By Bobmin
noylj posted a comment on Sunday 9th October 2005 7:00pm
Love the story, but it is "another think coming," not "another thing coming."
Super power!Harry stories, where Ginny or Hermy also seem to get lots of powers bug me. Sort of like the HP movies, where Hermy gets all of Ron's good lines.
noylj posted a comment on Sunday 9th October 2005 5:59pm
Love your stories. Even when they aren't the best, they are still updated frequently and one can tell that you care about your stories and your readers. Please, please, make sure Snape is killed. The sooner the better. Don't let him wise up, just kill him. Dead. Doornail.
Puck posted a comment on Sunday 9th October 2005 11:21am
LOVE THIS!!!!! Probably one of the best Super Powered Harry stories yet!!!
James Jarratt posted a comment on Sunday 9th October 2005 9:51am
I read your other 2 stories on and I loved them. I'll admit when I first find out that ya'll were doing a harry/hermione I wasn't planning on reading it but seeing as I couldnt find any story updates from other authors I love I came across your new story and I was like what the hell I got nothing to do and after reading the first chapter I am liking this story.
Mark posted a comment on Saturday 8th October 2005 6:03am
Hi Bob and Alyx,
I just found your story again. I didn't know you got kicked off of and I was beginning to worry you either abandoned the story or something happened to you two. Sorry for doubting the two of you. I can't imagine why they pulled the story since the only part of the story that might have gotten it pulled wasn't even posted at Anyways, good as always and I look forward to how the rest of the story will play out.
John Creasey posted a comment on Saturday 8th October 2005 5:15am
I feel that the prophecy in this chapter refers to a Nuclear strike in th UK. They may have much less than 20 days to evacuate.
This is my third reading of the entire story.
You are one of my favorite authors.
Thanks for an enjoyable read.
Obelix72 posted a comment on Friday 7th October 2005 9:09pm
Wow, great story! I like Harry & Hermione, but are Albus and Ron really devils?
Poppy Pomfrey - R.I.P.!
Barkeeper posted a comment on Friday 7th October 2005 4:46pm
Now, the last prophecy sounds a lot like Hogwarts is going to be nuked!
jim hood posted a comment on Friday 7th October 2005 11:12am
I want to thank you and your misses for writing such truly GREAT STORIES . I have read all of the stories you both have written and i have reread them so many times that it is just about memorized . But the biggest thing is that i am a avid reader of your material from ffnet(can't believe how anal retentive they have become lol). When i found out you were leaveing and taken your new story away i went into panic mode lol. I just wnat to say thanks agian for the great stories. i have tried my hand at writting found that ernest t. bass is better at prose poetry adnfiction than i am Heh Heh heh
Kirsti Robertson posted a comment on Friday 7th October 2005 4:17am
From your author's notes: "However…umm…here’s a silencing potion for your husband. Slip it in his coffee (or drink of choice) and go about your reading in peace."
Just a quick question: what's the dosage for children? *giggles*
And feel free to continue "fleshing out" your chapters--more for your readers to enjoy! Your attention to detail, along with a VERY exciting plot, is one of the aspects of your writing I like the most.
Do you know, I've never liked the Ferret at all, but you are actually making me soften up towards him! He may be an arrogant, stuck-up Slytherin, but in your story he's OUR arrogant, stuck-up Slytherin. (And the Luna/Draco pairing? First time I've ever seen it. Wierd and unexpected, but somehow it works the way you two write it!)
kirsti Robertson posted a comment on Friday 7th October 2005 1:30am
This is a fantastic story. It truly is. I found it by chance when someone in the HarryHermione live journal group asked --nay, begged--for a link to this story. Apparently you were kicked off of for long author's notes? Idiots! (not you, Your author's notes are informative and hilarious and I've been enjoying them no end.
Since I have three children who do not always understand that Mummy needs to be left alone for long periods of time to read and review this wonderful story, I will not always review; however, I will continue to read!
P.S. Regarding your statement above about H/Hedwig for Book Seven? I've always felt that Hedwig nurtures a secret longing for the Giant Squid. *wink*
Crys posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2005 9:50pm
I like how you're portraying the takeover of the MoM. Believable stuff. They're moving kinda fast, but as there is no widespread riots it's slow enough for their purposes.
Loved the funeral description.
Raven S. posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2005 8:10pm
Yay! I had wondered where you guys had gotten to when my conection to SOB kept failing and the author search on wasn't turning up anything.
I thought they had deleted your account all together, but I'm very thankful that I managed to find the link.
Anyways I just wanted to say kudos to you for continuing this wicked fic and going against the system that has been silencing some truly great pieces such as yours.
Thank you for your dedication
Raven Skyes
beauty0102 posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2005 4:18pm
yeah great chapter please hurry and finish writing 21 can't wiat to see what happens.
Kathleen posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2005 10:39am
whoo hoo, an update! I *love* authors who update regularly!! And I guess you do too--that was one of your peeves in another chapter.
Anyway, thanks for the update, the giants battle was cool. Great to see the other points of view when the students escaped. I wish the giants had put up a little more of a fight for Harry, though.
Kristina Akers posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2005 7:40am
it took me while to find this again, and boy was i glad i did! im really upsey about madam pomfreys death, but ill get over it evemtually. good job and keep up the good work
Alex Wright posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2005 7:21am
I've been following this story since the beginning. It's a b***h that deleted it but ah well. I think I have to say that your portrayal of a wizarding funeral was better than any I have read, including the one in HBP. Congrats.
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2005 1:07am
Well, to quote another famous wizard of the light: "The board is now set. The game has begun." Everybody seems to have their pieces in place and the first pawns have been shifted forward from their ranks to probe the enemy's defences. The next chapter, I think, will include the Exodus from Hogwarts, possibly even the fall of Britain.
This is another great chapter. I agree with all the reviewers who have said that only Draco could have told Hermione not to worry as he is the only Outcast sufficiently tactless. :-D
I am puzzled at Ron's recent silence. Admittedly, with his master absent, he might be laying low in what he must now consider to be an enemy (read Potter-controlled) school. However, I find it difficult to imagine him not reacting to the Death Eaters taking over the Ministry of Magic.
It also seems that the Muggle authorities are moving too. Things are going to get very hot very quickly.
BTW - I don't think that the mention of the old C-class Polaris SSBNs is wrong. I don't remember exactly, but I'm fairly sure that the new V-class Trident subs weren't in service in 1996, when this story is set.
So. Harry and Hermione are going to use staffs from now on? Well, that should ensure that they are rapidly going to turn into living legends when the hot war breaks out between the light and the dark.
Nice work on Harry using indirect attacks on the giants. I wonder if that trick with the bit of wood could classify as an equivalent to the old AD&D 'Magic Missile' spell. Heck! I've just aged myself fairly accurately. :-p
Still a great read, still to be followed.
BenRG's Rating: 9/10
Makileus posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2005 12:01am
Want to thank for the great birthday present. You posted chapter 20 on my b-day. I was sad that you killed off Madam Pomfry. It proves to me and I think others that you really have put much thought and preparation into your story. This is no children's story. Thanks for the good work, and keep it going!
Lord Dragon the First posted a comment on Sunday 9th October 2005 7:25pm