By Bobmin
ivorynightfall posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 6:55pm
I almost think Hermione doesn't deserve Harry in this story...she has a lot to learn...quick to anger and accuse Harry, even though she supposedly knows and loves him best...insecure and so needing always be best and envious of Harry being more capable (to a much lesser degree than Ron, but that seems to be tempered by the fact that he loves her)...rejoicing in the power that his love for her gives her...--;
sfjoellen posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 2:29pm
you two write well. your disclaimers are annoyingly cute, and the author notes WAY to long, other than that, nice job
token posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 12:43am
I've read this story once before and didn't really notic it at the time, but I have this time. A big part of the reason they leave england is that Harry and Voldemort must be "Equals" and yet Harry goes into battle against him at a phsyical disadvantage. He has a serious physical impairment but Voldy doesn't, and that doesn't really strike me as being "equal" as you have strived for them to be.
Zamia posted a comment on Saturday 18th September 2010 5:27am
Quite an amazing yarn. You depict the sorrow and happiness of Harry & Hermione so well it brings a tear to the eye. Still enjoy your notes. Very impressed with the standoff with Voldy. You have definitely shown that behind every superman there is a superwoman holding him up by his belt. Onto the sequel. Cheers.
cello posted a comment on Tuesday 7th September 2010 7:59am
Wonderful work! You tied it up nicely so your sequel could either begin the next day or twenty years from where it ended. Thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
Thank you.
cello posted a comment on Tuesday 7th September 2010 6:51am
Good grief, I thought they would never leave! Whew, that was intense.
cello posted a comment on Tuesday 7th September 2010 6:26am
Whoa, had to catch my breath. Ya know, that really is a stupid expression...anyway...caught me offguard. Afraid of the next chapter; if this were a film I'd cover my eyes. Well done.
cello posted a comment on Tuesday 7th September 2010 4:23am
Old Tom Riddle is using all his assets this time around in his Pinky and the Brain quest. Looking bad for the good guys. Looking forward to how you're going to contain this guy. Thank goodness there's a sequel or I might have had to fret :)
cello posted a comment on Tuesday 7th September 2010 3:16am
Great chapter! The girls seem more their ages.
You have so much activity on so many fronts in all your chapters, yet it's not confusing. That would have been rough writing, timing wise. Outlines, huh?
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 8:34pm
well - Maybe I'm reading waaay too much into this, but Trelawney could have seen something. Slytherin is doomed unless they change their 'colors', but she's too goofy (or had too much cooking sherry) to interpret it correctly. It's bedtime if I'm thinking Sybil's making sense. Love her slippers - mine are white polar bears whose paws bark when you squeeze them :)
Hermione seems terribly insecure to the point of paranoia with a hair trigger temper, and with Ginny as the constant voice of reason. Kinda hard to picture that.
I missed the whole thing and I'm pleased as punch to have found you.
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 7:31pm
The misguided old elf strikes again. I know this story is long since completed, but I'm going to beg as if it isn't. Pleeease don't kill off Dumbledore. Letting him suffer for another hundred years in poverty and obscurity would please me greatly or a huge library with broken glasses (remember that) and no magic or lemon drops without flavor or...
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 6:02pm
Thank goodness you already said the Grangers would survive a few chapters back in your A/N or I would have been forced to get another mug of ice cream for comfort.
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 4:45pm
nah, that'd be MELF, which is far more advanced than SPEW-
You guys had me howling at Dan, Harry and the brandy. Drunken characters usually send me racing toward the 'next' button, especially when they're used as a lazy excuse to promote intimacy. This was a riot-- from the first gulp to the hangover!
Finally, Arthur grew a pair. Took him long enough to figure out that what he thought were freckles were peck marks.
Can you tell I am thoroughy enjoying this tale?
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 3:11pm
Molly described as a chubby Petunia defending her wronged chook tickled me. I half expected an Emma and Molly throwndown for a minute there.
Good job humanizing Minerva. Tired of seeing her written as a sexless crone, pining for a kind word from the Headmonster.
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 2:26pm
You warned us things were going to get worse. I was so busy wanting you to spank Ron and Dumbledore, I skimmed over what was happening with the terrorist attacks on the non- magical world.
Clever parchment. Wonderfully ironic - Hermione a seer. Ha! So, her Nana was magical or knew of her family's connection to magic. Cool.
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 1:22pm
rubbing hands together in glee at upcoming comeuppances - say that three times
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 12:07pm
How on earth did the spider get through all the heavy duty wards around Harry's bed? yeah, yeah, I'll wait and see ;)
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 11:28am
Wow, you got me to feel sorry for Draco without changing his pinheaded attitudes. Well done.
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 10:40am
That interview given by Dumbles was low. How the heck does one defend against something like that? You've stuck Harry between a rock and a hard spot Unless you discredit the evil old elf. You say potato, I say potahto. heehee
ivorynightfall posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 7:40pm