Content Harry Potter


Dragonmage182 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st June 2010 6:34am for The fall of the House of Potter

Definitely an interesting take on the whole "Potters-are-still-alive" plot. Haven't read about it in this way before but like all your stories I enjoyed it immensely.

qwikshot posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 10:12pm for The fall of the House of Potter

ahhh -- i luvv a good evil!dumbles fic, and this ranks up with the best! ty vor sharing your great story about harry and daphne

Lerris Smith posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 10:01pm for The fall of the House of Potter

This is quite good, and I'm almost tempted to leave it at that, however, I did see one thing that some might interpret as a problem. The issue is your story feels a bit more like of a fix it epilogue to the Harry Potter universe in that, for the most part, the story steadily marches forward with no large setbacks or issues. Again, this is quite good, and even the part where Harry is overpowered is basically adequately explained, and not all that relevant to the story anyway.

Of course, of the issues raised, Hermione's arc was the most interesting, and I thought Daphne's actions to help her, and to make sure she stayed far away were apt. Sometimes, not everyone has a happy ending, and it adds a touch of realism in this case as well.

71_scorpio posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 9:21pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Wow, what a wonderfully unique idea. I've seen a few stories (some of them quite good) where Harry takes the name Black in addition to Potter in order to keep his godfather's House alive, but I've never come across a story where Harry rejects & denounces House Potter. Yet you managed it in an interesting and believable way. Kudos to you.

LukeJB posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 8:53pm for The fall of the House of Potter

This is a good story, but it leaves out one person.
How would Remus Lupin have reacted to James and Lily's reappearance?

James Kennedy posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 6:59pm for The fall of the House of Potter

FOTHOP is one of your better recent stories. It's a good character-driven (as opposed to conflict) story.

Likes: Nice variation of Harem!Harry by using the seldom-seen Trio!Neville. Well done. They're probably the most interesting characters in the story.

Another Like: Hermione is a character that I have mixed feelings about in this story. There's a part of me who doesn't like what's written in the end because I think she would have eventually tried to contact Harry; yet, if there's ever a sequel to this story, I'd like it to be Hermione-centric. Although the Neville Triad are more interesting characters in this story, there's lots of room to expand on Hermione's life post-Hogwarts and maybe get to know why she never got back in touch with Harry.

Dislikes: The hoary old cliche of magical power levels (yes, I know there is much that is cliche here but power levels is something of a pet peeve of mine) and Griffindork and Dumbledork (kind of negates the fact that you're establishing Daphne and Harry as being rather mature).

Soothingmadness posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 5:07pm for The fall of the House of Potter

You know, on a second read through I have to agree with my first review and say this is an awesome story. I like that you used one of the many periphery characters and made her unique and came up with a little used cliche and gave it your own twist.

King InuYasha posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 2:46pm for The fall of the House of Potter

I'll admit I've never really considered this kind of series of events. But it does fit quite well.

The story is well written and it makes sense. The attention to detail made the story more alive than most stories I've read. And of course, the plot rocked!

Everybody got their just desserts....

kb0 posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 12:50pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Yeah, I know, I've already reviewed once, and I'll stand by that, but another thought has hit me a couple of days later. :)

You said that the Greengrasses owned the Daily Prophet. Shouldn't that mean that Harry would be at least somewhat angry, pissed off, whatever, with them for what they dragged him thru in 5th year, the Skeeter articles in 4th year, and otherwise dragged him thru the mud over the years? It's something you never addressed in the story. Sorry to interject this, but it started to bother me so I thought I'd ask.


Forever&3moreSeconds posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 12:29pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Hmm, 'they were one of the most successful husband/wife teams ever'. Now which amazing authors do I know that fit that description. ;)
This was really good - I had almost despaired of finding a one-shot that was a decent length, and had plot, and wasn't all shitty romance, and wasn't pure, unadulterated cliche. You now find yourself on a list of exactly one story. :)
I particularly thought Neville/Susan/Luna was an interesting idea. How the fuck would that work in the bedroom? Still, I bow to your (dubious) wisdom.

*silently offers up low-sugar, high-taste chocolate and assorted pastries*


marc1982 posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 9:24am for The fall of the House of Potter

a lurker here ,
love the story i truely do but and this is in no way a flame i'm missing a few people from your story that shouldn't have..where is Remus his reaction?, or that off the Tonks the weasely's i can understand as neither Ron nor Ginny had much input in the story but still i would have loved to see Andromeda's and Nymphadora's reaction to the new lord Black and i've also wanted to see Remus give James a verbal kick in the .... for their betrayal .

sincerly Marc

Flamefoxrose posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 8:06am for The fall of the House of Potter

Thank you for a wonderful tale.

Chiyo posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 7:29am for The fall of the House of Potter

Thoroughly enjoyed this one. Granted there was some editing but if you're reading through you don't really notice it much nor care b/c hey its you guys. We just salivate for whatever you turn out... beta'd or not.

Anyway great work really enjoyed it. Have read a few "evil" Potter stories but they always had gaping plot holes in them or 9/10 times it was Lily was being controlled by James or Dumbles. This one she was more of a willing participant and owned up to it.

marcelhm posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 5:54am for The fall of the House of Potter

Well after looking up at the clock with some surprise about the time I'd say that you wrote one hell of a story!
I liked how Harry started to gradually thinking for himself,no instantaneous gee I'm brilliant now let me wave my wand and fix my life and no oh don't worry goblins will fix it all. Combine that with a very sweet romantic relationship buildup and it get's a nice big A

although it somehow still feels wrong that a Ron who's a proper bastard gets a beating and then get's the good life while a while naive Ginny get's to die super soon (for witch anyway) and lonely.

oh and I'll also say powertools and kama sutra mixing is just too scary an idea to contemplate and the fact that you 2 did that anyway scares me!

rhiannonmr posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 3:17am for The fall of the House of Potter

I really enjoyed this one. I liked that Harry while not going off all tantrumy and such, dealt with the people who'd wronged him and did it well. I like how he approached Daphne and valued her feelings enough to let something nice develop for them. Dumbledore bashing is always fun to read, as I really did come to loathe the 'wise old mentor dude' as my daughter called him. He was a shitty mentor and a very abusively manipulative man. So, bash on! I'll always read that.

The bashing of Weasleys was good. Daphne pointing out that very little separated Ron from Draco has been said before but it rings very true. Ron always struck me as the 'light' version of Malfoy. As for Ginny? She was too deluded here, but yeah.

Loved how Neville had his back. Thanks for this. I do look forward to your stuff so much!

msgupy posted a comment on Monday 31st May 2010 1:53am for The fall of the House of Potter

Yet another SUPERB story. I have no idea where you come up with your unique ideas from, but I have loved every single one of them. From your wonderfully witty Standard Disclaimers, to your short(ish) and funny (Potters Revenge), chaptered, but standalone (Wizards Fall) to the equivalent of War and Peace (Sunset/Sunrise). Even your crossover (Mutant Storm) is a great read, and I've never(!) had an interest in X Men. Each and every one is wonderfully thought out, written and presented. Thank you so much for the time you invest in these stories.
With my greatest thanks and highest regards
Yvonne Gupwell
(New Zealand)
P.S. Re Power of the Press - have you ever been to Fiji?

LifeScientist posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 2:41pm for The fall of the House of Potter

Great job on this. A really nice twist on the Harry's parents live genre. also a great use of a slytherin partner for Harry. Generally up to your excellent standards.
Thanks for your efforts as always.

megnicole posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 11:47am for The fall of the House of Potter

OH! I just loved this fic. It was really fantastic! I loved the end, and this is one of the better "James&Lily are still alive" stories i've seen.

BJH posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 11:26am for The fall of the House of Potter

As always a marvelous little tale. Thoroughly enjoyable to read. I have to admire Daphne's restraint though when, during her final discussion with James and Lily, James states that he was taught that family was important but he never taught that to his son, she could have rightly pointed out that, given his actions and choices, he obviously never learned that lesson either.

Any more tickets to be punched? How about Petunia mothers Harry like she should have? Maybe have the Dursley's get into a car wreck one Holiday where Vernon is crippled and Dudley killed because he wasn't properly in a child's seat. She has to care for Vernon and Harry contributes more than his share. She first learns to appreciate him and then to love him as a son? How would a loved Harry react to the idea of leaving his aunt alone to care for the invalid Vernon? Would he refuse Hogwarts to help? Or maybe DD would release some of the Potter money to pay for care so Aunt Pet could have a life of her own?


liquidfyre posted a comment on Sunday 30th May 2010 10:33am for The fall of the House of Potter

Very interesting story and very good. Keep up the good work guy and gal.

Or should that be gal and guy? i think we all know who rules that roost.

Perhaps we should start calling the wifeypoo Lavender?

*cackles insanely and runs off to lurk as he waits for more stories*