By Bobmin
Alexander posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 7:52pm
I think you forgot to close an italics tag...
Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 6:10pm
How pissed is Hermioen going to be when she see how the Weasley has "fix" the item they were sent to steal?
I'm curiosu to see who will kill Ron. Harry or a member of his group? Voldemort or one of his Death Eaters? Or a member of thestudnet body, who Ron had picked on?
The girls who are being used as whore, are they Muggle or witches or a combination of the too?
Adam posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 6:00pm
I loved this chapter. The Weasleys were having a great time werent they, andf the fact they were repairing the items as they went will really cause some amusement when Hermione finds out. I think what really made me laught though was when they walked off the the Victory lol.
Things are getting really serious now though I would guess the exodus will start next chapter though if this one ends in March. This means though that things are about to get very unpleassant.
Its times like this that I really dislike finding a great story before it has been finished, as I really hate having to wait for the next chapter lol. Oh well good things come to those who wait I guess. Fortunately you never keep us hanging on for long for the next chapter.
Riven posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 5:04pm
absolutley wonderful chapter. i loved the reference to the underground railroad and i laughed my ass off as the weasleys repaired and stole all that historical stuff without haveing any clue as to what it was. i mean seriously, without the rosetta stone we wouldnt be able to read egyptian heiroglyphs and then makeing them steal a ship!?!? absolutley wonderful.
i wonder how they stole it? did they turn the ship itself into a portkey or perhaps just use a shrinking charm? or maby an invisibility charm and a team with brroms to lift it away? or a really powerful levitation charm. oh the different ways.
i did have a question though, the goblins interdicted harry's properties, im assumeing this is some form of shielding them and placeing them under goblin jurisdiction. so why doesnt hermione ask the goblins to interdict Big ben? or the tower of london?
or hell, have the twins shrink Big ben down and use it as a mantal clock for awhile :D
deffinetly an O+ chapter, now i simply cannot wait for chap 22. so in the meantime im going to go finish reading SC again. im currently on chap 11
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 4:52pm
Stealing a whole *ship*? For those of you unaware, HMS Victory (the sailing ship) was THE ship used as flagship in the defeat of the Spanish Armada, and finished her active-service career as a training vessel before going to the Naval Museum. (Reducing Charms are wonderful things, aren't they?) No, Team Weasley is not in trouble; in their emergency briefing to the PM a couple of chapters back, Harry himself warned him that they would be taking action to protect certain major British valuables from falling into Tom's hands. The PM agreed, covering everything under the Official Secrets Act. The PM knows what's going on; however, much of the Muggle government does not. (To an extent, even the Royals are still in the dark.) Shack turned? Bloody awful to find out that. Millicent actually *does* have an interest in Ron (at least sexually, if not romantically). Millicent *Prewitt* (remember, both Ron and Molly got ejected from the Weasley Family).....*HMMMMMM*.
Hagrid posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 5:22am
Well, i knew right away of course that I was always too much of "Dumbledore's man" to find meself in your story. But its such a good story that I don' mind. Between the openin' scenes of disclaimin'your ownership and the great pet peeves notes is about the finest story I've ever had the joy o' readin'. Send me an owl when you'v written
Jimbocous posted a comment on Saturday 15th October 2005 1:55pm
Bob, Alyx, Thanks for three great reads in a row. I discovered your work by accident, as I make it a habit to check author pages for people who leave reviews and I saw one of your reviews on the late great FFnet. Can't tell you how much I've enjoyed what I've seen of your work so far. The author's notes and chapter intros are often hilarious, and really add to the reading experience for me.
Sadly, I've probably committed many of your pet Peeves in the little I've written, but I read fanfic to learn as well as to enjoy. Anyway, this is really great stuff, and I'll be looking for more. Frankly, I find that the most creative and readable HP stuff out there falls under the AU unbrella. On another note, I really appreciate the handling and emphasis on the abuse aspects of Harry's upbringing. Anyone who ignores that aspect of his character is just writing fluff, but your treatment in the first two pieces was extraordinary. Finally, for my vote, on July 16th last there was a giant sucking sound in Great Britain. I felt the breeze here in Colorado. It was called HBP. It left me feeling like book 7 is written, and JRK needed something in the middle. The substantive content ran to about 3k works. Oh, well, at least with authors like you two out there I can get my HP fix for the next couple years and, perhaps, learn a little craft as well. Thanks!
Erin posted a comment on Saturday 15th October 2005 12:43pm
Im so glad to have found this story here. I was upset when I saw on Fanfiction that there were no updates and then saw the reason why yesterday. Great Job.
Padfoot's Godchild posted a comment on Saturday 15th October 2005 10:50am
I love your story, and I am wondering why it is taking so long for you to update it.
I have never liked Ron. He is too childish. His mother is not a good influence on him. Since when has Harry been a child? Ron was the only child.
I would like to see Harry confront Molly Weasley to put her in her place. Arthur apologized, and I was glad to see that he joins the better part of the family.
I may be evil, but I think Molly and Ron may deserve to be a victim of Voldemort and his minions.
Please update!
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 14th October 2005 4:38am
Excellent work.
Marikili posted a comment on Friday 14th October 2005 12:32am
i love your story it was on my favorites on and i've just found out that they cancelled it... sorry if my grammar and spelling is not good but english is not my first language even though i AM studying it at university.
Coolone007 posted a comment on Thursday 13th October 2005 2:19am
Sniff, Sniff. I never thought in my days of writing to get rid of Poppy. Like many people in the books she is a staple of Hogwarts. In you stroy a piece has died. I am not by any means saying it is making the strory bad just really put forth the drama and angst you are presenting. I am so excited to read more of your story. When you get back to a puter. I hope my comments were not anoying or stupid in your standards.
OrionHR posted a comment on Tuesday 11th October 2005 10:41pm
well I've worked hard and long to get through the story and I must say I'm enjoying this one as much as I did DA and SC. I'm going to guess that Harry and the Outcasts will be setting up some form of transportation between Padfoot and the CoS. Otherwise, reclaiming it makes little sense unless you have a means of travel between the two. However I will trust you judgement in this. You haven't disappointed yet. I love the A/N and the FF.N insults.
Michael posted a comment on Tuesday 11th October 2005 8:39am
Incredible chapter, once again you have outdone yourselves. Very exciting, funny, dramatic... the entire spectrum of emotions is displayed in yur writing and you pull it off very well. ~frosty
Sarah Underland posted a comment on Tuesday 11th October 2005 7:18am
I still cant believe this story was taken down off of But hey atleast there are updates from your yahoo group. I love this story and cant wait for chapter 21. I had to reread the story again cause i got to involved with WoW. But its always good to go back and read the story again cause it helps refresh the memory and it makes the newest chapter more exciting cause your more into it. And now im rambaling. Oh well cant wait for you to continue soon.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Tuesday 11th October 2005 5:14am
A *three HUNDRED and sixty hour* Matura? Given a powerful enough staff, Harry could convert Tom Riddle into so many free protons and electrons using a Blasting curse, or reduce Little Hangleton (the town, not just Riddle's ancestral home) to rubble, shielding or no shielding. (Why a staff? No wand, no matter what it uses for a core, could hope to withstand that sort of casting power for any length of time.) Harry was *already* atop the fifth-year student Power Rankings. (That is scary in and of itself, given that Hermione and Ron had both undergone their Maturas already, and Harry had not.) Now, Harry is as far ahead of Tom as Tom was ahead of Harry at the Battle of the Ministry, if not more so. How much trouble is Tom (let alone Dumbledore) in?
Dave Dishman posted a comment on Tuesday 11th October 2005 3:23am
I just wanted to thank you for your stories, I've enjoyed them very much, I can feel all the emotions you've put into them, from heart breaking sadness to soul ripping anger, I catch alot of your little jokes along the way, makes the story nice and airy, especialy the lemon drops :)
I'm looking forward to finishing this story and finding out how Voldemort gets a power boost or just goes by Harrys power boost inexperence with Voldemorts weaker mo experenced fighting style
I thought I saw a hint in the Professors lecture in the DADA ;)
Coolone007 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th October 2005 3:22am
I have a question about harry's learning. You stated in the first part of the story thsat he could absorbe a large book in a little over an hour. can he not appluy this knollege ina practical sence? The reason for the odd question is in the currnet chapter, "In fact, he’s on par with Miss Granger in practical and only slightly behind her on theory at this point." Why would he be behind in theory unless the knollege take loger to incorprate into his practical aspects.
Stone Cold posted a comment on Monday 10th October 2005 10:57pm
I love this story. And I was very sad to see it off FF.Net.
I think the part I love best about this story is the Red Europe reference. I love the muggle military portion.
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 10:04pm