Content Harry Potter


dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 21st October 2005 1:25pm

I have to say the Weasley Boys robbing musems and repairing things was the best part. Good chapter.

Natasja posted a comment on Friday 21st October 2005 2:50am

******** PET PEEVES:

Excessively long update periods.

Why pray tell does seem to take some authors MONTHS to write a 3K word chapter? I don’t get that at all. ********

Writer's Block, lack of time/resources, etc.

Natasja posted a comment on Friday 21st October 2005 1:12am


I love how this story is going. Please keep up the exellent work.
Have you ever considered professional writing?

By the way, thank you for putting in the 'Pet Peeves' part. You have managed to put into words what I have been dying to say but never found a way of expressing.
I really am not in a position to comment about the one concerning chapter titles, though.
On all but one of my multi-chapter stories (I'm more into poetry and companion groups of one-shots) I've managed to label about half of the chapters then been absolutly unable to think of anything that would fit! Really, sometimes I think that inventing and writing chapter titles is harder than the story itself!

Peace be with you,

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Thursday 20th October 2005 2:35pm

I am still in total love with your story... though I am a bit confused. Did you Dumbledore change a bit in his quest for greatness? In the beginning of your story he was self centered, egotistical, and immoral... but not exactly evil... has your intent with this character changed or has he simply been sliding down the sippery slope? I mean it kind of makes sense because all of his grand plans have collapsed so he is now willing to grasp at any straws... including those truly evil as opposed to dark.

I was just curious as to whether his character is evolving... or devolving in response to what has happened... or if your focus for him changed since you began the story...

keep up the good work!

Rhiannon posted a comment on Thursday 20th October 2005 1:12pm

When was this chapter submitted? I've been sitting here all day riveted because I simply could not pull myself away long enough to do anything at all! Very well written and executed! I don't normally read stories where Dumbledore is evil, but you've given me faith that it can be done and done well. Keep up the good work and I'm waiting for the next chapter!

Snapesmistress00 posted a comment on Thursday 20th October 2005 4:14am

i finally got caught up. i've been reading this story for about a month now (real life kept interupting grrrrrrrrrrr ) and i have to say wow! i really like the way it's so original and promising. oh yeah, btw, loved the "slip" from mr lovegood about the names. that was great. i especially like that you are taking time to develop the other characters relationships. especially draco and luna. that's honestly a pair i have never seen before and when i realized you were going that direction, my first reaction was huh? but it's actually grown on me :) oh yeah, i can't wait to see some more of ron, that evil bastard. he's not my fav character, even in canon, so it's nice to see him get tossed around a bit, especially in the disclaimers. i can't remember where i was told about your story, but i wish i knew so i could go back and thank that person! great job and can't wait for another chappie!
much love!

Kaji posted a comment on Wednesday 19th October 2005 6:16am

I think its brilliant! I love the story, but theres a lot of time between chapters that I usually have to reread the previous chapter or two and then read the new one!

Nice, awesome, outstanding, excellent, magnificent, amazing, wonderful, great, marvelous...all these words are understatements when I try to describe your story. PLEASE POST MORE CHAPTERS SOON!!!!! I CAN'T wait! hehe

Eliew posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 10:26pm

Oooo...heehee... love how the Team Weasley is repairing all those ancient the rate they are going, some of these relics would all be worthless very soon or discounted as frauds, except by scientists who are interested in how the things looks like in their original state... Just curious , why didn't the news report about the fact thaat the leftovers were repaired?

Hmm..a shame that there weren't more help available, if not Flint could be put down for good, oh well, guess he have just been granted a few more months to live.

The part regarding the underground railroad was interesting, is the room actually a portkey?

Hmm..just one last thing, will the Weasel, the Bee and the Greasy Git survive this story? If so, how badly damage are they going to be physically?

I have just gone through the entire story in the last two days, and I must congratulate the two of you for truly a job well done so far. Harry was made superpowered, but still not without his weaknesses, making him at least believable.

The Ron, Ablus and Snape are beyond redemption, unless they gave up their lives in the process, even then, it may not be enough.

I like how you had Harry turn his back on the Order and the Weasleys in particular, but yet still unable to not show mercy when they need it, even if he had tried to withheld that mercy for a while. This goes as well for the five Death Nibblers caught by in the school.

I am glad the Kingsley have been exposed as the mole, but now the problem would be the one DE left in Gryffindor. Or have Harry and gang forgot about that one threat?

Another concern would be that how secure is the Haven going to be, would there be anyway a DE could be detected in the town, since there are chances that the lone Gryffindor DE is still lurking in the school right now.

One last thing, before I forget, I must say, your Disclaimers were most fun to read, heehee, and I love how Ron was being killed off each time. Hmm.. since the Bee and the Git have already been mention, maybe it's time to add in others such as Molly Prewitt, TM Riddle, etc.

Ok, think I have gonne on long enough, looking forward to your next update where I believe would be the start of the evacution or the chapter after.

Eliew posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 7:55pm

Ohhh..the Quibbler's article on the DE Captured Hogwarts was fun. Especially how the students named was not to be known till their family were informed.

Regarding the Board of Governors, in a previous meeting, a Augusta Longbottom was mention, then in this chapter a Constance Longbottom was mention, are there two Longbottom in the Board, or was it a mistake of some sort?

Hmm... based on what is happening to the outside world so far, will the Brotherhood have to bring forward their date of departure? Heehee, will be fun though, for the Bumblebee to return to a almost empty school.

Eliew posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 6:52pm

Nice use of the fire termites, and how poor Hermione hae been 'trick' into putting out their competitor.

Just wondering though, how did Harry split himself into multiple clones? And was he actually in control of all of them, and can use any one to cast a spell, or was it just a illusion while he was moving very fast from one illusion to another? If that is the case, can he actually do that in battle and face multiple opponents?

Eliew posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 5:41pm

Heehee, love what you have done to the poor Slytherins under Trelawney's 'guidance'. The chagne the house colurs from green and silver to gray and forest. Though I have to wonder how would wizards or witches knows about fengshui. beginning to wonder if the attacks are not due to the Death Nibblers (DN). Will we find out who the Gryffindor DN is soon? And I look forward to reading Harry toying with those that hurt his friends. Since they wanted to play so much, let them have it!

fairylights posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 11:44am

I have been remiss in not thanking you for your wonderful stories prior to this. I'm hoping you will excuse my rudeness! I don't know where y'all live, but I live in Southeastern Texas, right on the Gulf coast. When my family (Three kids, one dog, one hamster, one rabbit, two gerbils a husband and a wife *we thought the pear tree could survive on its own*) evacuated for Hurricane Rita several weeks ago, I had just started reading Dumbledore's Army. The night before we left, after I'd packed the irreplaceable stuff we were taking with us, I sat down and printed every chapter of the two stories you still have up at That was the last thing I did before I disconected the tower and put it in the van. Those stories accompanied us as we drove to our "safe place" and provided me with much comfort and distraction during a very difficult time.

Thank you!

Kathleen posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 11:24am

Love your test for betas. Loved the details about Padfoot! Was surprised by how angry Harry got with Tonks, but loved seeing Bones' internal commentary about it. Beautiful chapter. Please keep writing, I'm loving it.

Will Pratt posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 5:14am


Just a suggestion. It occured to me while rereading that you include a lot of AP and similar newsfeeds. Real ones of those are customarily headed with a date and location. Including the dates would be a convenient way of providing a time tick.


Will Pratt posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 3:57am

"1. The sanctuary Harry has built has room for a thousand families. How much of the wizarding population in Britain would that make?"

Actually, JKR has given us a fairly good hint, in that she has stated that the Hogwarts-age wizarding population of the British Isles is roughly 1000. If we apply the standard demographic calculations to that, assuming normal age pyramid distribution over a longevity roughly twice that of muggles, and skipping detailing the calculations, we get a total wizarding population in the near vicinity of 17,000 for the British Isles. On the assumption of an average of 5 per family, the village at Padfoot would accommodate 5000 people or slightly less that 1/3. But then, some of that population lives in Ireland already. Call it between a third and a half of the English and Scottish wizarding populations that could be accommodated. though expecting to achieve that percentage of an evacuation is probably unrealistic the way things are going to H- in a handbasket. Padfoot Village probably won't be completely full.


Beth posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 2:35am

The HMS Victory?! Oh, good heavens. I love the Weasley Heritage Thieves! Hermione is going to have kittens when she finds out that they've been repairing things -- even things being left behind. I wonder what the authorities think of that. Oh, to be a fly on the wall when Hermione does find out and confronts them.

I am really enjoying this story. Keep up the great work (including the author notes/disclaimers)!

Eliew posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 2:11am

A sad way for Percy to go, and it seem as though Kingsley is somehow involved, unless that was a impersonation by a DE using polyjuice or some other means. Had originally thought that the drink the interrogator had was polyjuice, till I reread the portion and realise he had offer it to Percy, then the reason became clear when Amelia read the notes. Just wondering though, why is the dark mark casted on the heel, done on purpose?

Love the fact the the greasy git is sacked, but I think Dumbledore is too much to have announced the fact that Draco was the one to have file the complaint. Shouldn't there be some rules against that kind of thing? And I wouldn't be surprise if the greasy git had been the one to have cast the hex. Lucky for him Draco didn't die, or else there will be hell to pay for when Harry find out the perpetrators.

Padfoot's Godchild posted a comment on Tuesday 18th October 2005 12:42am

I have to agree with your Pet Peeves! I hate it when I spot a promising story and find it full of misspelled words, etc. I just leave a review in which I tell the author to please proofread their work or consult a dictionary. I won't even read the story after that.

I really like how this story is turning out. I can't wait to see what happens to Dumbledore, Snape and Ron. I hope they all get what they so dearly deserve!

Update soon.

Eliew posted a comment on Monday 17th October 2005 11:57pm

Ooo...looks like the greasy git decide to use the defenseless muggles to get Harry instead. If Harry ever find that that stunt was from him, he is certainly going to suffer a fate worst than the worm.

Hmm... just wondering, did the prophet publish all those articles because to Malfoy's cousin? I would have thought that they will be focusing more on the ministry than Harry. Oh well, whatever, the sheep are being led by their nose anyway.

Eliew posted a comment on Monday 17th October 2005 10:51pm

Heehee..I like the part where two authors have been used as potion ingredients.

And while what Harry did to the Worm is distasteful, I can't say that thing didn't have it coming. A shame though, Harry wasn't able to claim his debt from the rat.

Sorry for not having many reviews, your chapters are long, not that I'm complaining, but make me tends to forget what happen in the front when I get to the back, unless something really stick to my mind. And I'm trying to finish reading all the chapters.