Content Harry Potter


malfoie posted a comment on Monday 15th June 2009 6:51am

Well you also have to think that yes you gave him all thought gifts but you also took away the one thing we was really good at and what kept him alive through all the stories and that is his speed with a bum leg he wont be able to move like he used to. Plus what good is being buff and can lift a car if your bum leg can't handle it.

malfoie posted a comment on Saturday 13th June 2009 10:52pm

I just got why you don't have Harry charge in and kill and the DEs and Voldiemort. I like how you made a belevable super Harry but make it so he needs to what for the Dark Lord to get up to his level. It Works Keep it up

malfoie posted a comment on Saturday 13th June 2009 2:10am

So the SNORING Ron got over his fear of spiders to put try and take Harry out. At least that is what I got out of the last part of that chapter.

Sheepdog posted a comment on Wednesday 10th June 2009 5:39am

About the online Sobriety Test what does a person do if they have a Mouse that uses a Laser instead of a ball. I love your stories and this is about the fourth time i have read this story i wait with baited breath for new stories.

William Lack posted a comment on Sunday 7th June 2009 9:20pm

LOVE LOVE LOVE this story

Thank you

PS The UK don't have an Embassy in Canada, it has a High Commission, and the 'Ambassador' would be the High Commissioner. The same holds true for all members of the Commonwealth... - just one minor detail ....

William Lack posted a comment on Sunday 7th June 2009 9:10pm

LOVE LOVE LOVE this story

Thank you

Dalwyn posted a comment on Thursday 4th June 2009 4:46am

Wow. So when I'm reading a chaptered fic, I usually don't review until I get to the end, I just blow through the fic a write a long review. But this chapter has impressed me so much I just have to comment now.

Wow again. There hasn't been a lot yet of the Manipulative/Dumbledore, though I like what there has been. Involving the weasley's though is great. Gred&Forge not participating is spot on. Ron is a prat, lots of fics say so, usually not strongly enough. Finally he's a prat and sounds like Harry agrees. And much as I love to hate Fudge, I'm finding the politics in the Ministry pretty cool.

One humorous negative: Hermione has only blushed at Harry, and hasn't once said "Oh grw up!" to him or anyone else. heh.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the story.

athenewolfe posted a comment on Wednesday 20th May 2009 9:27am

juat a note to tell you I am rereading this story for the third time. It is my all time favorite hP fiction. You do an incredible job - thank you!

kinkade0001 posted a comment on Wednesday 13th May 2009 12:44pm

Super Harry is fine, it's when they start to make every one supper that they go astray. If I have to read one more story were Harry has just enough super power to kill moldywart, but the Weaslett is a super nova wrapped in a fission bomb with Vela good looks and a nasty temper it'll be too soon. One other pet peve. Yes, the Bat boggie is a nasty little trick she has, but honestly people, it's not the end of the world. Full grown wizards should not cringe in terror and flee before her. Especialy not her brothers. Ron, yes, Fred and George, nope, Charlee? ( the man gets off on working with fire breathing flying lizards) nope, not scared, and Bill the guy who taught it to her. Would he be scared? Hell no. It's a nasty child's curse, but not nearly as bad as what Draco, or Greengrass would use.

kinkade0001 posted a comment on Wednesday 13th May 2009 3:41am

For the record…..I love this story, I love the writing, and I love the interaction. FINALY!!! For once a decent wizard wasn’t totally incapacitated by a body bind! You’d think it’d be standard practice to learn how to wordlessly dispel one of those, but it’ isn’t. Oh, another thing, if the head boy snuck into the head girl’s rooms, tied her up and used a silencing charm……..well, charges would be pressed.

kinkade0001 posted a comment on Wednesday 13th May 2009 1:51am

Ok, thoughts. Well, girl power, I hate girl power stories where Harry is powerful, (after all he is the protagonist) but all the women around him are equally powerful, or even more so. I know this wasn’t the case here, but I see a few of the warning signs. Otherwise it was well done. Oh, and before I get hate mail for being sexist, I’m not, I just hate plots were Harry is constantly whipped by unreasonably powerful female characters. I truly applauded the idea of Harry calling Hermione out on sneaking a peek. Usually it’s a double standard, and wouldn’t be allowed if Harry were peeking at Hermione. Fair is fair, if both sexes are equal, treating them as such. Anyway, that’s my rant, love me or hate me.

kinkade0001 posted a comment on Wednesday 13th May 2009 12:17am


darksidhe posted a comment on Saturday 9th May 2009 7:16am

Holy CRAP! Thank you for the story. That was so moving... Wow.

Kizza2009 posted a comment on Thursday 7th May 2009 9:08pm

LOL nice test; doesn't work if you are on a lappy though posted a comment on Wednesday 6th May 2009 9:47pm

How could you kill off Madame Pompfrey bad form bad form

jazz3 posted a comment on Wednesday 8th April 2009 7:49am

I loved this story!

andrakis2 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th March 2009 10:29pm

hi. I will just say i am greatly pleased with this story i have read a lot of the fanfiction out there and never have i seen a story so well written and original too boot! I just stumbled onto this site after finding your story on a list (super harry) and found a lot of my fav authors here. Great story.:) have a cookie. And i an sorry for my grammer i read these sites on my phone so it is a little harder to review and type

jazz3 posted a comment on Wednesday 18th March 2009 11:52am

I love this story

TangledPencils posted a comment on Tuesday 17th March 2009 9:02pm

I've spent the last 3 days reading this fic, and simply couldn't stop, it was so enthralling. I really enjoyed it, particularly the witty T Shirts...I was literally pmsl over them!

Totally loved it, very well written, well done!

Now I'm off to start the sequel, despite it being nearly midnight, and my eyes are having trouble focusing!

Luc Luzzo posted a comment on Saturday 14th March 2009 8:41pm

OMG!love the story.I think it's dolores umbridge. but pay no mind to spelling!
I love the jump from canon and love how slow the relationships are evolving. most stories just go," hey I love you mua mua mua!, lets do it! hump hump hump."
your approach is to the mind