Content Harry Potter


kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 1:24pm

i hate do do this..... but its not an Ever Quotes Quill.
its a Quick Quotes Quill.
by the way, have you ever thought about how much Ginny looks like Harry's mum?
don't want to critisize your usual choice in pairings, but I just thought you ought to know that.

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 1:05pm

so, dumbledore. i see your schwartz isw is big as..... wait a minute.
its not!
well jeez, that totally destroys that bit of fun. stupid meddling bastards and their inadequate schwartzes.

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 12:41pm

my friend, the muse is female simply because my ancestors liked a hot bod. and yes, they were somewhat sexist.

Robert Fergusson posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2008 4:48pm

Great story ...... liked the disclaimers especially ...... looking forward to reading the sequel.
A Tassie Terror

nth_x posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2008 5:49am

This was a great read. Some of my favorite ideas were the concept of a "grey lord", Harry "taking after his mother" in his animagus abilities, and the voodoo map idea. My pet peeve is when authors make Harry an animagus, then dump it into the back corner as "just another super power". If he can change into a super-cool creature that no one has ever before in the history of magic...that should be an important part of the story. Anyway, thanks again for an excellent read, now I'm off to the sequel.

scrotum posted a comment on Thursday 13th November 2008 3:31pm


surabhi posted a comment on Wednesday 29th October 2008 1:33pm

its the best fanfic that i have ever read

Matt Smith posted a comment on Friday 24th October 2008 9:40pm

I totally agree with the "test your beta" statement, though I suggest testing your own as a mistake was made in the example paragraph towards the end of the author's notes.

One simply cannot use a comma before the word 'but'.

stgilman10 posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2008 1:05am

This is my 3rd read of this story, and I just noticed something. You say that the last time that Harry got to go to his vault was before 2nd year. But before 3rd year, he was living in Diagon Alley after the Aunt Marge incident, with Gringotts access.

dadscooking posted a comment on Wednesday 17th September 2008 1:12am

I am reading this again and I have to say, you are truly one of the best writing teams I have ever read in both fan fiction and professional authors.

I am very grateful for the gift you have given us by sharing your effluvient imagination.

lukeshkothaare posted a comment on Sunday 31st August 2008 8:03pm

You have me hooked on this story from the Second sentence :). I consider myself to be somewhat a picky reader and I am definitely itching to hit that 'Next' button to read on.

Thank you for this great story.

back2front posted a comment on Sunday 31st August 2008 7:44am

Standard Disclaimer:

Harry: "HEY! You guys don’t own me!"
Bob: "They know that Harry, but we’re going to torment you anyway!"
Harry: "B-B-But that’s unfair! I won’t allow it! Only JK Rowling owns me!"
Bob: "Silly teenage wizard! Here, let me stick your toe in this pencil sharpener!"
Harry: "Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!"

LMAO if only all disclaimers where this random.....
Praise be to bob and his S&M pencil sharpener

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 9:13pm

Sorry; if I'd bothered to check the reviews beforehand I would've seen that my comment was redundant. I blame my insomnia; two days with virtually no sleep and the little grey cells begin to get punchy....

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 9:11pm

I'm almost certain someone else has pointed this out, but in case they haven't: not all alternative spellings are euphemisms, especially in the case of 'shite' or 'shyte' in place of 'shit'. 'Shite' is a perfectly valid alternative pronunciation for the British Isles. just as 'schist' or 'schyst' would be for Germany (why do you think 'shyster' is a pejorative for lawyer? It literally means 'shitter'). I don't know how many times I've heard a British actor pronounce 'shit' with a hard 'i', but it's been frequently enough to make it impossible to keep track....

arjaila posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 11:53am

I am just a little bit in love with this novel. Actually, more than just a little bit. It's an extraordinary piece of writing, with a fantastic plot and believable characterization. As a staunch Harry/Hermione fan, I was very impressed with how you built their love story, how it was realistically difficult. As a staunch anti-Ron and anti-Dumbledore person, I'm not sure I could have asked for more from a story (and Dumbles still hasn't really gotten his!). The idea of Grey!Harry has been done a lot, but I'm not sure it has been done better. Thank you for sharing this.

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 5:50pm

I hate to point it out to such talented authors, but very poor scansion on your limerick. How about this?

There once was a Wizard from Surrey,
Whose wand was exceptionally Furry,
Ginny wanted to pet it,
But Harry said, "Forget it!
I'd rather stick it into Padma's Curry!"

Still not perfect, but closer to traditional limerick meter....

Carol Layland posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 11:59pm

Considering how long ago this fic was written I do not know if you will ever read this last review but I wish to say that you have one hell of a good story here and I have now read it twice. From here I go to "Sunrise"'s second reading and in between I shall keep up with Mutant Storm which I am absolutely waiting for with Bated Breath. You are both so very talented and like you I do feel that JKR was getting tired and bored with her HP series and thus rushed her books just a little. I especially like both your disclaimer and author note additions to your stories.

RockBiter posted a comment on Saturday 23rd August 2008 8:37am

Bloody brilliant! What more can be said?

RockBiter posted a comment on Saturday 23rd August 2008 7:36am

Ah, the Seals at last. It was Seal Team Six, wasn't it? And Richard Marcinko was leading them, wasn't he? I knew you were one of the good guys.

RockBiter posted a comment on Saturday 23rd August 2008 3:56am

I can't resist. I just can't. In the sentence 'She quickly searched the riverbank and was surprised to find a rope, tugging on the rope released a rowboat from the far shore,' you have two independent sentences joined by a comma. Because those two sentences can be separated intact, leaving two complete sentences, that comma should be a semi-colon. (And that--using the word 'sentence' twice in the same 'sentence' is called 'echo.' Something to be avoided, especially with words that are unusual and eye-catching.

There is a article on CNN today that tells about two men who were fined over three thousand dollars and given a years' probation for correcting the grammar on a sign in --I believe--the Grand Canyon. Where do I sign up?