By Bobmin
Kittie posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 6:11am
Oh, I finally found this after it got moved!
Thank you for continuing to write after ff.n took your story off - it's interesting, original well-written, and overall shouldn't have been deleted. Anyways, keep up the good work.
quizgirl posted a comment on Saturday 29th October 2005 11:08pm
Yes, what took me so long? I should've made the official request a long time ago! ;)
Awesome chapter. Too bad Pomfrey died, but someone had to, right?
You two rock!!!
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Saturday 29th October 2005 1:26pm
Harry being an animagus may be old hat, but
then you don't need to base the story on it.
He could turn out to be a turtle animagus.
Nothing that really changes his power level or
offers him an advantage.
Hell of a cliffhanger.
quizgirl posted a comment on Saturday 29th October 2005 4:31am
I can't believe someone kicked you off from The bloody nerve on some people! I used such a long time to find this story too that I had almost given up, until I asked for your story in a chapter I wrote on Portkey. Luckily some people there knew about this site and told me, and here I am! It's amazing to read this story again. I hope I haven't forgotten too much.
Thomas posted a comment on Saturday 29th October 2005 3:47am
First i'd like to say that i love all your fic's sofar.
Now the A.K. i hope that you can twist the story in such a way that it fixes his leg because i really like fully functional Harry.
And i'm thinking about the name for the sequel maybe Rule Britania?
The fact that you finish your fic's before starting a new one is really great because it really bugs me to see some writers do great fics and instead of finishing them have 10 of them unfinished.
And here is a little wish fore the next one maybe Harry could be placed with the Tonkses because that way Nymphadora would really be his big sister(honestly i like big sis tonks as much as girlfriend tonks).
I'm imagining a 6 year old Harry crawling into bed with a 12 year old Tonks because he had a nightmare.
Keep up the good work.
kari posted a comment on Friday 28th October 2005 7:42pm
As usual, another excellent chapter. It's sad that Ron had to die... Kind of... Okay, I lied, its not really that sad at all. Good Riddance.
I have a eeensy weeeensy curiousity that I'd like to question you about. "Not when it’s being run by a half blooded tyrant, Professor.".... I understand that it IS true, Voldemort being half-blood and all, but why would Harry, of all people, decide to use it as part of a slam against him (Voldy)...? That just struck me as odd, that's all..
On a different note, thanks again for providing such a great piece of ff... and have a Happy Halloween!
Jimmy posted a comment on Friday 28th October 2005 3:11pm
Very good work. But I gotta tell ya, you're both evil!!!! Now, I was wondering, would it be ok for you to beta read a novel my friend is working on getting published?
Please reply.
CRose posted a comment on Friday 28th October 2005 10:16am
I gotta admit, this is one of the more enertaining stories out there. I've read pretty much everything at and several sites and this one still draws me in.
Ron..dead? For some reason I dont think so. His hatred of spiders is legendary. He'll pop up again somewhere I think.
Now the AK that took down Harry. Interesting, I was actually expecting it to be one of the girls. Harry hasn't been that nice to some of them and Ron was good at turning people against harry.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Illucia posted a comment on Friday 28th October 2005 1:58am
At first I decided to read this story because of Jeconais and Draco664. I mean, come one, if this would be of the same standard as those two, I'd be in heaven.
The story began a bit... slow. I was positively surprised by the lenght of the chapter though. Yet the events continued in the slow pace... how very annoying and so madly torturous. Especially when I hate unjustice. There's nothing worse... almost... than to read chapter after chapter filled with Harry who is heaped on all the wrongness in the world. Particularly when it's well written.
About half way I really got into this. Hermione, discounting few scenes, felt truly IC. Then I was slumped into the part of this where things are told rather than shown and I thought 'well, it was fun while it lasted'. I'm of course talking about the part where Harry is recuperating. It's sudden how things change form being detailed conversations to overall sentences than include a lot of things.
I was wrong to worry as soon it all went back to the 'good' style :)
The scenes have been many but all of them long enough not to make this feel 'jumpy'. Well done! Hermione and Harry, at least now, sound very delicious. All the more so when there clearly is some Ron bashing ahead *evilly rubs hands*
Anyway, I had already decided to drop a review before the next chapter when I read your statement at the bottom of the page. I couldn't believe my eyes. A writer with opinions actually and is actually making a statement!
Just for the record, I totally agree with you. Begging for reviews is ****ty. I'm too stubborn to abandon a good story because the author is an idiot but I'd never leave anything but a sarcastic review, if that, after me. What ever else I migth say, wouldn't obviously be recognised if even understood. (that doesn't include writers under fifteen who I usually shower with praise just to be sure they won't stop writing ;) ...and no, I don't think you're under 15.
Judd posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 6:58pm
This is my second time reading through this. It’s a great FanFic. I love how you made Dumbledore more and more evil as the book progressed. Also you did something very few people can actually do... make the love life of the main characters believable. Congrats on all accounts. Oh, I really like Harry’s T-Shirts, but that humour seems to die out towards the end of the Fic… :-(
I like how you put Americans on a lower level of English writing ability then others… your right… but it amused me.
New Jersey
josh posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 12:14pm
Hmm, another great chapter, with one hell of a cliffhanger. We better not have to wait another two weeks to see what happens ;) anyways, I'm really enjoying this story. I was pleased when I logged on to the website and saw an update.
Very interesting moves in this chapter. I'm anxiously awaiting to read more.
oh, Avada kedavera
ANNA posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 10:01am
Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 8:42am
I still need to see proof that Ron is died.
Pris posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 6:48am
Now this is the mother of all cliffhangers. NOT! We all know Harry is going to survive because of the profecies...
Aside from that: Quite good, so far.
And as you seem to collect pet peeves, here's one of mine: CAPS LOCK. I hear what I read, and something in caps lock sounds like screaming in my head. I even found myself cringeing back from the screen on occassion. I don't have that problem with small caps, though.
Keta posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 3:34am
I really liked this chapter!
Especcially those Harry's coments about Remus beeing a werewolf nd shaving. That was good..
Just on question: why when Harry embranced Remus, and the later got tears in eyes, why Tonks was well laughing about that? That they in embrance?
Anyway love your story, pity, that between the chapter is such a long time.. But from other side - the chapters are good and long! So keep going!
Keta... ;c)
Steven Augart posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 3:03am
Oh my goodness. What a shock to see Our Heroes -- or what looks like them -- captured.
I enjoyed the chapter, including the subtle humor you use.
Judd posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 3:01am
First Note: The criticism I'm about to give you does not really matter.
Second Note: I think I’ve already told you this, but this is possibly one of my favourite fan fictions ever. Amazing job, on everything. And thank you for giving me something good to read in the absence of another JK book.
Criticism: No one can grow larger than their genetic predisposition, you made a note that they could in your author’s notes… and they just can’t. Sorry ïŠ
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 1:33am
Intreguing chapter, Bob & Alyx.
Okay, starting with the cliffhanger - Of course Harry isn't dead. If Voldemort and trained Death Eaters couldn't make the AK work on him, a traitorous little oik like Dean Thomas couldn't manage it. And talk about playing a dangerous game! A muggleborn like Dean joining the DEs? :-o
I'll tell you who else isn't dead. Ron has absorbed enough Defence and Dark Arts skills to survive an Acromantula attack. Of course, he may not exactly be the most attractive of survivors (multiple bite wounds! venom scarring! YUCK!); however, I think he will make it.
Snape, however, is definately dead. Or, at the very least, he will soon be praying for death %#
I can't help but laugh at Hermione having to stop the Weasley Twins from 'playing' with the rescued historical artefacts. Those two may be geniuses but like many creative geniuses, they need constant supervision.
Minerva doesn't know it, but being dumped in a holding cell with Harry's 'corpse' is probably the best thing that could possibly happen to her. I expect to see a fairly comprehensive (and bloody) break-out scene that is the magical equivalent of the police station assault in 'The Terminator'.
Overall, I'm impressed. Less happening this time but it is enough to keep me intersted. Waiting for more!
BenRG's Rating: 8/10
beauty0102 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 11:46pm
yeah great chapter can't wait for more.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 10:05am