By Bobmin
Joseph Fritz posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 7:07am
Hey what's wrong with a platypus it's positive proof that god does exist and uses drugs;) Please post more soon!
beauty0102 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 7:05am
yeah great chatper can't wait for more.
Thelvyn posted a comment on Monday 7th November 2005 11:45pm
Excellent fic, I'm looking foward to the next chapter (and all chapters after that of course).
I have noticed the odd little nitpicking error, but I can't remember the details of any of them so they obviously aren't worth bothering about.
Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 7th November 2005 3:51pm
Actually, I rather liked this chapter. I can't wait to see how good ol tom reacts to an empty school... Um... I know that I should remember, but what Happened to dumbledor again? I know he was killed, but I can't rememeber how.
Bill Robertson posted a comment on Monday 7th November 2005 1:53pm
Hey. Your story is amazingly well written (your plotline shows). I started following this story about a month ago, and haven't looked back since. Keep up the great fiction, i really enjoy reading your updates!
Quizer posted a comment on Sunday 6th November 2005 11:18am
I've read a whole boatload of Harry Potter fanfiction, and a couple of them with interesting twists, like for example a story in which Voldemort's defeat is only the beginning, from one of the other Authors on this site network.
But in all my time, this is the first fic where Fudge is actually changing for the better. Good job for making such an intriguing story.
James7 posted a comment on Sunday 6th November 2005 10:24am
wonderful story!! I've been reading almost non stop to get this far!!
I've read a few that claim to be novel lenth but arn't even half this lenth finished...
Wonderful, and I can't wait for MORE !!
Thank you
Joseph Fritz posted a comment on Saturday 5th November 2005 11:51am
How about making Harry a platypus animagus;) Great story! Please post more soon!
John Pinkston posted a comment on Saturday 5th November 2005 7:15am
I think this is the first time that I have reviewed you all, even though I have been reading for a while.
I appreciate that you are writing a superpowered Harry story, and its actually good and believable!!
Anyway, keep up the good work.
Julia posted a comment on Saturday 5th November 2005 12:12am
great chapter, only question tho, wouldnt these ppl use the partkey they toke of Harry and McGonnogal to get themselves 2 Padfoot? actually... hell, its ur story,, and its great the way it is, update often, ASAP if possible, now im off to read ur other stories, even tho i don like R/Hr ships. again, great job
HPNana posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 8:32am
I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS!!! For the past five days I have been going to bed after 1:00Am and getting up to go either to work or to school and now I am left dangling.
As a Harry Potter Grandma I am close to accusing you of a heart attack. At my age these cliffhangers can be fatal.
GREAT WORK (though I had to skip some parts that made me a little uncomfotable)BUT OTHER THAN THAT GREAT CREATIVITY, KEEP IT UP!!
kari posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 5:01am
par the course.. another awesome chapter... keep up the splendiferous work :D
... and I think I kinda liked the more sinister side of Harry exposed.. Scary :)
Rowan Mikaio posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 4:54am
The square root of pi is +/- π^(1/2).
also, e^(Ï€i)+1=0
yay for calculus.
Diane posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 4:17am
I started reading your fic on Fanfiction and then I was confused, upset and all around postal when the story was not longer there. When I came across your page I was so thilled I spent hour catching up on the new chapter. I really enjoy your story. It is well thought out and well executed, not to mention you have my favorite ship and you are thrashing my least favorite characters. Keep it up.
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 4:16am
The Queen is gay!?!?!?
That explains why she never wrote me back.
Great chapter.
If you really want to be freaky Harry the animagus Pokemon!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!!
I can't believe you nuked stonehenge.
Rowan Mikaio posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 3:44am
I haven't finished the chapter yet but...
I'll be really upset if you kill Pomfrey. *glare*
*reads on*
I like pomfrey...
and is it sad that I'm almost positive about which story you are peeving about?
Rowan Mikaio posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 3:35am
I haven't finished the chapter yet but...
I'll be really upset if you kill Pomfrey. *glare*
*reads on*
CRose posted a comment on Thursday 3rd November 2005 10:26pm
An excellent chapter! I love what Harry did to the ministry. That lava idea was quite original. Now killing kingsley was a surprise, but only a little.
Dobby can't sense harry anymore? will he need to rebond with harry again at some point since harry is alive again?
that ghostly padfoot was damned cool. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Anand posted a comment on Thursday 3rd November 2005 7:55am
Cool chapter! Loved seeing Harry just unleash hell on everyone. Wicked cool.
Artchick posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 7:10am