Content Harry Potter


blackmage18 posted a comment on Friday 28th May 2010 11:38pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Wow. You said that you enjoy writing the post-Voldemort stories, and I think I find them more enjoyable to read as well.
Very well done.

magic53 posted a comment on Friday 28th May 2010 6:50pm for The fall of the House of Potter

In the words of Bob and Ted, "Most Excellent". You do the best Dumbledore bashing and it's so much fun to read. Now that you have done the obligatory Daphne story, will Susan Bones be next? We can only wait with baited breath and see.

Ramos posted a comment on Friday 28th May 2010 6:46pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Oh, I do love a good Dumbledore bashing! You do it so well, too. The thought of the Potters leaving their child and friend to their respective prisons seems a bit harsh, but considering the callousness of the Marauders during their school years, it's no so far fetched. And Lily's comment about things being easier to leave things as they were rather than change them covers a whole lot of ground as well.
Good job - great story. I always enjoy your stories. No, I will not beg for more Mutant Storm. I'll just sit here, quietly, in the corner, my paws up, watching every single morsel that goes back and forth, and giving those little high pitched whines now and then that go straight through your eardrum and down your spine...