Content Harry Potter


h_p4eva posted a comment on Tuesday 29th July 2008 4:39pm

Hi, Im not usually into x-over fics but your such good writers ive started reading this one and im enjoying it good work, Do you both think in the prophesy when it states harry will be marked equal to voldemort that their powers are equal? if so im very interested to see what powers you give voldemort to match harry's mutant powers. I dont think people give enough credit to fanfic writers like yourself that turn out such awesome work as you do /cheers for box and alex. I really enjoyed your other stories too especially power of the pres. Cyas

Stephanie Mestnik posted a comment on Tuesday 29th July 2008 5:42am

just read the story and i really enjoy it, i can't wait for more, as for the reason for this review it is more to laugh at mihir? i think it was that thinks that from july 3rd to july 28th is more than a month. don't let someone elses impatiant grummblings rush you.

Mihir posted a comment on Monday 28th July 2008 2:44am

Hey, I just re-read your chapter, and I noticed that Hermionie did not mention that Magical folk are different from Muggles ... wouldn't that be a valid point to make? Just a thought ... it would make them more accepting of Mutants if they themselves realized that they are different to begin with ...
Anyway, moving on ... WHEN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO UPDATE??!! Not that I am complaining or anything, but its been a bit more than a MONTH since your last update ... so I thought I'd ask ...

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 10:01am

Good chapter.


LadyGoldenLake posted a comment on Saturday 26th July 2008 11:35pm

I love this story can't wait for the next chapters!!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 26th July 2008 12:26pm

Outstanding start.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 10:24am

I'm going to give it a try and see what you have for us.


mrslaura posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 3:41am

wonderful - I have read all of your other stories and I just love them - please update soon - also I hope this finds you both in great health.

sparrowphoenix posted a comment on Sunday 20th July 2008 8:17am

Please update soon. I love this so far!!!!

perspicacity posted a comment on Sunday 20th July 2008 3:01am

Hi. Just thought I'd leave a quick review.

First the good: I am enjoying your story. As always, your writing exhibits rock-solid mechanics and you've composed a very well written, polished piece, You paint a vivid set of images and your Logan is entertaining, as he should be. The twist of having Jean be Lily's twin is an elegant plot twist; while I haven't read many X-men/HP cross-overs, this seems like a nice way to integrate the two worlds. The quality of the writing and the novelty are enough to have me checking back for updates. Unlike Sunrise/Sunset, which bogged down in places, the pace moves here, even where there's a bunch of talking going on. Congratulations on a very nice start to a story.

There were a few things that were a disappointment: Like many of your stories, you're writing another angsty super-Harry (enough angst that it sort of belies the whole "humor" label). It seems almost a foregone conclusion at this point in the reading that, barring something really tragic, Harry, a top-flight mutant who is also more powerful magically than Dumbledore, is going to be able to have his way with Voldemort. Like Tim's longer stories, this reduces much of the tension of the story for me.

Your choice of casting a manipulative, out-of-touch Dumbledore who wrongs everyone with his "for the greater good" decisions is pretty common in fanfiction nowadays. Sure it's easy--his lines almost write themselves--but is it right? Doing the "same ol' same ol'" but doing it better than everyone else is good, but you two are great, not merely good; it's not the best I know you can do.

Another thing that I would have liked to have seen done differently is the whole Ron-as-jealous-closed-minded-prat thing. Ron is too easy a target, frankly, and I don't think it's especially imaginative (either for author or reader) to portray him as such. I had hoped you'd reach for something different in this piece since you've beat him up enough already in Sunset/Sunrise. Hermione, again, comes off as the tolerant voice of reason, a natural role for her, but one that's also perhaps too easy. I understand you have a cult following of H/Hr aficionados who would stone you for considering writing her as less than sympathetic, but I think this piece could use that bit of edginess an antagonistic Hermione could provide.

An alternative that would have been fun and would have really made this piece for me would have been to reverse roles--let Ron be the tolerant, reasonable one and Hermione be the one who couldn't accept Harry as mutant. I can imagine several ways for this to be believable and having someone with Hermione's intellect working counter to Harry's interests could have made for a more challenging Hogwarts environment for Harry later on.

It's silly, I know, to mention this stuff since this isn't the story you set out to write. But I thought I'd bring it up anyway in the hope that in the future you might consider turning your prodigious talent toward less "plain-vanilla" castings. Harry Potter fanfiction has matured to the point where we can embrace the counter-culture.

In terms of mechanics, the one thing I would bring up is that, like Tim, you often have your characters making speeches rather than engage in organic dialogue. Hermione and, to a lesser extent, Ginny both seem to be speaking as if they know someone (the reader?) is eavesdropping.

On balance, I consider this is story to be a worthy addition to both fandoms. There is a great deal to like about this story and I am happy you are writing it. I look forward to reading more.

Best wishes,

-Brian (Pers)

impulse posted a comment on Sunday 20th July 2008 1:39am

its really nice to read this story i always liked x-men series but reading it mixed with harry potter its outstanding!
i love your story N its source idea wish u update it soon.

perspicacity posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 10:38pm

I find it amusing that among some, hatred for the Harry/Ginny 'ship has become so acute as to demand disclaimers before stories. It's almost as if "Harry/Ginny" is to be lumped in with "slash/mpreg" or "bestiality" as perverse. Very strange.



Paladin11 posted a comment on Friday 18th July 2008 12:53pm

i just reread this and realised that harry hasnt really met any mutants his own age, is that going to be a trend for the story or is that going to change in the next chapters

Katsuhito posted a comment on Friday 18th July 2008 11:12am

I like where you're going with this one. This is also probably the best (so far ;-) ) HP/Xmen crossovers I've seen. But then again, I haven't seen such a story told by an author of your caliber yet, either.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing what happens when Harry returns to Hoggy-wartz. Most notably the response and interactions with his peers, and their reactions to his new toys and knowledge. (Reactions to his newfound status will prolly be fun too, but just the thought of Hermione having kittens about a magic-shielded laptop-stored library is quite amusing, not to mention a 1-seater fighter jet that he keeps in his back pocket.)

So, will Harry be interacting with the (pseudo-)canon Marvel-verse too, or is this going to be largely set in the Wizarding world?

Sana posted a comment on Friday 18th July 2008 2:06am

Very good story!

Shaw posted a comment on Wednesday 16th July 2008 7:28pm

awww i finished a good story left me wanting to continue reading.Like how everything developing esp Ron kinda true to character i feel

runnerman87 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th July 2008 11:14am

I'm curious whether Harry's aptitude for flight and his ability to withstand extreme G-forces are manifestations of an as-yet unidentified ability.

Things seem to be moving forward nicely. I look eagerly forward to the next installment.

runnerman87 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th July 2008 10:18am

Great beginning! I've been a casual fan of the X-Men since I was a kid; I grew up watching the cartoons on Saturday mornings, and I'm thrilled to see a marriage of two such fun universes. I look forward to seeing where everything goes.

Alorkin posted a comment on Tuesday 15th July 2008 4:36am

Nicely done! Harry has finally found someplace where he is accepted. Logan is keeping him busy and the rest are actually helping train him for the future.

Dumbledore is on the rack now, and seems to have lost a great deal of support. It's interesting he insisted he was not preparing Harry to be a weapon against Voldemort when in chapter one he referred to Harry not understanding while he would be sacrificed. he only thing you didn't say was 'for the greater good' He reminds me of Lord Farquad saying: "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I a willing to make."

Poor Scott. Apparently he's never come across a student who was more comfortable in the air than on the ground. I'd wonder if Harry was an animagus, he'd be a falcon.

Speaking of seem to have made Harry into Merlin's lost stepchild. He has more abilities than he rightly should. I'd think his mutant abilities would bolster the magical ones, where they did not conflict, but having so many different abilities is beginning to ease him into the 'SUPER-HARRY!' territory.

Being able to sneak into headquarters, is amongst those suspect abilities as is being able to move from Hoggy's to headquarters. I suppose the wards in either place don't detect non-magical abilities, thought those at Hogwarts should. Ancient magic went into building the castle and so the wards should be a bit more comprehensive. Just a thought.

Hagrid's visit was, in it's own way, therapeutic for Harry. Maybe with time, he'll understand exactly how much influence Dumbledore has on his friends, and will forgive their betrayal. Ignorance is easily influenced by treachery.

I eagerly await the next chapter of 'Mutant Storm'

vasilis01 posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 10:21pm

more more more