By Bobmin
dunedain714 posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 12:04pm
Chaps 1 & 2: Just found these...glad I did. You've done a good job of blending the two universes. Since you've left plenty of room to maneuver with the plot it will be interesting to see where you take us next. Thanks--Dane.
liquidfyre posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 10:01am
Lost the net for a few days stupid dsl but thanks while ive been waxed before and it is kinda fun i do think i would look good with cornrows down my back
Milarqui posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 4:10am
Hey! I find that your story is very refreshing and interesting! I admit that, at first, it didn't look well, but when I saw that this was a Harry/Ginny, I decided to open it. I have to say that, although a bit strange, the story is well written and gives good reasons for how could Harry have mutant powers, which I find to be pretty interesting. And I liked to see how all the X-Men are helping Harry so much, and it's obvious that Harry is helping them, too!
Please, keep it up! (And don't be too bad with Gin-Gin, after all she is going to be Harry's girlfriend! :D)
Shamsheer Bali posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 1:20am
Gr8 chap captain..!!! Ur killin em... keep this up and u'll have to bat fans off urself!! or maybe alyx cud do that for you??
AnnaRivers posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 12:36am
What a wonderful story! I've seen others try to cross HP with X-Men, but they often fall short of greatness. With only 2 chapters, you've achieved greatness! :o) Thank you & I'm looking forward to more!
Angel11 posted a comment on Thursday 10th July 2008 10:14pm
Very good story, can't wait for more. I normally wait for a story to be complete before reading, so I can read it all at my pace, but this is good. All your stories are good enough to read twice or more...and I have.
DonaldD posted a comment on Thursday 10th July 2008 5:10pm
Interesting story so far, and I like it. I have always thought that Harry resembled Jean Grey in some way, and your bringing it to the forfront in a completely new and interesting way. Keep up the good work, and I plan on reading as much as I can when I can.
Papa MidNite posted a comment on Thursday 10th July 2008 11:55am
I love it. I'm just starting to get into crossovers, but this is good. Will we get get to see any other X-Men soon? Also will Excalibur make an appearance, Captain Britain...just asking.
Portus posted a comment on Tuesday 8th July 2008 4:53am
Well, that was a really, really good chapter. I'll be the first to admit that I avoid crossover stories like the plague, because I can never reconcile two different universes somehow coming in contact, yada yada yada.
I will now eat those words (pass the salsa, por favor), because I am already firmly entrenched in this fic. I can also admit that the only reason I began reading this story was the fact that Bob and Alyx are writing it, and everything I've read by them has been top-notch.
Anyway, here's hoping that the fiasco hasn't really soured you guys on writing, since I really, really like reading your stories. Thanks again for the time you put in writing these chapters, and also thanks to the betas for proofreading, etc.
Joy Ravenel posted a comment on Monday 7th July 2008 5:09pm
Hey Alex and Bob,
You have another gem on your hands. I can not wait for the report of Hadraid back to Dumbledore. I love your disclaimers. Please conitune the story.
mwinter posted a comment on Monday 7th July 2008 12:01pm
My heart was filled with joy , my hands let go of the pitch fork and torch to read this chapter. After many times of reading this chapter I was finally able to get so rest. However upon awakening the next day I thought about the llama that should have been hurt in this chapter. Bob, Alyx again enjoyable chapter. Awaiting the next.
amulder posted a comment on Monday 7th July 2008 8:58am
Lots of fun here. Kinda surprised that Harry is "stealing" his books... er, no that isn't it... I'm surprised that he's not being more active about kicking them out of HIS house, all things considered. But then, I dunno if he wants more than the library at this point.
Good job on Kreacher last chapter by the wan.
Hagrid is a tough one to write, but I think you pretty well got it.
Hmm, how many of his mutant abilities will he keep quiet when back at Hogwarts? Most, I expect. Will he manage to keep training with Logan and/or Scott at times? Hope so.
thanks for sharing
Jarrod posted a comment on Monday 7th July 2008 1:49am
Excellent as always you two, keep up the good reads.
I'm definitely curious as to who else is getting sent across the pond to Hogwarts.
Shea' Motsko posted a comment on Monday 7th July 2008 1:07am
Wow! I am really enjoying this strange and oddly compelling crossover.
I've seen a few HP-Xmen crosses and I always start out excited over the idea of it and then quickly become disillusioned. I'm glad that you haven't fallen into the same trap of making Harry some Super!Mutant that has a billion powers and can do anything better than everyone. *rolls eyes* I like that your Harry has issues and problems to work through, that he isn't all powerful. Also, I am thankful that he didn't suddenly wake up with the idea to kill 'em all so that God can sort them out (and turn the Xmen all dark and evil too.)
I think one of my favorite things about this story so far is his growing relationship with Jean and Scott. They've been giving him what he so desperately needs and has never had; unconditional love, dependable support and a logical and solid foundation to stand on.
Ron and Hermione have tried, but they are kids. Ron was raised in a world built on bigotry and hatred. Despite his best efforts, he is a product of that world and it shows. Hermione lacks the bigotry, but she also lacks the ability to do anything about it and the empathy to heal past hurts. Her mind far outstrips her emotional maturity.
And that (emotional maturity) is what Harry needs in his life. Unfortuantely, the adult wizards in his life face the same problem as Ron, they were raised with bigotry and often times they don't even see it anymore. On top of that, to most of them Harry is the iconic Boy-Who-Lived. Which is different than thinking of him as a teenage boy.
Jean and Scott, on the other hand, see the teenage boy and the bigotry and the neglect and the struggle to overcome his various issues. What's more, they not only help him with these things, they support him in his quest to be Harry. Just, Harry.
Another lovely detail is Harry discovering the muggle world. He's right, the wizarding world is so insular and backward that it's amazing that so many muggleborns stay with it as long as they do. They're forced to give up so much in order to use magic and in return they are grudgingly given second-class citizen status and death threats. I'm surprized at how many bother staying to take the NEWTS. Or if they do, that they don't flee Great Britian for other parts of the world afterwards. Blood-status can't be that important everywhere.
Still, Harry's discovery of movies and science and all things muggle is a joy to watch. It makes the Dursley's seem that much more evil and the wizarding world that much more idiotic.
I can't wait for more of this. If for no other reason, it's nice to see Harry starting to heal emotionally and to see him happy. He hasn't been happy since first year. Jean and Scott are so good for him.
~ Scorpio
Jeff Bernstein posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2008 10:42pm
Very good, can't wait to see who the other mutant is.
Andrewsquill posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2008 11:25am
I'm really enjoying this story. I like both the X-Men and Harry Potter and seeing them in this genre is exciting.
Keep up the good work.
cheryse posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2008 10:24am
Wow! What a great chapter! I don't even know where to begin commenting on it. I suppose my fav part is Harry's adoption. I can't wait to see the heads roll when everyone finds out about the dual citizenship. I'm anxious to see what happens next! Thanks for the update!
Kelly Hilliard posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2008 9:17am
I must say that all X-men cross-overs don't work. But this fic is awesome. I'm really loving it! I have no idea when it was last posted, but I hoping it is continuing. If it is continuing, can you send me an alert or something, I'd really like to continue to read it if possible. Thanks!
DAMNED posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2008 8:20am
keep it coming
vasilis01 posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 9:08pm