Content Harry Potter


Jonez227 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th June 2010 12:57am for The fall of the House of Potter

pretty good book. i love harry/daphne stories. she has no real personality from the books so it's easy to make her your own and you did just that with such finesse. didn't really expect ginny to die like that at the end or hermione never to talk to harry again, cuz i like hermione. yay for ron getting his ass kicked though. i don't like ron. i sorta did in the books, but hate him in fanfiction.

jilumasam posted a comment on Monday 7th June 2010 6:13pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Nice, neat and well written one shot...Thanks for the opportunity to read your stories. It's always nice to pass some time with well written stories.

PolarUnicorn posted a comment on Monday 7th June 2010 3:02pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Yet another excellent story from you both.

It never ceases to amaze me as to the plots and the subtly with which you craft such enjoyable and compelling reading.

Felur posted a comment on Monday 7th June 2010 8:16am for The fall of the House of Potter

I am sad to say, but this story is an epic fail (1.5/5). At least for you, I would have considered as an average fic for the most authors.
First, it is full of cliches (the Ice Queen Daphne, the helpful goblins, betrayal of the friends etc.), second you used your typical story elements (SuperHarry, manipulative but stupid Dumbledore, Ron-bashing, archaic state of the WW etc.) without adding any new, original idea, finally your inspirations are too obvious for your story, I was even able to identify several of your key sentences without any effort. For example concept of the magical marriage and comparison of Ron and Draco comes practically word-for-word from Rohata (eg. Paybacks are Witch in and I am sure that even she/he borrowed this idea from an earlier fic.
Take no mistake, of course everybody uses cliches, borrows ideas from others, even the professional writers, so it is not my problem. I am complaining because you did not twist them, add any original thoughts as you did in the past. After many excellent fics (the Wizards Fall, the Power of the Press, Sunset over Britain etc.) I expected much more from you. The same is true for Mutant Storm and our other new stories in lesser extent, the quality is not as good as earlier. Finally I hope that you can (and will) find your muse again.

Professor Complexity posted a comment on Sunday 6th June 2010 9:43pm for The fall of the House of Potter

This is one of the few works of yours that I've been able to finish, and I'm incredibly happy I managed it.

I found this, as normal on FanFiction Authors, to be wonderfully written and gripping.

Kudos to you :)


Georgia posted a comment on Sunday 6th June 2010 7:42pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Except for the author's notes at the beginning of the story this was most enjoyable. Several character's were rather out of character but you built the story in such a way that the characters became believable. Thank you for allowing us to read your story.

Trogo posted a comment on Sunday 6th June 2010 8:19am for The fall of the House of Potter

Wow. Totally brilliant. Awesome one-shot. I loved this story, thanks a lot!

NuitTombee posted a comment on Saturday 5th June 2010 7:56pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Bravo! The epilogue looks relatively open ended. As such, if you, or anyone you can recommend for it, can continue the story I'd read it.

AngelQueen posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 6:33am for The fall of the House of Potter

*snorts* Sounds like Ginny got a little delusional there after she left Hogwarts.

Great story! And congrats on punching the Harry/Daphne ticket too!

Nancy Austin posted a comment on Thursday 3rd June 2010 8:45am for The fall of the House of Potter

WhooHoo! What a wonderful turn of events. Contrary to what some people say, there are many more tales to be spun in this genre.

Kim Griffis posted a comment on Thursday 3rd June 2010 8:06am for The fall of the House of Potter

This was a great birthday present. I really like how the story came together. I like that Lily realized the mistake and understood what happened. I understand why he totally cut his biological parents off and did what he did to destroy House Potter. Very well done!! Love all of your stuff.

nintschi posted a comment on Thursday 3rd June 2010 6:26am for The fall of the House of Potter

amazing great story thanks for writing it
loved to read it

Jack Butler posted a comment on Thursday 3rd June 2010 4:04am for The fall of the House of Potter

I've never understood the attitude that, in order to pair Harry with someone else, the Weasleys must be ridiculed and diminished.

jjpetrzilka posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd June 2010 8:48pm for The fall of the House of Potter

To be completely honest, I don't think that this was one of your best works, but the different pairing made it so much better. I feel that I have heard the story of Harry with a Slytherin girl too much, but i did still enjoy this story, and I hope you continue to upload more chapters/stories quickly because I have enjoyed all of your works!

oldescript posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd June 2010 8:16am for The fall of the House of Potter

You guys just keep getting better....

daeshie posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd June 2010 12:54am for The fall of the House of Potter

This was great! I really enjoyed this. You're very good at not getting caught up in those details that bog down other stories - and one of the few authors that isn't indulgent. Great work!

irishdaddy0204 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st June 2010 10:01pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Author !!! Author !!! Bob and Alex, you are my favorite authors and re-established your supremecy yet again. Please continue to light our lives with your wit and wonderful talentfor storytellingm. Thank you again

Downdilly posted a comment on Tuesday 1st June 2010 8:25pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Read it. Thought about it. Read it again. Then one more time just for grins.

I found the story very enjoyable, especially Voldie's death and the 'suicide' of all his horcruces from the signature. The horcrux concept is one of my many pet peeves in what otherwise could have been an enjoyable series; to be blunt, the whole thing gave me whiplash and made me gag.

I do have two teeny, tiny, little problems with the tale. The first; Gellert, not Gustav, unless you mean to say the reporter interviewed Gellert's son, which is not the impression I got from the scene.

The second one is that to me it reads more like a rough draft, or maybe a fleshy outline. Of all the plot lines here, the one with Hermione is the most complete. Idiot!Dumbledore has become a bit of a cliche, but I would have liked a little more on his motives, beyond just childish petulance that he didn't get his way. I like that you show James has let his skills go, but on the other hand you imply they've been living under the impression the war will resume at any second. The prophecy might have been an elaborate hoax, but I would have like an explanation on why they continued the ruse.

Still, a good job all-around, and great for random laughs in the cubicle.

KDDR22 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st June 2010 1:12pm for The fall of the House of Potter

A very enjoyable story. A different angle Thanks David

Sonicdale posted a comment on Tuesday 1st June 2010 12:34pm for The fall of the House of Potter

short, good and to the point. Bravo.