Content Harry Potter


Bexis posted a comment on Tuesday 29th September 2009 2:12am

With his power Harry could have transfigured that hand-me-down suit into practically anything.

That was not very bright of Ginny to reveal her allegiances by breaking up with Dean like that.

Two chapters (1 1/2 actually) and H/Hr are declaring their love for each other. That's quick.

Fun Gringotts scene. Would Hermione really look forward to seeing a dragon after GoF?

Bexis posted a comment on Monday 28th September 2009 10:15pm

I came over here and signed up for this site because this fic and its sequel were mentioned several times in the "Bible of H/Hr" thread at Portkey.

Right now, I'm not sure why. In one chapter, Harry's grown several inches, bulked up, and lost his need for glasses (was that even necessary?). He's not Harry anymore. Hermione's already decided upon a relationship. That was really fast. Hermione's Mugle parents not only take that with equanamity but also the Prophecy, which puts their daughter squarely in Voldemort's cross-hairs. That's not very believable.

AU's OK. SuperHarry's OK. Manipulative Dumbledore's OK. Weasley bashing's OK. But the points I mentioned above? I don't know yet.

On the plus side, the writing is well done and I only saw one typon (trashed rather than thrashed) in the whole long chapter.

- Bexis

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 28th September 2009 11:56am

No angst, but lots of shock, awe, and anger in this chapter. Shocked!Griphook, followed by Shocked!Grangers (at Gringott's; not over Harry's wealth, but over Griphook knowing them). However, Dan Granger pulls a move right out of Salazar's Playbook (after Harry wandlessly disarmed Sir Greasy Git, then transfigured his clothing). At Pico's, Amelia gets horked-off all over again (over seeing that scar that Umbitch had inflicted on Harry); I wonder what Fudge will make of that?
We've seen the outfit Snape was wearing before, though; anyone care to guess where?

Lerris Smith posted a comment on Sunday 27th September 2009 2:41am

This (including Sunset) was an excellent story and one I highly recommend. It has been a few days since I finished it, but I suppose if I was going to nitpick a little bit I would tend to perhaps suggest examining the framework a little bit more closely. Some things were a little convenient, like the fact that Harry literally had enough money to build and run a city, and anything else he needed.

Some things like Harry's disability seem like they might have been better to work on in the story earlier. I'm not saying it should have been solved, but perhaps if more effort was made early on to solve the issue and it failed, then perhaps fewer questions would have been raised about it.

The brotherhood was an interesting touch, yet it seemed to have too many pluses and not enough minuses. Of course, I'm not saying it should have been a net minus or anything, but things shouldn't be too easy.

I suppose my biggest nitpick is the blind faith in prophesy and how they had to avoid a confrontation and let all those horrible things happen until a certain time. Now that may have been true, but I can't see Harry accepting it blindly, at least, not until he tries to beat it once or twice and gets smacked down hard for it. Who knows, perhaps Harry could beat prophecy once, albeit at a horrible price..

Again, overall this was an excellent piece of writing. Thanks for sharing it.

Alice Zecco posted a comment on Friday 25th September 2009 7:31am

This was a wonderful work. You accomplished your goal! I am starting the next on now!

Alice Zecco posted a comment on Friday 25th September 2009 4:48am

You are keeping me awake at night now. I've only had seven total hours of sleep since I started this story. You are evil and must die! HAHAHAHAHAHA. All kidding aside, yes I have missed a lot of sleep this week but hell this story is soooo worth it. I even had had it minimized at work so I can sneak and read a line or too there. If I am fired it's all your FAULT!!!

Alice Zecco posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd September 2009 10:19am

Another great read! Thank you for your hard work. Like the Ginny/Nev hint. Nice touch. Even though I'm not a H/H fan, this is a very believeable relationship. I even enjoy Draco this way.

Alice Zecco posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd September 2009 9:21am

Loving this more and more. I really like that Mimi is so pissed at Dumble, as well at Flintwick!!! BEG I can see so much of where this could go. Just have to continue to read and see if I am right (no, I'm not one of these who read the last chapter of a completed story first!!!!)

Alice Zecco posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd September 2009 4:35am

First of all, I love non-canon work! It broadens the mind. As for the Wesley's and Dumblydore going dark, nope....never thought it. I honestly believe this betrayal by the Wesley parents and Ron will be the hardest one to get over since Harry has always thought of them as family. Bill, Fred, George and Ginny.....ummmmm, love that combination to help Harry from "outside" his protected home for now. Ginny's letter was wonderful! Ron is such a prick!!! Just want to give HIM to the Harry's uncle for a "lesson in freakiness." That boy needs some common scense beaten into him! Snape in an evening gown???? WONDERFUL NOW I have that stuck in my head for the rest of the work day. Great!!! But love it. Going on the the next chapter!!!! HUGS

Alice Zecco posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd September 2009 2:36am

WOW! Okay, now you have some things in place, we will see what the "powers-to-be" try to get Harry to do. I put my money on Harry doing just what the damn hell he wants to....go superpower HARRY! If Fred, George and Ginny join Harry's side, heaven help everyone else!

Alexis Rinaldi posted a comment on Sunday 20th September 2009 4:17am

I cannot believe how caught up I am in your story - I've been reading for 3 days now and can not wait to go read the next story. You have become my absolute most FAVORITE authors! I love the way you have taken a world crafted by JKR and turned it into something complex and interesting for those of us who can't really get into books 5-7 (sorry, OOP just turned my stomach!). Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!!

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Tuesday 15th September 2009 10:46pm

A small spelling error. Harry took in the scene in a single glance, the huge whole in his shoulder, the blood, and Luna somehow keeping Draco anchored in this world.

Whole should have been spelled hole.

I love your HP stories. Keep the chapters coming. I can't wait to see what you do with Mutant Storm.

Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Saturday 12th September 2009 5:13am

There is the matter of apostrophe use in your stories. Apostrophes are used in making a contraction or a possessive, they are NOT used to indicate plurals. Also a possessive of a word ending in the letter "s" is marked by an apostrophe after the s (Sirius' house) rather than an extra apostrophe and s (Sirius's house) .

Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Saturday 12th September 2009 4:47am

By a bridge? Don't you mean buy a bridge? I've noticed your stories have this type of error in them, and fairly frequently at that. Spell check will tell you if a word is correctly spelled, but not if it is the correct word. You might want to try reading your chapters aloud before posting them, since you don't like the idea of using a beta.

Sov posted a comment on Tuesday 25th August 2009 2:39pm

I know this story was posted quite some time ago, but I thought it might make you feel all warm and fuzzy to know that people are still reading (and loving!), your stories. I cant imagine the amount of creativity it would take to write something so interesting and extensive. I appreciate your efforts deeply.

Midnightoil245 posted a comment on Saturday 22nd August 2009 5:17pm

Is Dumbledore on stupid pills? Does he really think he's going to gain Harry's trust the way he's going? Sheesh. (Not complaining about your writing, just commenting on the character).

jdworlow posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2009 8:46pm

Your example of "test your beta" should be revised to:

Luna was stumped for the first time in her life. She knew she had to cross the river to follow Ron, but couldn't get her feet wet. She quickly searched the riverbank and was surprised to find a rope; tugging on the rope released a rowboat from the far shore, which glided magically across the river. With a very unladylike leap, she jumped into the rowboat for the trip to the other side.

Or something similar ;-)

Patrick Cross posted a comment on Saturday 8th August 2009 12:11pm

toenail in a pencil sharpener? WHAT have you been sniffing lately, hmmmmmm? also, loved the tee-shirt bit. how 'bout "i killed a frecking dark lord and all i got was this snarky tee-shirt?" once again, GOOD JOB

Patrick Cross posted a comment on Saturday 8th August 2009 11:42am

toenail in a pencil sharpener? WHAT have you been sniffing lately, hmmmmmm?

Patrick Cross posted a comment on Saturday 8th August 2009 11:39am

Keebler elf with an attitude? I LIKE THAT ONE!!! Very engaging story, with funny introductions. You guys are goooooood...........