By Bobmin
Carol Layland posted a comment on Saturday 23rd August 2008 3:30am
When oh when is the next posting due. Please, pretty please soon. VERY SOON, please, please I am begging.Carol
Pallav1 posted a comment on Saturday 23rd August 2008 1:49am
Hey I just started reading this story though I have a fan of your work for a long long time.
Its as good as your other works. I am only sorry that I didn't read it before as I don't like harry/other integrated works very much. but this is quite excellent & very well done which I should have expected. Still I am glad that I only started reading this yesterday due to your update schedule. In your other stories you didn't take so much time between updates, a month is a long time. I know that genius takes time but still.
Please post the next chapter soon as the story is in a very exciting phase.Looking forward to it.
Keep up the excellent job.
Koalasco posted a comment on Friday 22nd August 2008 8:30pm
Mutant Storm is my favourite story; every time I use the Internet, I immediately check your stories just to see if Mutant Storm has been updated.
I know that we're in the middle of August, and it's summer, but I'd appreciate it if you could update....
Thank you,
bajab posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 1:54pm
What of the other mutant students? In all his time there did Harry not encounter one other? Rather disappointed in that.
Jarrod posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 12:23pm
As always, excellent and compelling work. I'll read your work as long as it keeps coming out. Hope to see the next soon!
UniilaDellaLuna posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 2:17pm
nice..only Harry/X-men cross i'm come across thats any good, cann't wait to see more.
Alorkin posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 12:28pm
It took me decades to learn Charles' lesson.
I like Bagger! He's a goblin I can deal with.
The adoption is a nice standard, although the power sharing is a nice twist. I can see it with the characteristics you've given Jean and Scott.
The reimbursement, on the other hand, is anything but. That's really gonna take a huge bite out of a lot of people's hides. I wonder if the Purebloods were responsible for keeping that law on the books.
So, Percy's sucking up has gotten him caught in the grinder, too.
Although Fawkes is expreessing his
Harry made a gesture of love to the only family he's ever known. Percy could have been a slave for the rest of his life, and his indenture means Harry would legally own his children as well. Instead, Harry taught him a well deserved and long overdue lesson, and then set him free.
Ron is a jealous louse. As Arthur said, Harry saved both Ginny's and his own lives. He never asked for thanks or for recognition. Ron can only see what material wealth Harry has, not what he paid for it.
In so many ways, in canon or here, Ron is a bigot. He's hardly better than Draco Malfoy. His stupid jealousy is only going to make more trouble for Harry, and eventually for himself.
While I'm a Harry/Hermione shipper, she can do so much better with ANYONE, other than Ron.
Somebody should step on Rita! Her idea of reporting is worse than the Enquirer, and *that* takes some doing!
Fudge is an ass. 'Nuff sed there.
Harry now has not only a secret base that Dr. Evil himself, would drool over but the largest supply of Mithirl in the world.
42G is rather expensive for two wand holders, considering a wand only cost 7G.
So, now, Harry is not only a missing underaged wizard and a 'dangerous dark creature', but he's made himself a wanted fugitive as well. My crystal ball foresees him packing up his things and leaving Britain for good...either that or it's re-runs of 'Lost in Space'.
Shack jumped the gun, probably on Dumbledore's orders, and now Harry's gone, Bill's brokenn and Remus is pissed.
As always, a great chapter.
A/N: I'd rather think Ron's rock bottom would come from Hermione giving him a swift kick in the...stones, instead.
As always...Alorkin
Clell65619 posted a comment on Monday 18th August 2008 3:24am
- 'Mutants' are dark creatures? hmm.
- I'm surprised that a Stunner would take Logan out, given his recovery time... (at least I assume it was a stunner that took him out.)
- loving this story.
LordDragon posted a comment on Monday 18th August 2008 12:06am
Love it love it love it love it!
awesome fic!
keep up good work :)
And in case you missed it...
Love It!
Apocalypse Thou posted a comment on Sunday 17th August 2008 7:13pm
This is a really good story and i definately hope you keep updating. Im curious as to why we've only been introduced to a few X-Men. Where did the kids like Bobby and Rogue go, or have they not surfaced yet into the X-Men?
I'm really looking forward to Rita's article and what direction she takes.
whimsical007 posted a comment on Sunday 17th August 2008 7:10pm
Who decides if money is seized illegally? Does the law of financial retribution apply to some mid-level bureaucrat who handles paperwork, but who has no idea whether the order to seize property is legal or not?
WIth respect to a comment made by an earlier reviewer, Hermione did not end up in a middle end job post-DH. According to JKR, after being with the Ministry’s Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures where she played an important role in improving the quality of life for house-elves and other disenfranchised creatures, she became one of the top people in MLE (despite her wonderful remark to Scrimgeour in DH about the DMLE) and oversaw a major reform of the wizarding legal system. And having two children is hardly "pumping out ginger hairs".
As to the comment, "JKR just made most of the fandom worship him", lest we forget, she is the author. I'd worry about calling the author on one of her creations being OOC. The reason she made most of the fandom respect Ron is because he could admit that he was wrong and grow as a person. He might have to go through an uncomfortable learning curve, but he would get to the right place eventually.
whimsical007 posted a comment on Sunday 17th August 2008 6:44pm
I'm somewhat puzzled that Harry gives Hagrid the benefit of the doubt in part because Hagrid is almost regarded as a Dark creature, but has shown no flexibility towards Remus who is regarded as a Dark creature. Also, Remus was a close friend to his parents and Sirius. Surely that should count for something.
Thwaaack posted a comment on Saturday 16th August 2008 9:45pm
I have thoroughly enjoyed your writing thus far and am anxiously looking forward to the next installment. I'm thinking Harry won't take too kindly to being classified as a "Dark Creature" by Fudge either.
kendra1 posted a comment on Saturday 16th August 2008 4:52pm
Great! I've been delaying reading this because I wasn't sure about a Harry Potter/X-men crossover, but I'm really glad I gave it a try. Was that scene in chapter 1 where Harry put his hand through Dudley's chest inspired by the Belgariad by David Eddings? He did something similar in one of his books. Anyway, absolutely fantastic and I'm perfectly fine with the lack of author's notes too.
Frnscfrk2 posted a comment on Saturday 16th August 2008 12:58pm
ok, first off, i really really love your stories, and this is the first time i've written a review, so i just wanted to let you know what i think. do you know when the next chapter is going to be out? this is among the top favorite harry/x-men crossovers i've read so far. anyways, i wanted to let you know that while i was reading, i noticed that you put harry's trust vault number as 678. i just wanted to let you know that (at least in the movie)i thought his vault number was 687? if i'm wrong, feel free to let me know. i'd rather know what someone thinks, then if they held their opinion to themselves.
minervakitty posted a comment on Saturday 16th August 2008 2:45am
I'm a bit curious about what will have Ron grow up and see that Harry's life isn't peaches and cream. Does this latest outing from Ron severe any friendship between Ron and Harry? It would be really funny if Jean, Scott and Logan try some other Wizarding booze. Is there a goblin drink that they can try? Alyx, Don't shoot Bobmin. *Hands a triple chocolate cheese cake to Alyx* Just use some other torture with him. :P
mara jade posted a comment on Friday 15th August 2008 11:23am
Fantastic! keep up the good work! I can't wait for the next chapter:)
Eagerly waiting,
wesley2 posted a comment on Thursday 14th August 2008 1:46pm
I have 2 major complaints about this story.
1. Even with the dates posted at each part of the story, there is very little sense of time. (not enough characters or character interaction, it’s very goceriy list writing about what had already happened.)
2. Harry has had absolutely no on screen interaction with the students of Mutant High. All the time skipping forward is very boring. For all we ‘know’ from your story there are only five people at mutant high, not counting Harry.
Having said that there are parts I liked a lot. I have seen Jean Grey as Harry’s mum before but I always found that ridicules but the idea of her being Harry’s aunt was a refreshing plot point.
The said part is I think you cheapened the interaction between them by not showing Harry’s first days awake at Mutant High, there was a ton of room there far character interaction and introductions to characters, and it was just blown over.
The goblin vengeance law was good and the background info was perfectly added sometimes background info seems heavy handed. This was just the right amount of information and bluntness.
The info about Merlin and all that was also well added, just a off hand comment from Harry that was shocking to Muggles, it was a perfect line at the perfect time you set it up well.
I am trying to think to give a good review but at the moment I am so tired I am actually having trouble remembering what I read. Sorry. Good luck with the next chapters.
blackhand16 posted a comment on Thursday 14th August 2008 8:15am
i like! keep it up!
Dark Topaz posted a comment on Sunday 24th August 2008 9:39am