By Bobmin
Robert Hope posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 12:02pm
The broadcast here sounds alot like the final broadcast by the British radio service right before Hong Kong fell to the Japanese during WWII on December 25th. Good job with this story.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 11:54am
Another great chapter, The best part has to be the F/A-18 taking out a tank with a Maverick Missile. The fact that I am a Marine Aviation Ordnanceman in a F/A-18 Squadron in Beaufort SC. Does not help. I cant wait for the next chapter and sequel.
patrik svensson posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 11:36am
grejt story,
keep upp the good work.
Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
Patrik svensson
svens son = son of sven ;)
Shawn1 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 11:34am
Bob & Alyx,
I have been following your stories since Dumbledore's Army and I loved them all. I even downloaded copies to my hard drive in case my internet is off for some reason. I've enen tried to write some of my own fanfiction but can't seem to get it right yet. Keep up the good work!
Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 11:25am
{Raises Evil looking blade while eyes glow menecingly}
Who DARES to defile the sanctity of the story's written here! I Shall REND their bones from thier from thier Bodies! I shall have them drawn, whipped and quartered, and then boiled, and then I shall take the little pieces and I shall jump on them, and I will continure to jump on them untill I get blisters or can think of somthing even more unpleasent to do to them, and then I shall
{Stops and blinks}
Sorry, I appear to be caught in a rather nasty loop at the moment, {Reads the above} Looks like a cross between a horror and 'Hitchhikers Guide' oh well...
Excellent work! I do worry a little bit about this outbase that voldemort has in ireland, but I really can't see harry letting it stand once he finds out.
Dumbledor is on tenterhooks for certain at this point, and I'm waiting for the shoe to drop, preferably on his head after being transfigured into a rather large and heavy wieght.
Keep up the excellent work!
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 11:19am
I loved this chapter... and though the title was about England's Darkest Hours... I thought it was actually filled with lots of hope. The plight of the Bells was particularly poignant. It truly gave us a tast of what England has had to go through in the past (without the magic, of course) and one that we here in America has been blessedly spared.
I eagerly look forward to Voldemort discovering he can't actually leave England once Harry completes the necessary rituals and spells. I find Dumbledore's attitude ironically hilarious... here he is actively working against Harry in many different ways... and yet he actually gets angry because Harry is not 'doing his job' and fighting old Voldie! Only a truly cracked mind could be so deluded... hurry and post more, thanks.
Rift120 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 10:59am
A thought occurs to me. Thanks to among other things the Weasley twin's exuberance, THe pureblood's look on society and the defection of teh Houseelves.
Harry has quite literally managed to Hamstring Voldermort in one of the most important and often overlooked factors of a country/war machine. IN essence Voldylocks has no support structure.
THink about it, His pureblood followers tend to eb rich, or focused on politics. Not on the nuts and bolts that help keep a goverment running.
Granted they could probably get some other use out of Muggle slaves, that still has its problems. There are still many jobs that require magic in production and such. Add to that he fact that Voldylocks won't have access to Gringotts...
I suspect he may find his Death Eater army stalled for a lot longer than he suspects it will.
A good example of how critical the small stuff can be I think would be the German offensive against Russia in WWII.. one of the key points of defeat was 'Genral Winter' and the reasont his was so devestating is that the German leadership focused on getting the tanks and troops as far as they could, ignoreing the simpel thing like makeing sure they had adequete winter gear and snow tires.....
red jacobson posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 10:51am
I am really annoyed at the two of you! Here I am trying to get my story typed up for National Novel Writers Month, and you have to go and post this chapter! Naturally, I have no discipline, so I had to stop and read it.
Excellent work, and I hope you are able to start the sequel very soon.
Linda posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 10:47am
great as usual. ^^
vl100butch posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 10:12am
Alyx and Bob,
Instead of Krispy Kremes, what about some hot Cafe Du Monde beginets covered w/powdered sugar.
You make me very Churchillian after reading your chapters, all I can think of now is something along the line of this is not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning.
I have some ideas for some outtakes for what is coming---what about CINCMAGIC (the 10th US Combatant Commander), and the mobilization of the ghosts--from the US cemetary in Cambridge...
this might be a bit far out, but drop me a line if you're interested
now---get back to work,
Matt posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 10:02am
One more chapter in this book? Will it be called 'Sunset'?
Anyways, great as usual.
Eliew posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 9:49am
Heehee..looks like the Weasley twins finally meet their match. Nice to see them attached as well..
Ok, so now we know that Harry's second skin help him against the AK from Dean, but will he be the the only one that can do this, or is that second skin really that strong?
Glad that the house elves have taken everything, leaving Voldie with a clean shell. Just one thing though, is the green house so big that it somehow span a large area of the Forest, why can't the acromantulas get onto the school grounds from the sides of the building instead? Magical fences?
This Albus is getting a little rash...He didn't even stop to think on what could be the reasons for Harry running away. But then it's a AU anyway..and a reckless enemy is usually easier to deal with.
Just hope that all will be well for the next few days as the population of Haven increase, as the coven start on the ritual, as Harry deals with the trouble makers, and as the refugees settle down.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 9:38am
Boy Who Lived walks with pride, indeed (much to *Hermione's* chagrin, both Narcissa *and* her mum notice Harry's armament). Fortunately, Harry has a spare second-skin under-armor. Dumbledore successfully had Snape captured by Tom; however, that plays right into Harry's hands (though, naturally, Albus doesn't know that). UNfortunately, Albus ALSO escaped to muggle Ireland. Everybody is advising Hermione not to let Harry get away (or advising Harry not to let Hermione get away).
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 8:58am
Very interesting chapter, you have there. *snicker* I wonder of the folk going after the "escapees" at Padfoot are going to run into Dumbledore? Meanwhile, Dumbledore appears to be descending more into madness - I use "appears" advisedly. I'm definitely going to be looking forward to the next installment.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 8:32am
Outstanding chapter! I find Dumbledore's reaction to things quite amusing, he's so worried about Harry fighting Voldemort, but he's quite willing to duck and cover to save his own ass. I'd like to see the reaction if he showed up at Padfoot and tried something, I'd imagine he'd find out his popularity is non-existent at this point. He is a prime example of what happens to a leader more concerned with their historical legacy than doing their job. Can't wait for the next, thank you.
Treck posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 8:13am
Krispy Kreme Donut's will be delivered with Ch 25. Would a gross be enough? (thats 12 dozen.)
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 7:46am
Britain only has about a week left before Riddle's control is absolute... for now.
The ritual of Anthrokrak can equal the powers of Harry and Tom-it can be repeated an indefinate amount of times, and Riddle has millions of muggles and/or political prisoners to use as sacrifices. The only limiting factor is how much of the potion involved can be produced. At least one ingredient has to be hard to acquire, and making it takes time.
AD will undoubtedly go to Haven at some point. I wonder if he'll find out he isn't really welcome there?
I hope the redesign of the school gets rid of the greatest flaw in their system: The Houses. All it accomplishes is to divide the students and pit them against each other in a contest for something ultimately valueless.
In regards to the nuke: nuclear missles are designed to only arm themselves after being accelerated to a predetermined velocity. Otherwise, blowing one up spreads radioactive material around, but doesn't cause fission. Do the Death Eaters have a spell that makes objects go from zero to several hundred (or thousand) miles per hour in under a second? That's the only way the bomb could have gone off. Such a spell would provide a rather spectacular instant death if used on a person.
James Marriner posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 7:37am
Gotta tell you I have enjoyed all of your books so far. Cant really remember if i reviewed the others or not but they were awesome. Its impressive what a little research on your parts can do. I am active duty army and work in the intelligence field. You had me convinced you were former military. Good Job. I could probalbly gush for quite some time about hom much I like this story even if it is a Super Harry and Harry Herminone one. I understand that you needed to challange your skills. dead on target. Please keep up the good work.
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 7:29am
Please rescue the WWN and crew in the next chapter! Thank you.
Update soon!
Crys posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 12:41pm