Content Harry Potter


mre230 posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 5:28am

It's great that a new home has been found and you continue on. i enjoyed this chapter as i have all previous chapters. thanks for keeping on


An posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 11:50pm

I'm guessing the peeve is about cliffies? Either that or too many questions? Well whatever it is, update soon!

ThunderGod posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 11:40pm

I must be tired, cause I can't think what would peeve you about your own chapter?:}..Oh well, excellent work as always, and I am glad you have survived stupid ways.


Robert Hope posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 11:56am

Good chapter, what did was out of line. So this story was a little dark, so what? I find this a very good story and was pissed to find that my reviews for it were gone. At least you've managed to continue it somewhere.

David posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 11:14am

Wonderful chapter as always. Can't wait to see what happens when Harry lets the school know exactly what they're dealing with by tickling the sleeping dragon. I hate that FFnet has again removed a great story... I can only guess it's because of the authors notes and review responses?

It's rediculous to not expect an author to respond to reviews. If anything, they should provide a forum for it if they dont want responses at the beginning or end of a particular chapter.

Okay, rant over, thanks again for a great chapter... cant wait for next

Shawn posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 10:34am

What in Merlins' name were they ( thinking?! You guys are on my favorite author list! I Love the flow of this story especially how Hermione is the only one who can help Harry control his powers. I read your other 2 stories and love them as well. I think you did a great job reforming Draco. Keep up the good work!

nonjon posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 9:06am

Here's a housewarming gift to welcome you to your new home: A review from me!

Okay, not the best present, but I don't think I've ever given this story one.

Sad thing is I'm not even sure what to say. Great story. I think I like it better than the other storyline. DA and SC were both excellent, but I pretty much never like romance, and DA had quite a few pretty sappy fluffy icky bits. I found myself strongly dislking Ginny through most of that story, making those bits even worse. Near the end, her character got far less annoying. Not quite to the point that I liked the romance, but looking past it was infinitely easier by the end and through most of SC. This one, SoB, the romance distracts me far less than DA, and there's really only been a couple parts I just skimmed straight over as soon as the painful image of teenage romance came flying in. And, true I would admit your stories nearly defy categorization as there's nearly as much drama as there is action as there is humor, as there is romance. But for the most part getting me to like stories with a healthy dose of romance is an exercise in futility. Very few authors can I stomach those bits. Like Old-Crow is an excellent author with some well constructed storylines. But I cannot even read them anymore. It just became too much. I only lasted about 3 chapters into Tom and Harry (or whatever that latest one is called). After the way 'No Thanks' left me, I think I may need to wait til Old-Crow's stories are done, so I can read the end and decide if it's worth getting to that point. I know, that makes me a bad reader/reviewer/person but oh well. That said, the romance in your stories is not as thick and focal as in most of Old-Crow's, but it's more than you can tickle a chicken with. And to the point I keep reaching for, it is in spite of these things that I find myself eagerly awaiting and hoping you'll have updated with a new chapter. I look forward to your stories more than just about any others running these days. Your consistency and expediency is a treasure. Most stories with the chunks of gag-inducing fluff, I'll read them when there is an update, but I won't be hoping for one particularly. I won't be looking forward to them, the way I do with yours. Part, I'd imagine is because with your update schedule historically, it's not exactly a longshot to be hoping for one. But mainly, it's that simply your stories are enjoyable. The ridiculous opening disclaimer acts (where I often picture some vaudeville scene with actors doing a skit and revealing the movie screen behind the curtain) and the closing authors notes and pet peeves (picture the vaudeville scene again saying goodbye and good night to the crowds and ending with a zinger - the peeves), have a sense of comfort to them. They are appreciated.

The story's a WIP so any worries or questions I may have now, I have come to expect to be answered in the story. I'm hoping post- this storyline we'll see another 'ship' like Harry/Tonks or Harry/Luna, as it should be important to maintain your multipartisanship. Though I wonder if your worlds will ever have a kind caring grandfatherly Albus. You don't never seem too happy with him. Course you keeping abusing poor Harry too. Whether it's beating up small children or turning them into teenage gimps who needs canes.

*side note that came to me: You really should have DA and SC's Jack come on over and help Ron out in an opening. Hermione can still pull the trigger if you want though.*

Anyways. Great story, want more, have a few 'issues' in their rules and interpretations of them, so oh well. Fuck 'em. Looking forward to more. Any estimates on how many more chapters this story will be and then how many on its sequel (last i heard i thought you said this was a first and would have a sequel similar to DA & SC)? I mean we're already on chapter 17, which is more than either of the other two. Please more soon, of course. And woo-hoo. My friends just arrived and it's poker night!


BigHead posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 8:43am

I'm glad that you guys found a new home to host this amazing story. Excellent read.

paza posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 7:47am

A great chapter all around, but it left me hungry for more. I really want to see Harry pound those twits that messed with the outsiders. And see Voldie's muggle army rock the wizarding world! Keep the chapters conib cause I love this story. Which I will admit is surprising because most Harry/Hermione makes me gag. JUST LIKE A SLASH STORY. Urgh! Never mind your story is one of mayne three H/HR i've ever seen their relationship as anything but incest. You update the fastest!
The other good ones are Backwards Compatiable by ruskbyte and the fourth power by fullsailnate.

Travin posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 5:52am

A wonderful chapter again. But why is this story no longer in what big catastrophe did i miss?

Anonymous Reviewer posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 5:19am

Very nice to see you updating again! A strongly worded letter was sent to on my part, and I hope others are doing the same. Can't wait for the next chapter, how many more do we get for SoB? Three or four maybe?

Christopher L. Estep posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 4:43am

Looks like Tom and the Nibblers are going to learn that Pissing Harry Off can be VERY Hazardous To Their Health!

stu posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 3:41am

once agiain brilliant chapter.
in one of your author notes or pet peeves you mention about misspelled incantaitions or something, might want to check fidelius, unless of course you changed the spelling since it was supposed to work different now that hermione redone the charm

nurray posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 2:51am

Good to see you still around and my thanks to Jeconais for providing the space.

A minor issue there. The main title pages shows up as "latest News" could you change that to "SOB - Latest News" or "Bob & Alyx - Latest news" with Jeconais and Kinsfire all using the same framework, I can get confused on whose "Latest News" is in the tab.

Did give a reason for the pulling of the story?

Rene Otto posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 2:04am

I want to say this story is at least as good as your last 2. I look forward daily to finding updates. I also am glad your move to this site, all the stories that I have followed here have been much more pleasant to read and appear to update much faster, Jeconais has done a very good job setting the site up.

Tanydwr posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 1:11am

Hello! I normally forget to review, but I thought I ought to because you have a fabulous story here.
You got kicked off FanFiction.Net? That's crazy! Why? What did you do?
Umm, when you've finished 'moving in' or getting used to the new site, will you put up Dumbledore's Army and Spiritus Crystalis (is that right?) again? Because they are incredible stories, and I'd like to reread them.
Keep up the great work, and I do love your disclaimers. Did FFN kick you off for that?
Lol, Tanydwr
(Some day I might even remember to use my real name. I had it written down somewhere, I know...)

Sam posted a comment on Thursday 15th September 2005 11:40pm

great chapter as usual

Matthew posted a comment on Thursday 15th September 2005 11:39pm

Glad I found you guys here. My snippy letter to the ff admins never got a response - massive surprise there. Hopefully someone is getting some grief internally for what happened.

Luna's discomfort with what she had to do was a nice touch. Her serenity needed to be shaken up a little - that way her relationship with Draco won't be so imbalanced.

Given the danger his friends seem to be in, I'm hoping you guys will explore what Harry and company are gaining by continuing to stay in 'enemy territory'. He can't really guard nine people 24-7, so it's probably just a matter of time before someone dies or suffers irrepairable damage (if Luna hadn't wandered along, Draco would have bled out).

My speculation:
It's been stated that the focus is the prophecy now, rather than the investigation of Dumbledore. Harry doesn't need to stay in school to facilitate setting up The Retreat. It doesn't seem like there is much left to learn for Harry. Is he still sounding out faculty and/or students to rescue? McG's list suggests something along those lines.

I know that some of these questions will get answered in later chapters, but it's straining disbelief right now that they are sticking around - maybe some oblique hints from Harry about why they aren't bugging out yet.

And if the reason they are sticking around so long has been revealed - I may have missed it in two readings, so I'd approeciaate a little highlighting for my dense self. =)

Again, WONDERFUL story. This is the best H/Hr fic I have read to date. And the funniest "Super-Harry" story. Keep up the T-shirts!

Chris Gibson posted a comment on Thursday 15th September 2005 10:33pm

I'm finding that I rather like Manipulative!Dumbledore fics. You've set the foundations of a remarkable one here. Good work.

You probably do need to have someone from England beta it for you though. The highest denomination bank note in use is £50; there is no such thing as a £100 note.

Keep it up though, this is a brilliant fic.

Brian posted a comment on Thursday 15th September 2005 10:05pm

An excellent chapter, and good character development. Bumbledore is at his clueless best. One quibble or irratant that I have is that you have not given any dates, so I'm a little unsure about how the time is counting down. You have the nice switch mechanism between locations at the same time, but you did not say what day it was. (You could even put in something like Sunday April 2nd (20 days to Harry's estimated fleeing date) (19 days from Voldies master plan being implemented) (of course, this could be another tension building mechanism, as no plan actually makes it thru contact with the real world.) Ah well, please keep writing.