Content Harry Potter


Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 9:23am for The fall of the House of Potter

You've commented before that one difficulty for writing Harry Potter fanfiction is coming up with new ways for Harry to defeat/kill Voldemort - agreed.

This idea was clever beyond brilliant - one of the all time best I've read.

Well done.

A St V

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 8:02am for The fall of the House of Potter

Quite excellent. There was a passage that made me wonder, and a new bunny was formed. Not one I will write, but one that I will try foist upon you two.

At one point, Lily wishes verbally that she could go back and change history, what they had done. Imagine all else being equal, how would that redo story go if Lily alone or Lily and James both were the central figures traveling to the past you wove for your story. After all, once magic grants a person the power and destiny she granted Harry, could a reorder of the timeline really change magic's mind?

If this has sparked anything in your muse, feel free. :)

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Mike (MoA)

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 7:59am for The fall of the House of Potter

Similar vein to Healing Harry and Potter's Revenge, both of which I also enjoyed. I'm not sure that I'd have labeled it angst, though, I didn't think it quite reached that.

And congratulations on doing a 'James & Lily live' story that's actually finished--I think that's practically unique. :-)

I suggest correcting the title in the FFA system, fall->Fall.

Good story, thanks for sharing it with us.

Jamey posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 7:21am for The fall of the House of Potter

When you punch a ticket, you hit it like Muhammad Ali! Damn, but this was fun! I do kind of wish you'd had Hermione writing to Harry as well, but honestly, I can see why you didn't - she can be all too easy way for him to get answers to things he needs to know.

Thanks for writing!

I really need to send Alyx a 6-axis CNC router. I can barely imagine the fun she would have with it!

Roberta Johnson posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 7:08am for The fall of the House of Potter

One of the most creative ways Voldie has ever been taken out! And so efficient, too. All the soul bits at once!

dg Fry posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 7:01am for The fall of the House of Potter

Thanks very much for another very interesting story. A very good variation on the marriage contract plot.

Keep up the good work.

piad2691 posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 5:49am for The fall of the House of Potter

Yes, you did it again. Uh, I just love ff where our young Harry fights back.

With all the ff I have been reading since DH, I have found many a thing wrong with the 7 Harry Potter books. But it is a great tale J. Rowlings have written.
But so it this one. Good one !!!

ficbob posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 4:58am for The fall of the House of Potter

Sad, but a nice twist on what happened Oct 31. And Harry got the best revenge, a life well lived.

GremlinXTJ posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 4:45am for The fall of the House of Potter

Good story. Well, what else can be expected from this team! Lots of interesting theories about magic and all and the laws on marriage and Hermiones reaction to it were quite nice. Shes the only one I felt sorry for. Ah well. :D And Nevil got Luna AND Susan ... be honest, was that planed or you just couldnt decide? :)

joy! posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 4:41am for The fall of the House of Potter

Excellent work as usual.
But it's quite sad to see that Hermione never reconnects with Harry, even as a friend. Although I suppose that it makes sense, since she wouldn't be able to forgive herself enough to do that.
Anyway, good job! Looking forward to more :)

prateek91 posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 2:21am for The fall of the House of Potter

Nice story....with a really surprising twist...keep up the good work..

Shadalarion2 posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 1:56am for The fall of the House of Potter

Like to say that this story is slightly better with a interesting twist on the James and Lilly Potter is alive stories where they abandon Harry on orders of Dumbledore.

Reading the discussion on many of the yahoo groups where folks are tearing apart the storyline and how idea of storyline was taken from other storylines with similiar concepts, storyline titles, and different Harry/Female parings.

Do hope that Bob and Alyx do continue with writing excellent stories they are fun to read.

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 12:37am for The fall of the House of Potter

Talk about shacking up the wizarding world!! Boy! What a bombshell!

As usual another great story from a very talented team. I'll admit that I was put off by the title, thinking that maybe Harry drops out of school and becomes the town drunk or something, but no, you go and show just how heartless and uncaring Dumbledore really is, and how stupid his parents would be to go along with this crazy plan.

If Harry was to be the bait, then why wasn't there more people there at the house when ol' Tom showed up? How could Dumb-as-a-door be sure that Harry would even survive that first encounter? Why did he feel it was needed for James and Lily to stay away after the first attempt failed? They would have had to wait for Voldemort to get body back before they could try the trap again so why keep Harry away from his parents?

Dumbledore simply thought too much of himself to even worry about the effects his actions could have on everyone involved.

I loved the fight sequence. If you blinked, or pressed the page-down button to fast you missed it. Still exciting and got to the point quickly.

I wish there would have been someway for Harry to lay claim to all those Death-Eaters vaults - since he defeated them in battle - kind of.

Also, I wonder about the Horcrux in Harry head... When it 'expired' I think it would have given Harry one huge headache - then he could really say he needed to recover.

The only other thing I was thinking about is - since the Death-Eaters were loosing all their magic - who better to 'collect' it then Harry? But then who would believe a 17 year old boy could control the power of all 200+ Death-Eaters.

Overall a very good read, I just love (almost) everything you do.

I look forward to your next submission.


Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 12:37am for The fall of the House of Potter

Great story. See you can get passed Voldemort fairly painlessly. I like stories where Harry grows into an intelligent and assertive individual. Thanks for writing. W.

joeBob posted a comment on Saturday 29th May 2010 11:06pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Entertaining; thanks.

Lots of plot holes and canon errors. For example, when did Remus Lupin poof into the ether?

Still a good read, overall.

Zamia posted a comment on Saturday 29th May 2010 10:41pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Thanks for a very different but enjoyable yarn. Cheers.

WhiteElfElder posted a comment on Saturday 29th May 2010 10:24pm for The fall of the House of Potter

This was a great read. I like the way you envisioned Harry and his reactions. I was surprised at the concept of child abandonment, but it worked well with positive results. The way Voldemort was killed was priceless and unique.

Orion posted a comment on Saturday 29th May 2010 9:54pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Great! Thank you for writing this. I've seen much less of the "James and Lilly" are alive theme recently than several years ago, and this was a great reintroduction to it. Half a decade ago I (badly) wrote a short single-shot where James and Lilly come back to discover that the law requires that they be given the same sentence as those sentenced for crimes against them - and since they aren't dead but Sirius was sentenced to Azkaban then The Kiss for their murder . . .

Your way of doing this was much better. At least prior to the epilogue this was perfect as a stand alone OR open to more in this universe. While swift revenge against them would have been satisfying for Harry and Daphne, it would have left very little in the way of story afterwords.

For a while, I did wonder if Harry was maybe a bit cold here. They are his parents after all . . . But of course they aren't. The Lily and James that were his parents died that night Voldemort attacked. Worse they died not by trying and failing to protect him from Volde, but by abandoning him. For that matter, I think that a Harry that had actually grown up in a loving environment - might have been a bit less hostile towards them. But here in your story he didn't, so his attitude makes a lot of sense.

Anyway, thanks for writing! And Also thanks for sharing what you write with us!

Hagrid posted a comment on Saturday 29th May 2010 8:53pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Ah, Tis good ter hear from you again. Suach a lovely little story it is too. A Dark Lords death right at the start, sickness laid upon the evil doers, only ter find other, more dasterdly evil committed by those we thought friends. Didn't I once tell 'Arry that his Mum and Da were some of the finiest wizards I'd ever met? Course at that point I thought they were dead. Just goes ter show I guess.

IssaBissa posted a comment on Saturday 29th May 2010 8:32pm for The fall of the House of Potter

I liked this. It was a really neat story! Pleasant to read for sure!