Content Harry Potter


RockBiter posted a comment on Friday 22nd August 2008 4:24pm

Still reading. Still intrigued.

RockBiter posted a comment on Friday 22nd August 2008 12:07pm

I'm not up on the politics of fan fiction sites, and I would imagine, by now, that whatever happened is long past. I am glad, however, that you didn't let it discourage you. I was able to find you here through a link on, so that, at least, is a good thing.

RockBiter posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 3:34pm

Stop this madness! Please! I need sleep. Sleep, I tell you. I need sleep.

RockBiter posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 12:05pm

I'm very curious about something. Do you really hate Ron and Dumbledore that much? Personally, I mean. And, if you do, would you still hate Dumbledore so much if he was still portrayed by Richard Harris? I ask, because that has colored my view of him. I loved the Richard Harris Dumbledore, but really dislike the Michael Gambon one. Rupert Grint, however . . . Well, I really have very little opinion of his Ron at all.

RockBiter posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 10:14am

This is going very well . . . but you knew that, didn't you? I like your portrayal of Draco. Poor boy deserves a break.

I've seen several mentions of grammar and spelling amongst your reviews and comments, and, I have to say, I do appreciate your efforts on that front. Nothing is more annoying than reading something--or trying to read something--filled with more errors than my garden is with weeds. With spell and grammar checks built into every computer, there really is no excuse.

RockBiter posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 7:00am

Sorry I haven't reviewed. Too busy reading. Too busy sitting here, grainy-eyed and exhausted at two in the morning. Too . . .

I get it! You really are a wizard. You've put a spell on your stories that make us helpless, hopeless muggles believe we have to read them in one sitting. I know, now, that you . . .

Must read. Must read.

RockBiter posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 1:52pm

Interesting. I do love an author who turns a character on his head. Can't wait to see where you're going with Malfoy. I like. I like.

RockBiter posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 12:48pm

Hm. The end of this chapter reads like something meant to suck us in before you hit us with death, devastation, and total destruction. Where did I put my bullet-proof vest?

One question--and this is for all you fan fiction authors out there. WHY won't anyone let Neville kill Bellatrix? He's earned it. He deserves it. Please, somebody, give her to him.

Yes, I know this story has been out for a while, but I'm reviewing anyway. It's new to me.

RockBiter posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 11:41am

So far, I think I liked the two I read over on a little better than this--most likely, because I'm on the Harry/Ginny bandwagon. Not to say I'm not enjoying this. I am, very much.

Oh, and because you'll probably never see the reviews on FF, I loved Jack and the military aspects of the stories. I'm writing a book right now that centers around the Navy, and enjoy reading anything military. It was a great addition.

RockBiter posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 5:46am

Most interesting. I'm quite anxious to see where you take this.

RockBiter posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 4:32am

Hi Guys,

I'm new to this site, after finding your work on and reviewing Dumbledore's Army. After a visit to your author page, I discovered you had left there and probably would never see the reviews. But, anyway, here I am, still reading.

This is such a generous thing for you to do--providing us all with an outlet for our frustration while we wait for more Harry. That wait, apparently, has been extended with the dirty little trick Warner Brothers has decided to pull. (Don't get me started on the fact that they have lied to children.)

It has been a little difficult for me to get my head around the changes you have made in character and place, but I enjoyed the two on FF immensely and am looking forward to seeing what you'll do here.

Gemma O'Donnell posted a comment on Tuesday 5th August 2008 10:57am

This book is amazing. Its so nice to read a story that avoids all your pet peeves. Your story as well as been witty and humourous, has really well developed characters and plot and is resulted in very little uni work been done recently. I think you have given a more realistic portrayal of human nature and the characters in the potter universe i sometimes feel that at times the jk rowling version is rosetinted. im looking forward to the sequel but i feel that should wait till to holidays as i imagine it will be just as addictive as this was. Another thing i really like is the changing of pov scenes its not only interesting but gives a fuller picture and you can feel like you are in on the secret as later scenes make sense to us but not the characters as the plot is slowly unraveled.

ChocoholicWriter posted a comment on Monday 28th July 2008 11:14pm

Wow what a story! Normally I don't like Harry/Hermione fics but this was recommended to me by a friend and is one of very few that makes a relationship between Harry and Hermione believable. Also, I like the way you've made Draco and Narcissa good and Lucius bad (sorry, couldn't think of alternative adjectives), most people redeem Lucius and Draco and it was a freshing change as well as more believable. I like the way you've explained Luna's eccentricities, most fics say she's simply odd rather than making her something so rare and extraordinary that she can't help but be different, its also nice to see a fic where Luna isn't a Seer. I like fics where canon characters that are mentioned briefly and never again are brought more into play so we learn more about them and since Susan and Terry are two of the more well-known underused canon characters I had no trouble remembering who they are and what House they're in. I know this is a long review but I hope you appreciate my comments. Good job, I can't wait to read the sequel to this and any other fics you've written.

Padfoot posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd July 2008 2:46pm

OY! I'll have you know that I am a timpanist or the "kettle drums" to you and they are very musical. Know of any other instrument other than the keyboard that can play more than one note at once? Didn't think so.


smile-like-u-mean-it posted a comment on Tuesday 15th July 2008 7:52am

Amazing story i love it! This story showed more of the "true" war. In many of the fanfics I've read nothing major is destroyed or harmed and in a real war they would be. Anyway off to read the sequel can't wait!

smile-like-u-mean-it posted a comment on Friday 11th July 2008 10:22am

Where are you shopping?!?! Cause I really need to get some of those donut spewing buttons!! haha

Viki Worley posted a comment on Thursday 10th July 2008 9:43pm

While I do not usually like a Harry Hermione ship I do like this story so far. I totally agree with you over the authors begging for reviews...usually I don't finish reading a fic if the author is of that mind set.

I like the idea of you taking an idea and running with it to see where it will go. Good work!

Off to read some more.


godgivenright posted a comment on Wednesday 9th July 2008 5:26pm

amazingly well written. I have always favored the idea that Dumbledore was evil, or at least someone who had forgotten the importance of free will when it came to a single subject, and the way you portrayed him was impressive. However, I only found a few contradictions within your story during my reading that slightly confused me... the main one concerning Fawkes. First off, if he dumbledore was betraying harry from the beginning, then why did Fawkes stay with him? In order for Fawkes to stay with Dumbledore (from my limited understanding of the phoenix) Dumbledore would have to be devoted to the light. However, I assume that could be explained as Dumble's fall from the light to the dark, and the change from simply manipulative to pure evil.

Other than that small question, I really enjoyed reading this story and I'm about to start in on your sequel. Good job, and if you ever decide to start writing your own original story, please leave a note when it is published so that I may purchase it for my own pleasure. Good luck!

(because thats what snobbish intelligence is)

darthloki posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2008 8:04pm

The Heritage Thieves emptied out several galleries of priceless paintings and managed to make off with the HMS Victory, as well. Scotland Yard, with help from the Royal Navy and the Coast Guard, were unable to locate the 2196 metric ton sailing ship anywhere in the area.

*rolls around laughing*

Ruth Walker posted a comment on Saturday 5th July 2008 9:39am

I just want to start by saying I think this is the third time I've read this story and it captivates me every time. I sometimes wonder what J.K would think if she read it.

Please keep writing more stories and dont take any notice of the picky canon obsessed people.

Hoping to hear more soon.