By Bobmin
slickrcbd posted a comment on Wednesday 13th August 2008 4:45pm
Well, if I were in Harry's place, after what just happened, being attacked by both the Ministry and the Order, I'd go back to the States and never return to England. At the very least, I'd wait until I was of age and fully trained to defend myself before considering returning.
sanghamitra posted a comment on Wednesday 13th August 2008 4:29pm
HELP ..... there you have it
t_Haruka posted a comment on Wednesday 13th August 2008 12:56pm
This is a very interesting story and I can't wait to see more.
Coralskipper posted a comment on Wednesday 13th August 2008 11:33am
Great chapter, though I do feel it was a mistake to show Logan unconcious without saying how. With his healing abilities, it's safe to assume that it would take a heckuva lot to take him down.
Honestly, that's a minor complaint. The interaction between Harry, Jean, and the Goblins is priceless.
Kelly Hilliard posted a comment on Wednesday 13th August 2008 10:52am
Awesome story. Thanks for the great read. I can't wait till the next chapter.
DukeBrymin posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 10:07pm
Great chapter! I love the revenge on Percy.
Now, if only we could get Ginny and Harry together soon...
RNCybergate posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 6:02pm
Hmmm...doesn't being an American Citizen free Harry from having to register as a dark creature. (or at least protect him from English bigotry rule)
DARK Creature ...what fuck-ups are these ministry's not like they have a contagious illness like werewolves...they don't infect others...
You know what..DOWN with the ministry..take them OUT...I want them finished...gone...annihilated!!! I feel much better ;)
Hmm I may be wrong but wouldn't Logan be a little immune against the stunner...after all...he is built up differently to the rest...his healing capability should be able to protect him from the stunner's effects...
RON..that shouldn't take too long now and he'll be disowned from the family if he continuous like that.
That immature jealous git just can't learn...WRONG...he just doesn't WANT to learn.
Great two continue to amaze me with your brilliant stories...
Keep up the excellent work!!
Taegeous posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 5:41pm
although i've nothing against the crossover, calling jean his "mum" is an insult to his real mother. if had been adopted and raised by jean for years, then i could see it. but not after such a short amount of time.
dmccowan2 posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 3:52pm
Wow, I love this chapter, I can not wait until they find out that Ron's little tantrum was the cause of all of this. I am very eager to see the reaction.
Another thing I like about this cross over is all one has to know is the general make up of the X-Men universe. I have never followed the comic, saw the cartoon a few times, and only seen the movies once.
mjames42 posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 2:27pm
Authors, I grovel at your feet and beg forgiveness that I have not reviewed to date...I have truly enjoyed reading your work. I always look forward to another chapter from you. What I have read of your works have been the best and most entertaining of any fanfiction...and quite a bit of published works as well. I look forward to your next chapter.
haylared posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 12:06pm
This is a wonderful story, the blending of X-men and Harry Potter is seamless and so very enjoyable. Please update soon.
morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 10:53am
Ron is a dick. A shallow, prejudiced dick. I really, really hope your Hermione is smart enough to not touch him with a ten foot barge pole.
Excellent chapter. Remus has well and truly put his foot in it, and as his boss, so has Dumbledore.
The political fallout will be fascinating, and the furore about "mutants" and "dark creatures" is sure to be lively.
Thanks for all your hard work. This is brilliant.
Kathleen posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 9:41am
Loved it! Especially the bit with Harry having to register as a dark creature.
Padfoot posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 9:20am
The one thing you're forgetting is that Ron IS a massive git. JKR just made most of the fandom worship him. Remember the quote from her interview where she explained what happened in between the ending and the epilogue? How Fred Weasley was in distress over George's death but he helped change the Ministry thanks to "good 'ol Ron"? Never mind that the Twins were more successful in business than Arthur was if the dragon hide jackets were anything to go by. Never mind that Hermione was quite possibly one of the most brilliant witches to come to Hogwarts? She could have had any path in the world with her intelligence but she settled for a middle end job and pumping out ginger hairs for that idiot.
Do I hate Ron? Not really. I just think that he is way to over hyped by both fanon and the end of canon. He is a mediocre quidditch player and is decent at chess. Those are his only strengths. Other than that he's a self centered jealous inferiority complex riddled moron who with money would be Malfoy's twin.
Can't wait to see what happens next in MS. Keep up the good work. This is quite possibly one of the few crossovers that's actually done well.
aboulhosnc posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 8:05am
yeah uh..... I like the idea of having harry being a mutant just the way you went about it is the part that I am concerned with. Besides the overall cliches in this story such as certain rites pertaining to goblins, and that Harry would know about it and act on it.
The deal breaker for me is really when you had him call his aunt mom.. His mom died for him and his father as well to have an emotionally stunted boy, whom is a teenager and having his godfather die start calling an aunt who he barely knows, call her mom seems out of character.
I honestly don't understand why wizards would have a problem with mutants if they coexisted its as you say right they are wizards/ witches who have only one ability.
Why is Harry going through an emotional roller coaster like that is he on drugs ?
noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 5:51am
"Hermione and Ginny sat silently, neither interested in admonishing Ron for his outburst. Dumbledore bowed his head. Things were spiraling our of control and Harry was causing a lot of damage."
Well, I don't see any of these "people" getting any forgiveness any time soon. Damn that Potter, how dare he try to protect what is his! Doesn't he understand the "greater good." Another chapter without a dead Dumbles, Snape, or Malfoy.
I don't care if Ron EVER gets better. Who cares! He can be excised like a bad cyst.
Oh yes, feel free to have someone squish Rita soon, too.
You wrote: ""I will owl you with resumes for possible Potions tutors when I have them,""
Don't the Brits refer to resumés (not resumes) as C.V.s or somesuch silliness?
Oh yes, just to really p--s you off...hurry up and update!
AnnaRivers posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 2:32am
I love this fic! It's a cool way to combine two fandoms. Looking forward to more chapters! I also really, really love your "standard disclaimers"! They're hilarious!
maddogxxiii posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 1:14am
Ack… you forgot to warn us about the frying pan of infinite attack… Alyx has got a mean swing with that… my mercenary team off ninja baboons got slaughtered… you’re on your own Bob
webdoc posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 12:22am
Another excellent chapter.....
What happens with Ron doesn't really concern me.
I'm more interested in seeing Rita Fudge and the other lewsers (Malfoys and the like) get what they so richly deserve
silverblue78 posted a comment on Wednesday 13th August 2008 10:50pm