Content Harry Potter


Dave posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 5:34am

The tangled spider web that you have been weaving throughout the story keeps getting bigger and more complicated as each chapter is published. I got the distinct impression in this chapter that the actions of Harry on the Astronomy Tower are helping to insure the prophecy coming to light. I have been curious to see what the rest of the worlds reaction to the events happening in England would be, and I was pleased to see some of that in this chpater. I am curious if the actions of Voldy could lead to war with other nations. I await your next chapter, and am looking forward to see what new twists await Harry & co.


Riven posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 5:12am

absolutley awsome chapter. love it and cant wait for the next one.
i would just love to see Luscious try to march into hogwarts and take draco with him. it would be an awsome sight to see.

William Drayton posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 4:15am

I am a big fan of your story. I noticed that in the DADA class Ron was refered to as Mr. Weasley, and not his mother's maidin name, is it just Molly who reverted or both?

Eric Prenovost posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 4:00am

Another excellent chapter. I've really enjoyed reading your story so far, and can only hope that you keep the quality up to your usual high standards.

As far as constructive criticism goes, I don't really have any suggestions. Granted, a few errors here and there do exist, but they're rare enough to not detract from the rest of the story.

A bit of musing, though... you have the Death Eaters in charge of the Ministry and there's still month's left before the time of prophecy. How in the heck is Hogwarts going to hold out for several months??? After all, Voldy is effectively in charge of the British wizarding world now... and it won't take too much to be in charge of the rest of England.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 3:51am

Outstanding chapter, while I was glad to see Dumbledore tossed out on his arse, I was sadened to see him and Snape carrying on as normal. I'm curious as to what exactly the bit with Mundungus was about. As for the rest, well, it was well written but it's kind of like watching the Prequel trilogy for Star Wars, you enjoy it, but you know it's going to get ugly. Again, great job, thank you.

Bill Robertson posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 2:47am

Hey. I just found your story a couple days ago. Haven't stoped reading since. I agree with so many of your pet peeves too. I can't wait till your next chapter comes out. Keep up the great work :D

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 2:12am

Ah-ah, Bob and Alyx! *waggles finger* No mocking the nice readers (myself included) who can't guess what you are going to do next in the story. We are bread and butter to your egos with our nice reviews, after all. ;-)

Woo! Harry really has got incredibly strong, hasn't he? Okay, the Junior Death Nibblers are hardly a serious threat but they must have some capability in dark and combat magic for Tom to be willing to take them on.

It looks like Harry may have to bring his evacuation forward a few months, as Tom's final plan is now in motion. I strongly suspect that Harry will have to lead a Dunkirk-style fighting withdrawal from Hogwarts.

First priority is to get the Library relocated to Padfoot City, then start withdrawing the kids, year by year, until Harry, the DA, the Outsiders and the reliable 6th- and 7th-years as well as staff are ready for the final act. My I recommend a Russian 50-megaton nuclear bomb in the Great Hall as a welcome gift for Tommy and his Usual Band of Idiots?

You know... some magic doesn't need inherit abilities in the user to work, if the stuff has the right charms and the like. I wonder if Narcissa may choose to teach Emma the basics of potions and the like.

Final comment? Snape and Dumbles are about to become full Dark Wizards. Those rituals corrupt the soul and are being undertaken in the pursuit of power for controlling others - pure Dark magic. I doubt that Dumbledore will realise what is going on before he decides to 'infiltrate' the Death Eaters and ends up working hand-in-glove with Tom.

Still reading, still loving it!

BenRG's Rating: 9/10

AlboDraconis posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 12:07am

Another great chapter. I am really loving the story and the wonderfully refreshing conversations. In particular I enjoyed the converssation concerning Harry's proposal and then withdrawal and the ensuing head banging! Please keep writing your vision and thanks for perservering through the turmoils.

P.S. I 'm so glad I was able to relocate Sunset over Britain. And Tim's a great and wonderful benefit to the entire fanfic community.

solar posted a comment on Sunday 25th September 2005 5:15pm

great story

azntgr01 posted a comment on Sunday 25th September 2005 8:50am

great as usual. i'm glad i had clicked on your author profile page. otherwise, i wouldn't be here. lol. ^^

M. R. Moore posted a comment on Saturday 24th September 2005 1:52pm

Here's one of my pet peeves for you to chew on. Authors who use something similar to a spoils system and name characters after other authors or reviewers. It shows a lack of creativity. Politicians that use it earn my contempt and so do authors. I quit reading a WIP for it.

M. R. Moore posted a comment on Saturday 24th September 2005 12:49pm

It took me a while to find it here. I didn't find out until a friend tipped me off.

Great job, as always.

Aragulus posted a comment on Saturday 24th September 2005 11:43am

Ahh... More fine work on this great story. And I believe as most others do that Ron is in the tower. If I remeber correctly Dumbldore's spell turned his feelings for hermione into a desire to study... It did nothing about his hatred for harry.

And is it just me or is bob enjoying doing the disclaimers a bit to much. ;)

sammy posted a comment on Saturday 24th September 2005 11:03am

hey guys, I got quite the surprise the other day when fanfiction said you weren't on the data base thing, so i had a look around and found your site. So now i'm just letting you know that i'm really enjoying your story and i can't wait till the next chapter !


Jeremy posted a comment on Saturday 24th September 2005 7:32am

Great story. Please update soon and make Dumbledore pay for all of his crimes against Harry Potter.

Gary Walker posted a comment on Saturday 24th September 2005 1:01am

Hi I made my way to this new site and am still reading your great story.
I sent my letter of complaint to fanfic and stranglely enough my acount was not deleted after suggesting they do something you are too nice to do to Ron :)


Robert Hope posted a comment on Friday 23rd September 2005 4:29pm

Good chapter, about time that something was done about Dumbledore. In regards towards the possible Gryffindor/Hufflepuff war, the way I see it, the Hufflepuffs will either turn to Ravenclaw or Slytherin as an ally. The only way out would be for the Outcasts to ally themselves with Hufflepuff and stop the tensions from rising.

Dragonfire48 posted a comment on Friday 23rd September 2005 11:17am


One little question: why did the administrators take your fic off of

Don't forget to email me alerts for this story at!!!!!!

mary north posted a comment on Friday 23rd September 2005 10:04am

I love this story. Not only is it well written, the story is way wicked! More please!

beauty0102 posted a comment on Friday 23rd September 2005 8:34am

yeah great chapter can't wait for more looking forward to chapter 19.