By Bobmin
Tim Green posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 10:49pm
Amazing... Astounding...
I have just spent the past night reading this story and I love it. I am now upset that I have to wait for the next installment :)
Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Jamie posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 9:51pm
ER, and by "updates", I meant "reviews".... :-/ Sheesh, I really AM tired...
Jamie posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 9:43pm
Sorry I didn't do my "regular" updates for chpts 16, 17, 18. Real Life has really kicked me in the rear these past few weeks. (Although if you were to ask me what I did, I'm gonna take a leaf from my Dad's book and say, "I don't know what I did, but I sure did a lot of it!" hahaha) This chapter was really good. Not as fast-paced (sometimes) or as angsty as other chapters, but that's good. ;) hahaha, thanks for not putting a cliffie in right now ;) lol... I thought Harry dealt really well with those other students; Hermione's right, it IS a worse punishment. Oh darn, DD is gone. I wish him and Snape luck on their wild-goose-potion chase... That bit with the Chunnel was sad, but obviously we have now seen some of what the military equipment was for. Yay for Harry saving the House Elves! And that was a good way you had Draco circumvent Hermione's SPEW campaign... I noticed that skanky Apothecary guy mentioned how newly-come in those Basilisk parts were; I wonder if Dung will mention it offhandedly to Snape...perhaps while DD is in the room?... And 10 bucks says that you want everyone to think that Kingsley is your spy... But since I can't think of any other character who is tall, black, and bald, who would be "good enough" to also be in the Order, that's who my money goes on, as well. ;) hahaha.
gah, I'm so tired. I've gotta go to bed. Thanks for another great chapter. Please have fun writing the next one!
my one critique: in the Quibbler title "Death Eaters Captured Hogwarts", you sorta forgot "in" ;) hahaha. Oh, so Hogwarts has already fallen, has it? :) sorry. I'm sure someone else has already pointed that out...
MarinePotterFan posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 8:20pm
I just wanted to add to my prev. review, what is Bones and Tonks are going to have to quit the Ministry now. Just when I thought you have made Harry's life hard, you both throw in something even worse. You are both so evil. Just have Harry go kick there Ass and get it over with.
Charmaine Ong posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 7:10pm
Trident Fun!
Have you watched Yes Prime Minister?
They mention Trident and Polaris many a time. It's rather amusing.
Anyway, good chapter and I shall give you a hug.
+hugs both Bob and Alyx+
Iain Neilson posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 5:12pm
And so the destruction of the muggle British way of life continues. Perhaps a quarantine will be put in place in the near future, after getting many of the foreign nationals out of the country.
How soon will someone turn up to arrest Harry, for deliverance to Voldemort? Next chapter, or the one after?
Nice work with the House elves. Maybe Harry himself might need to turn up in the kitchens to talk to them.
Here's a challenge for you: Is it possible for you to put the next chapter out on October 1? I think it would be a nice birthday present.
Keep up your great work.
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 3:09pm
Very good chapter, but with all the action going on, I think my favorite part was Draco and Luna's discussion about the differences between having sex and making love. Two protoplasmic organisms undergoing mitosis can be said to be 'having sex', it takes the interplay of emotions between tow people who care for each other (regardless of gender) to change that into making love. I always try to differnetiate that whenever I have written a love scene betwen Harry and Hermione, trying to focus on the emotional, and yes, spiritual aspects over the mechanics. Well done!
Sam posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 2:50pm
great chapter.
Kathleen posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 1:22pm
Wow, a lot happened in this chapter! I'd worried that the prophecy said Harry had to flee because thins got REALLY bad everywhere, making all of England unsafe, and now I see I was right. Damn, if dementors are invading, they may need to rescue the families BEFORE April.
I like the idea of the staff too. Very nice chapter. Keep up the good work. I'm totally in awe of your writing abilities. Maybe it's easier if there are two people writing? :)
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 12:39pm
that anonymous review is mine i forgot the name. So i apologize for this too, but you know the old saying 'give credit where credit is due'.
Valerie posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 11:51am
Just a note, Harry is older than Hermione. His birthday is in July, and hers is in September. They were born the same year, so Harry is roughly 2 months older. Otherwise, I totally love your fic! You write the characters very well and their world as well.
Ken Warner posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 11:33am
Another great chapter in an excellent book. I have been enjoying this tremendously since reading a recommendation on jeconais's yahoo group. Since then (about a month) I have read all of yours - forwarded the word files of DA and SC to my brothers and sons - and have begun reading old crow and abraxan - I think that it is cool to reference real people in your fic - i thought that JKR had with fenriswolf until I was told that that was one of the norse baddies from mythology. If your marriage works as well as your writing does - you are very fortunate people.
minervakitty posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 10:26am
Kingsley's the traitor? Why am I not surprise at that. I wonder how many more DE's going to be confessing. Does this mean that Snape and Dumbledore will be in Hogwarts, when it gets attacked? What will tip Kingsley's hand to the Brotherhood? Is Kingsley wearing the dark mark? How fast is things coming along? I do hope that everybody can escape. What will happen to the books?
MarinePotterFan posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 10:24am
WOW! It is about time DD got what he has comming to him. I cant wait to see the Board of Gov meeting, when Harry tells them that DD has been taking his money and all of the other crap that DD has been doing to him all of these years. Oh! Luna!!! I need her to teach my wife that trick, talk about shooting star.
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 10:21am
good chapter, update soon
The Bartman posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 8:06am
I really enjoy your story. How much? I RARELY review stories. I'm glad I was able to find it again after it got kicked off of
Greg posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 7:11am
Great Chapter! I am getting really antsy to see how this story ends. It is going to be spectacular!! ;-) Keep up the good work and update again soon.
Paul posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 6:06am
Hey guys, as a brit I have to congratulate you on you authenticity when working with the UK geography. So many times an author will just seemingly pick places at random and locate them in completely the wrong place i.e. heading down the M4 to Little Whinging in Surrey, when the M4 doesn't even enter Surrey and goes west from London. So hats off to you. That also goes for the rest of your research, I have to remind myself that your guys are Americans and not Brits so pat yourselves on the back for a great story and keep in coming I can't wait to see where it goes .....
Charles posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 6:00am
I like the POV changes, in this type of story they make the action flow better and more naturally. In this sense your writing style is really quite similar to that of Stephen King. Build tension throughout the entire story, relieving only tiny bits of it here and there, while showing it from many differant perspectives, then finishing it up with a lot of action near the end, followed by a brief let down period.
Keep up the good writing :)
Tanydwr posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 11:22pm