Content Harry Potter


Lord_Angel posted a comment on Sunday 1st March 2009 7:34am

An incredible book. I Can't wait to read the next installment of the duo. (Can't figure out what to call a two book story.) Your disclaimer's and notes are funny and inspirational to those who read them. I hope that you write some books for the real world. Your creativity and compatibility of working together is very inspirational and awe inspiring. May your reader's give you reviews and all non-believers bow at your feet.

Lord_Angel posted a comment on Thursday 26th February 2009 10:50am


Lord_Angel posted a comment on Thursday 26th February 2009 3:10am

Very curious! Very curious!

Lord_Angel posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 11:08am

Nice! I like the way that Ginny, Fred, George, and the rest of them are all helping Harry or trying to help him in any way possible.

empethic_girl posted a comment on Monday 23rd February 2009 7:33am

This is one of the more interesting stories I have read. It comes in second. I am only through the first 3 chapters and yet I cannot wait to know what happens next.

I agree completely with your pet peeves. The things so far I have also found to be completely annoying in stories, and usually I stop reading the story.

I am interested in the plot line and cannot wait until I finish it.


Tammy Driver posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 1:35am

What did Abraxan and Old Crow say, when they read you were using them as potions ingredients?

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 7:52pm

The email address in the author's notes has permanent fatal errors.

Meg Renee posted a comment on Friday 13th February 2009 10:41am

I have loved reading your story! Ya'll have such a way with detail, that there were times when I had to stop and remind myself that it wasn't really happening! Thank you so much for the entertainment, and don't worry I am about to go read the sequel! -Meg

WolfMoon posted a comment on Thursday 12th February 2009 6:33am

A minor note - I saw at least two places this chapter where 'prophecy' was spelt 'prophesy'. I had a bit of a poke around, thinking that it might have been due to you being in America and me being in New Zealand (or whatever), but I don't think this is the case. Just thought I'd point it out, as I like to know when I'm regularly misspelling words.

I'm still enjoying the story, which is vaguely surprising to me - as I said in a previous review, a Harry/Hermione pairing is generally enough to stop me reading a story, no matter how good it is otherwise. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to reading more.

WolfMoon posted a comment on Thursday 12th February 2009 4:54am

Obviously you've had this chapter out for awhile and have possibly delt with my one criticism so far: near the start of this chapter, Voldemort was surprised to learn that Snape may still be a spy. According to either fourth or fifth year - which I assume is the same as canon was - Snape was spared Azkaban by Dumbledore claiming he was a spy. Voldemort would have already known that Snape had such ties with Dumbledore. This would have come up at the end of fourth year when Snape went to meet up with Voldemort as per Dumbledore's order/request.

It just seemed a little strange when I read it; I'm guessing you just wanted to get Snape away from Voldemort for the story, but I would have preferred it if it had been a little more subtle.

Anyway, you've possibly dealt with this query already, and its your story anyway, just thought I'd put my 2 cents in.

Other than that I'm enjoying the story, even though I really don't like the Harry/Hermione paring. The story is interesting enough that I will try to read it all - no promises of success, though, as the pairing really bugs me.

spawnofthejudge posted a comment on Thursday 12th February 2009 3:55am

Perhaps I was ruined by your press, but I'm not as impressed with this fic as others seem to be.

The premise, admittedly, is fun to contemplate: Ron as an arse, Dumbledore as a manipulative bastard who loves fame and Molly as a money-grubbing woman. The only one I never quite could believe is Molly, but that's only because I'm hard pressed to believe she possesses the acting skills required.

I hope you've gotten better about this since you wrote what I have read, (I may never find this out) but look up the uses for apostrophes. You're using them in bunches of places that they shouldn't be. The plural of Gryffindor is Gryffindors. Not Gryffindor's. This chapter: Look for "Granger’s" during Dumbledore and Harry's fight.

The Harry/Hermione scenes felt forced, but I can't put my finger on why :(.

Draco... while not quite deftly handled, was realistic to a point. I thought it was a touch too fast to go to first name basis, but that's not a huge deal.

I found myself skipping sections, like the Harry/Hermione sections, whole slews of dialogue, etc. Maybe it's awkward dialogue. Maybe it's because I thought the scenes were pointless (I'm reasonably sure I didn't miss anything). Not sure; thought you should know.

In summary, decent fic, though I find that I have lost interest, and thus leave my review after Chapter (*checks*) 9. Maybe I would be better served by a later offering of yours? *shrugs*

I hope this was useful.

Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Sunday 8th February 2009 1:19pm

I have again, read your story for a fourth time and still am in love with it. You both have fantastic creativety and your story is an ispiration to many. Thank you for working on it and following it though to the end. Brilliant Job!

Amathest posted a comment on Sunday 8th February 2009 1:52am

ireally really like your story! i love the angle your working from, making the characters a bit different than in cannon characters. i think its neat that you tried a different aproch to the story line of harry potter. thinking outside the box is deffeniatly a major plus in this story. the plot line of the story keeps you guessing about what happens next (weather or not your right). i think that this is the most incredibly unique story i've read so far please keep up the good work!

lil_sis4556 posted a comment on Saturday 7th February 2009 3:36am

Why is this entire chapter is in bold?

HensounoKage posted a comment on Thursday 5th February 2009 4:50pm

SPORK!!! You've been given a random, pointless review! Enjoy!

robst posted a comment on Sunday 1st February 2009 5:19am

Really loved this story though I must confess to skipping over the disclaimers and author’s notes. In my defence I would like to place the blame for this totally in your court, the story was so good I just couldn’t wait to start reading the chapter to find out what happened next. Am now just about to start reading your sequel.


ranman posted a comment on Friday 16th January 2009 9:49am

Well, there was a hurricane where I lived recently and I've been meaning to read this story for years, so I downloaded it all before the storm. I read it on my ipod, computer, and then when the batteries finally died I got out a magnifying glass and a candle, opened up my hard drive and started transcribing the story onto paper. I finished a chapter before the power came back on.

So, yes, aside from a few spelling errors and grammar oddities this story flat out rocks my socks. I'm wearing sandals so that is quite the accomplishment.

I blame you two for the following: broken hard-drive :P, high electricity bill, lack of sleep, failed tests.

That is all!

blinkswish posted a comment on Thursday 1st January 2009 10:33pm

Big fan!

Loved DA and SC and this is shaping up to be really good :)

Keep up the great work!

Angel.of.Blood posted a comment on Monday 29th December 2008 8:26am

Let me start off by saying that I'm far off to be a good, obedient reader and reviewer. Hell, this story is the first one that I ever reviewed for. It's the way you write, and the very essence of this story that mesmerized me enough to ignore my nature and drop you a few friendly lines.

What I like most about your stories is the fact that there's so much loving detail. But still you maintain the balance between descriptive scenes and action. Other authors would definitely have messed this up.
The running gags of Harry's shirts and so on add this certain comical relief that makes me bow my head before you. There's the dark atmosphere on the one hand, and the funny comments on the other, none of them hindering the other. And I won't even start to comment your ANs and Disclaimers with your constant bickering and positively frustrating anti-hints.

Seen as my girlfriend will skin me alive if I don't stop writing now (a fact that Bob will certainly be able to sympathize with) I'll take the less dangerous option presented to me and close this review with kind regards to both of you. I hope that the following story will be just as entertaining and sometimes mind-boogling as this one.

All the best,
Thomas Pietruschka, age 18, Germany

Angel.of.Blood posted a comment on Wednesday 24th December 2008 11:05am

Oh, forgot to add "Cheeky, cool shirts..?" to that list : D