By Bobmin
JJ posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 6:26am
Avada Kedavra? Fair enough, I said it. I was hoping for more Ron, but if he dies, he dies. LOL for Ollivander's wand and Weasley's Wizard Wars; I hope the Victory can be fixed up. ISTR an irritated Admiral who disapproved of one of his senior subordinates flying his flag on something that couldn't move. He called her a superannuated bath toy. Nice to know he was right...
KUTGW and can we have the Final Attack soon? That was a horrible place to leave us and Doom has been Impending for about five chapters now. No complaints from me, mind you.
David Thacker posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 6:16am
That was great and I all ways thought that Ollivander used wandless magic.Ron's death was a shock thoought he die fighting Harry or something like that.And what Harry did to Moony was great.Reply where ever it would be easier for you if you need to repy fast use the reply in the reviews then.
Jim posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 6:12am
notice that ron's death hasn't been confirmed! just suspected ....
Will he be making a return?
excellent chapter
Zero Blitz posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 6:10am
Well there's three things that I can think of straight off of my head after reading this chapter: either Harry goes into a kind of semi-dead state and ends up going back to the living, as soon as he saw/heard Dean fire he made an illusion of himself that gets hit(and possibly McGonagall too)/as soon as he notices anythings wrong he gets all of the students and staff out of the way and the whole fight was an illusion or when the curse hits him he either gets knocked unconscious or fakes it. I suppose he could really be dead and Fate decides to kill everyone or something because the prophecy didn't come true... but that's not very likely. Romany seems like an alright character, it will be kind of sad if she actually died. I wonder if any of my guesses are correct? Probably not but if I could be bothered to think for a bit I may have gotten right. Please update soon! I don't like cliff hangers.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 6:00am
Something is going to happen. (Yes, I know Harry got hit with the AK. *Again.*) However, for some rather odd reason, I think that it's only going to *extremely* piss him off (maybe because Moldy didn't do the casting?) and that Lucius and Dolohov are going to pay dearly for that screwup.
m posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 4:39am
you always leave a bit at the end about what annoys you most in stories so i thought to share what annoys me most with you that being authors who hit harry with an ak curse then end the chapter and if other authors are anything to go by dont update for a week
Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 4:15am
Somehow I can't believe you just killed Harry. Romany, perhaps, but Harry?
Okay, things have officially gone to hell. DD as the wildcard trying to track Harry down (nice job getting him out of England, btw) after betraying Snape.
I like how intricate you're making this. Something from several chapters ago (fixing the items they're taking from the museums) comes back.
Looking forward to more!
Adam posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 3:43am
Now that is a nasty cliffhanger, all in all though another very good chapter, and personally I think Ron got what he deserved. Ahh so Dean was the traitor. Ok so you have killed off Harry (boo, hiss) I always wonder why authors do that before the end of the story, as it just means they need think of some clever way to bring him back or leave him dead and have it no longer Harry Potter, but only based in the HP universe. Well you now have an upset Hermione, and a couple of prophecies that need to find a new chosen one. Oh well I really hope you update soon as the end of this chapter has just annoyed/frustrated me.
Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 25th October 2005 11:37am
{Amused look)
rabid plotbunny from hell?... I believe I have about two dozen of the blasted things, they are all stacked neatly on a shelf waiting to be unleashed upon other writers as challenges.
{Evil Grin)
Care for a few? I have one that you can use in this story if you havn't gotten harry to avalon yet.
Keep up the good work
Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 25th October 2005 4:26am
pfft... normally when playing catch-up on a story I wait till the end to review, but after reading your last couple of A/N I just wanted to drop a to ask the you ignor the 'cannon' morons. or better yet, if you haven't yet you could drop them a little note saying "If you don't like it, don't read it" it's much easier all around.
Zero Blitz posted a comment on Monday 24th October 2005 3:38am
I've just started to read this fic and I think it's really good so far (and although I'd prefer H/G than H/Hr it still seems to work well). I think that Fawkes should return as Harry's phoenix which could prove that Harry isn't 'dark' (maybe he could get/do something that shows his perfect grey (grey is how the colour is spelt in England) personality, strength or 'grey lord' status) and/or they should get animagus forms soon (but seeing the power of Harry in this fic, Harry would probably be able to turn into just about any non-magic animal and a couple of magical that depict his personality) and I think you should show a couple more things Harry can do with his power soon (oh yeah I think it would be stupid if Dumbledore and Snape actually succeed with a ritual that brings them upto power with Harry since Dumbledore would have thought about it during the first war). Also why don't all of the important members on Harry's side have a multi-mirror (or some other form of quick communication) or Harry should have something like Hermione has which heats up when one of them gets hurt (a different object per person). And one last thing: I think Harry should find out he can kill dementors soon (or as soon as they start fighting back for England). I don't mind if you don't implement any of my ideas but maybe you could consider them?
jb238 posted a comment on Monday 24th October 2005 1:29am
Fascinating story, I'm very curious how it continues. I like the humour to lighten the story as well as Harry taking things into his own hands instead of just getting manipulated and pushed around.
Eric posted a comment on Sunday 23rd October 2005 1:57pm
I love your story i usually don't like Harry/Hermione but you pull it off wonderfully This story should never have been taken off but that website has given me so many headaches lately. Well just wanted to tell you i loved your story.
minervakitty posted a comment on Sunday 23rd October 2005 11:36am
I'm glad that all the historical documents/artifacts is being taken, so that Voldie won't get his paws on them. When will Richfield finally figure that Voldie's a very bad options? It would be very amusing if, Richfield sends his family into hiding, and his family winds up in Padfoot. What would happen to the Hogwart's library? Is Hogwarts going to remain standing? I really don't see Harry wanting fidelity from those escaping Voldie. Is the amount of people being the conductors for the Underground railroad enough for the flood of people? Is Ms. Prewitt going to be heading towards Padfoot? I don't think that her reception there would be very welcoming. I wonder if the plan for putting a permanent blockade/barrier will be coming through. Amusing part of the who thing is that Dumbledore and Snape would be at Hogwarts, when Voldie starts to attack it. How long would Harry and Co stay away? Does the others on the grounds know about what's coming? I do hope that Hagrid comes out of this alive. Snape can come out of this a bit lame in a way.
beauty0102 posted a comment on Sunday 23rd October 2005 4:56am
yeah great chapter please update again soon.
Alayna posted a comment on Sunday 23rd October 2005 1:03am
I already thought that you had abandoned your Story after I didn't get a message for the next chapter for so a long time. I read with astonishment that the Story was banned from Why that? I mean, Harry doesn't become a lonely fighter as in other Storys... and for the Sex-scene, I've already read more detailed ones...
Well anyway, I'm glad that I can read now 100 pages;-)
I must say, I'm really impressed of the Detail you put in the Story, especially with the military aspect! And that the prime Minister is able to organise the nuclear flot to be in America for the time of the Takeover is brilliant!
I'll tell you more, when I'm again up to date.
Keep up the good work
PS: Excuse eventual errors in my writing, but I'm Swiss and english ist still a foreign language;-)
Natasja posted a comment on Saturday 22nd October 2005 2:23pm
********Do I really need to say what I’m peeved about with this chapter? Do I really need to say it? Bet you can guess it!********
You are somewhat hacked off at Admin., I take it.
Dave Mackey posted a comment on Friday 21st October 2005 1:51pm
Another excellant chapter, and I am really enjoying the build up to the flee from England. I like reading your stories, but I have to keep a window open with Google to look up some of the things you talk about. (ie HMS Victory & the Rosetta Stone) Thanks for reminding me about all those things I forgot from college.
Looking forward to the next chapter
William Drayton posted a comment on Friday 21st October 2005 1:41pm
I've noticed in all the chapters since Christmas that Ron is still call a Weasley, but I thought that Arthur Disowned him. Just wondering. Other than that, I love your story.
Mark posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 6:26am