By Bobmin
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 4:19am
Misguided Keebler Elf, my big toe. Anyone who plots and plans to drug a student under his protection to get his own way, is imho, not a light wizard or even grey. He's also a liar and a thief, so far. The old poop is evil.
Loving it!
Glad to see a gathering of allies and the good guys planning, rather than charging off like insane Gryffs. And once again, kudos for Harry's reluctance to blindly trust anyone.
Good stuff.
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 2:52am
Oooh, this is wonderful. Holiday weekend, starting to read a long, completed H/Hr story - with a sequel...and I have ice cream!
You began with a bang. Action on multiple fronts, yet not confusing or overloaded.
I like, in particular, the realistic reactions stemming from Harry's less than idyllic childhood. No instant expectations of emotional healing, even though you're moving the story along at a good clip.
Happy me. Thank you.
Puffyboots posted a comment on Wednesday 1st September 2010 4:58am
Poppy Pomphrey dying made me cry...she's one of my favorite characters, and the way you portrayed her death made me very sympathetic.
Till the next chapters,
Puffyboots posted a comment on Sunday 29th August 2010 6:49am
Made it to step 1 of the sobriety test before I ran into a problem. My mouse has no ball. Oh well. Unfortunately, I cannot blame it on alcohol; it is my own fault for staying up all night (it is currently 6:45am...) to read this. I will read more later, but I thought I would leave a review at this stopping point, so I don't forget anything.
I think the Harry you write of is very interesting, and well written.
Dumbledore is a sneaky manipulator, and you show that well.
Random question, why do you sometimes write the Author's Note with a plural perspective? I kept seeing "we" and wondering who "we" was, and where "we" was credited, since only one name was ever mentioned. If you are a group working together, I have to say I admire you even more. It's hard to write in a group!
Ok, got to go and take a shower before heading to work. Laters!
Abraxan posted a comment on Monday 23rd August 2010 2:52pm
Fascinating story! A real page-turner - well, sort of, since I read it on my computer and my phone! I thoroughly enjoyed it and loved your disclaimers, as well. I'm looking forward to reading its sequel!
VickiiMadd posted a comment on Saturday 21st August 2010 1:16am
Bloody hell i love this line:
"Imagine every atom of your body exploding outwards at the speed of light," muttered Harry.
"Total protonic reversal," quipped Hermione.
reminds me of A very potter musical
hhahahahaha :P
Abraxan posted a comment on Friday 20th August 2010 8:18pm
Awww, thanks for the kind recommendation! I like your "magic increases at puberty" idea but if Harry's is coming so late, how was he so powerful up to this point? Just curious.
Jakh33 posted a comment on Monday 9th August 2010 8:03pm
Great story but I looked through the reviews and... am I the only one to notice this?
"Yeah, twin girls, squibs apparently, Helga and Inga, age nine," replied George.
So there twins are nine years old but then become Fred and Georges girlfriends? I thought Fred and George had left Hogwarts making them somewhere around 17+?
Sandra Smith posted a comment on Tuesday 20th July 2010 6:52pm
I keep rereading this story every few months and everytime I reread it, I am impressed. Good job guys
cassandramalory posted a comment on Sunday 18th July 2010 12:15pm
Aaarrrggg!!!! God, I love your story, but-but-but! they cannot just storm into the british museum and start repairing things!!!! Sorry, I understand why, they're wizards and do not know much of archaeology, and are used to repair everything that breaks, but I love those objects and it got me quite shocked. I had to share this with someone. Sigh.
loretta537 posted a comment on Saturday 17th July 2010 5:54pm
this was a great story! i was up until seven am reading it before deciding i couldnt finish it. after five hours sleep i was up and reading from noon till seven pm and i still have the sequel to read
avidreaderbz posted a comment on Wednesday 16th June 2010 2:13pm
as your pet peeve was spelling, i thought i should let you know that at one point dumbledore said something like i don't "own" you anything x
avidreaderbz posted a comment on Tuesday 15th June 2010 9:25am
it occurred to me that by the time i finish reading this fic, i'll probably be done with exams. I just thought that you would be ecstatic to know that. i certainly am! About 6 months ago i found this story recommended as the very best h/hr fic, but couldn't find it (back when i was reading on, naive little me), so i was uber excited when i found it here :) and so far its seems pretty awesome to me!
Georgia posted a comment on Tuesday 8th June 2010 9:51pm
Quite enjoyable if overly dramatic in places. The times you use character names in the thing at the beginning is even worse than when it's just Bob and Alyx. It makes it harder to skip because the names catch your eye. Also having it at the beginning of chapters is worse than with short stories because it jerks you out of the story.
pearls633 posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 11:46am
Thank you both for a riviting mental journey. Looking forward to reading Sunrise.
Separ posted a comment on Tuesday 1st June 2010 12:44pm
Great story, now on to the sequel ...
chris7200 posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 4:21pm
This is the single best HP fanfic I've read, and that's saying a lot. You two are truly remarkable. Thank you. Off to start "Sunrise".
mrslaura posted a comment on Monday 24th May 2010 8:59am
Hello there, just to let you know I caught an oops - or maybe an authors joke - When the PM Blair is setting the laws, you state an Dawn to Dusk curfew. Now that can be a big mistake if the real government did that, think of all the trouble this world would get in to - lol
karinleemischal posted a comment on Monday 17th May 2010 11:59am
um, my mouse doesn't have a ball. . . . does that mean I'm pregnant???
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 9:50am