By Bobmin
madengineer posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 8:50pm
hEY nice chap....i was waiting in for an update! i was shocked to see that i was 4 chapters behind!!! anyways took me ages to read all, phew finally finished :D
good story so far...more padfoot manor details pls!
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 7:23pm
You owe me a mouse.
Soup posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 11:24am
Another great chapter. I can really tell that the school year is coming closer and closer to April. How far away are we now? I saw the marks for the first and second week of March, but did this chapter stop at the beginning of the third week of March? or is it just going to skip ahead to beginning of April?
Keep up the great work.
Riven posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 11:19am
Another awsome chapter, dont know what to say except that it was deffinetly an O. not much action though, it seemed a little bit like filler. well ok there was action but i didnt see much plot progression. we saw a few people become outlaws and DD is wanted now, thats about it. i really liked madame pomfrey and its a shame shes gone and dead but i liked the funeral. i have noticed one hole in your story so far.....why isnt the ministry comeing after Harry. and the "hes just a lowley student" excuse doesnt work for harry because voldie wants him dead, not some low life death eater who cant even tie his own shoes. im still waiting for the scene where the ministry tries to storm the castle with a contingent of "aurors" and take harry. that scene will be good.
Keldore posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 11:03am
It's really bizarre when I enjoy the author notes almost as much as I enjoy the story itself. Keep up the good work. And Harry should only have cat fur if it's involved in causing someone else to cough up a hairball. Oh, and did that falling giant happen to do anything to Albus or Severus? Like make the old man choke on a lemon drop or the git melt his hand in a cauldron?
Jim posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 10:36am
I *like* that way to disposing of giants. :-)
Nice chapter.
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 10:26am
great chapter, update soon!
Sean Melton posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 7:11am
Great chapter (as always), one small nitpick:
"Her four aging Polaris class ballistic submarines would be preparing to put to sea by noon the next day."The last of the Resolution Class (Polaris) SSBN's (the Repulse) was decommissioned in Autumn of 1996, since the Brits were updating to American Ohio Class (Trident) boats. By 1996 they would have had three: The HMS Vanguard (1993), HMS Victorious (1995), and HMS Vigilant (1996). The Vigilant wouldn't have been mission-capable yet (she wouldn't have finished with her sea trials at that point). It's also assured that one of the boats would have already been deployed as a nuclear deterrent, esp. considering the ongoing "terrorist attacks."
Anyway, I love your story and can't wait for an update.
Jack-A-Roe posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 6:56am
Loved the giant attack! The funny part is that is how I would have Harry fight them.
So Harry has his staff, I see some humor at his expense as he tries to control it.
If Harry can cast a ward around the school, couldn't he just cast one that doesn't allow anyone with a dark mark on to the grounds?
As always, love your writing style and the humor.
Greg posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 6:54am
Great Chapter! That is pretty sad to see Poppy killed. I've always liked her.
Now on to the Pet Peeves: "laser beams for eyes, retractable claws and cat fur"... What other kind of Harry is there? ;-)
Keep up the good work and update again soon.
Darrell posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 6:31am
I must say that was well done i am sad to see both Madams' Pompfry and Rosemerta go but you did so masterfully and what happened to Dumbledore and Snape they are at the Shrieking shack right? Then how the F**K could they not here a FREAKING GIANT!?!?! but good chapter all around please keep it up
viridian posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 5:51am
Oy! You killed Poppy!
I suppose casualties are inevitable, but it still choked me up. Nice to see Harry is still Harry, and blames himself for the sun coming up (or people dying in a war, which is about as inevitable). Again, he may be superpowered, but you've retained his personality and his "saving people thing".
Too bad the levitated giant didn't 'accidentally' land on the shrieking shack. After all, the 'odd couple' aren't supposed to be living there, right?
By the way, haven't hearb much from Ron or the DADA teacher lately (or am I missing something?)
Cliff Bryner posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 4:46am
Dear friends,
I have enjoyed the three stories you have written to my knowledge. I love them all. I'm an older man,56, obsessed with the wonderful Harry Potter genre. I just wanted to let you know that I check your website daily (listed with my favorites). Thanks for this latest installment.
Ciao, Cliff Bryner
Adam posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 4:06am
Well things are certainly looking interesting for Harry and his group. Lets just see how many of amelias people manage to escape after her warning. I did like Draco at the start getting Hermione to think though :) Ahh poor Poppy, but in the end she went doing what she has always done - trying to heal the people who need it. By the way was this chapter shorter than the previous ones? Or did I just read it faster.
Tom posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 3:22am
I enjoy this story very much. You guys are some of the best writers I've seen. I must admit that some of the pet peeves I disagree with, but most of them I do agree with.
MarinePotterFan posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 3:10am
Another, great chapter. I love what you are doing with this story. I see that this story is comming to a close soon. The crap is already starting to hit the fan. Do you have a title for the 7th year yet (Sunrise over Britain). I await your next installment
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 2:46am
Outstanding chapter, you know, I don't think any other author has killed Poppy before, and it was a powerfull blow. I'm curious to see how Dumbledore reacts to things, especially when the order of the fried chicken are forced to choose between Albus, or swearing loyalty to Harry in exchange for safe evacuation to Padfoot.
crazy posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 2:08am
I've read a story where hermione got cat fur fetish after cos and harry likes it..... it was ....... interesting. The fact that it was on aff should be a
Slashpet posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 1:56am
Love the story so far. Though I am a bit upset at getting killed off since I live a few miles outside of Jedburgh. :)
Jamie posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2005 9:07pm