another! Much Love!
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 11:21pm
I would like to add another review its more of a pet peeve, Why do reviewers who have no militay knowledge, think that they do. I have been in Marine Aviation Ordnanceman for 21 years and I have not seen any mustakes on your part. And to the reviewer who wanted to know about if the F/A-18 can fly a Maverick or not. I see it everyday at work.
The Dreamer posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 7:38pm
.... I have read a lot of fanfiction. And when i say that i await each update with bated breath that means something. At least to me. Brilliant job guys! Riviting read. Excellent plot development. Continues to captivate and enthrall.
Barkeeper posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 6:44pm
Nice one!
Right, i can see Draco standing up for Harry as his best man at Harry's wedding *grin*
Btw: I don't know if you are aware of it, but there is a translation to german language of "Sunset over Britain" at going on
noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 5:05pm
You are the best fanfic authors. Not because your stories are the best (though very close to the best), but that you actually update and finish your stories.
This chapter, however, read like it was a little short
Adam posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 5:04pm
Another great chapter, I do so look forward to getting told that they have arrived :) I am loking froward to seeing dumbledore turn up at haven, it will be funny to see him thrown out. He seems to have this idea that he knows what is best, without actually knowing what is going on. Hmm, lets see 6 days to get the barrier up, and Moldy has sent a team to Ireland and wants to join them himself. It will interesting to see what happens first (I know what will happen first, but it how that im looking forward to :). bring on the next chapter.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 4:08pm
Yes, the Harrier can carry the Maverick missile (both the TV and IR-guided versions). (For the unaware, the Harrier is actually a British design license-built by what is now Lockheed Martin in the US; amazingly, the Americans sell more Harriers overseas than do the British!) You have not truly grasped what the Wonder Plane can do until you see one not only stop on a dime, in midair, but actually fly *backwards*. (Yes, I've seen the Harrier (one belonging to the USN) actually do that....*live*. So it wasn't a camera trick.) To a Harrier, a whole carrier is a lot of room for it to land on. The USN and USMC use amphibious assault ships like USS Wasp to bring Harriers in from the sea, because the Harrier can in fact take off or land *vertically*, just like any helicopter.
Kathleen posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 4:05pm
I agree. Exterminate them all. Foul things.
Lovely chapter. I would have liked more explanation of why Harry was so tired. Was he still in a lot of pain? Other than that -- it was great to see the Bells hiding out and getting rescued, and really funny seeing the Weasleys evacuate St. Mungo's. BOWEL Movement indeed! :)
Finbar posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 3:50pm
Great Chapter!
I'm all for Harry becoming a Tasmanian Devil Animagus. It's loud, rude and lecherous! It also naturally has Black hair, an important point. Perfect for him really *grins brightly*
Sorry, no backed snackfoods as tribute, but I do have a jar of Vegemite if you want it?
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 2:59pm
Another great chapter! the only scene that slightly disappointed was the one where both Narcissa and Emma comment obliquely on how 'gifted' Harry is; just once I'd like to read a fic where, upon seeing Harry revealed in all his glory, someone commiserates with Hermione (or whomever) with the observation, "Don't bee too disappointed, my dear, after all, with wizards it's not the size of the wand but the magic in it!" (I actually found a button with that on it....) Things are heating up nicely, I can't wait to see Tommy Boy run into the boundary Harry's planning on putting into place and go '"Boingooingooiingooiinngooiinnnggggg.... thud!"
Sam posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 2:24pm
another great chapter. I liked the scene where Sven blows the death eaters away with a shotgun. On that note, will Harry use any muggle military tech to help him retake britain? eagerly awaiting next chapter
Dave Mackey posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 1:03pm
A beautifully written chapter. I have truly enjoyed reading the story and I am very impressed by the way that you have incorporated the muggle worlds reactions in the story. I'm happy to see that the twins have found themselves a nice set of sweedish twins. I can picture Dobby embracing bad British War movies. Looking forward to your next chapter.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful story with us.
Borg posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 12:44pm
Still good, can't wait for the next chapter. Is Ron really pushing up the daisies or did he manage to hide out in Hogwarts somewhere?
darren0122501225 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th November 2005 6:51pm