By Bobmin
darthloki posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 3:16pm
This one read: Everyone Is Entitled To Be Stupid But Voldemort Is Abusing The Privilege.
LOL! I love Harry's shirts.
STBgirl posted a comment on Monday 30th June 2008 4:52am
wow, what a read and what a story. I thoroughly enjoyed the two solid days it took me to read this.
How you managed to include Draco/Luna as a side pairing and not make me run screaming is still shocking me slightly and i can only surmise that it must be a testament to how great the story is. You managed to write a superpower harry as well which reads believably and logically, a feat i don't think i have ever experienced before.
Loved the slogans on the t-shirts and how the brotherhood was founded based on Dumbledore making a mountain out of a molehill very funny.
And for once i can say i enjoyed the authors notes, the pet peeves were particularly comforting, glad i'm not the only one who finds spending two chapters clothes shopping for harry annoying.
I don't know if you still actively write Harry Potter fanfiction anymore but good luck in all your future writing ventures regardless. If they turn out even half as good as this i'm sure it will be well worth the read.
Amber Dragon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th June 2008 4:48am
Okay, Ginny's kick to Ron's balls must have been very tough, because I'm pretty sure that he doesn't have any, after reading thus far in this fan fic.
Bobboky posted a comment on Friday 20th June 2008 12:56pm
love it, it took me a week to read, but I had work so that is my excuse....
Northstar posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 11:39pm
reason I came looking for this story was because I came across another story at fan.fic. The first chapter i read was very interesting, however when I looked at the reviews it told me this story was already written. So I came a hunting for the original, and I am glad I did what a brilliant story enjoyed it very much that I got a little bit miffed when I had to go to work or bed. Now all i have to say is thank you for sharing your creative side with me and many more.
Crystal Snape posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 5:29am
I Really Like The Story So Far!!! Keep It Up!!!!;p
pobolycwm posted a comment on Friday 13th June 2008 11:43pm
i hate having to go to blooming work it means i cant start sunrise till the morning now
looking forword to more disclaimers and excellent storywriting of course. Why didnt you make harry fly like superman or give him spidey powers when he got bit
TheFox posted a comment on Thursday 12th June 2008 4:48am
You have created a monster. Now my mind is overrun with ideas about writing a story about a Brotherhood of Druidic Knights, young apprentices, medieval England...
Curse you! May you find your socks only when you don't need them!
(Not a particularly bad curse, but then again I'm not all that angry ;-))
Snowdove30 posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 7:27am
Don't know if you are aware, but AustinHP91 has posted chapter 1 on under the name "Britain's Darkest Hour". Its been reported numerous times but still remains on the site.
Odelia Riddle posted a comment on Tuesday 10th June 2008 4:45pm
OMGSH AWESOME. This is one of the most wonderful stories I have ever read. You redefine Fanfiction.
witowsmp posted a comment on Tuesday 10th June 2008 12:22am
So far this is a good story. I always love evil-Dumbledore stories. By the way, I think Wormtail could replace Wormtongue nicely. Personally, I think that was JKR's inspiration for Pettigrew's nickname.
WildTiger posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 8:08pm
One Word....AWESOME!!!! This story is like a magicked sort of Shindler's list. I couldn't stop reading it once I started it. Great work!!
cliviussum posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 6:04pm
Well I would first of all like to say thank you for a remarkable story; despite it being almost 3years since its completion, it is new to me.
I came by way of E-mails from yourselves and several other interested parties after reading the first chapter of a story on that despite its title, is a complete plagiary of your story - actually apart from the title it is a complete copy.
As I say at the time I was unaware of the true origin of your story and left a very positive review (Lectorsum). As I have now read the story in its entirety, it would probably serve no point in repeating that review as it referred to my expectations for the story's progression.
I find it completely unacceptable that the website doesn't check the provenance of a story before accepting it for publication; OK I suppose with so much input the webmaster(s) must rely on an author's integrity, but surely there must be some safeguard for the protection of plagiarised authors.
That said, I must offer my somewhat belated congratulations in the production and invention of such a widely ranging story and as I said on, it is truly Machiavellian.
It is an indication of the depth of your story telling ability and plot-weaving.I shall without doubt read the sequel and as many of your stories both completed and in progress as your web-site allows.
As I have Latin pen-names I will sign off with my usual salutation
Tibi grates ago fabellae mirae, et probe. Bona fortuna Cliviussum
Riff Ibanezius posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 10:42am
heh, i can't do the test because i am on a laptop. Do i fail?
David305 posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 12:11am
Dear Bobmin,
I was just wondering if you have just now decided to post this story on Fan Fiction dot net, or if you're being plagiarized.
This first chapter has just been posted there. The listed story name is "Britain's Darkest Hour". The listed author is AustinHP91. The URL is Britain's Darkest Hour
If not -- sic 'em!! (g)
King Darius posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 5:30pm
as far as if the government was modeled after the muggle world, that Sirius would not have been held without trial, i completely disagree. due to his notoriety he could have simply been considered a POW. and locked away for the rest of his life, since not all death eaters were captured, and were still somewhat active, as evidenced by the attack at the world cup, they could consider an ongoing war for however long they wanted too, and held him without trial.
King Darius posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 6:10pm
as far as whether things are too cannon or not, i could care less, and more often than not the "AU" stories are more interesting. one thing i did notice that contradicts your AN though is that you say dumbledore is not evil, yet in the story you have him mentioning "eliminating" harry if he became too much of a threat after harry killed voldemort. I dont know about you, but id call that dark, unless you simply meant that he would not be joining Voldemort, which in itself is kind of obvious, I have never seen a story where Voldemort and Dumbledore are both evil and working together, and frankly think that it would be near impossible to creatre such a story.
King Darius posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 4:59pm
good story so far, but i noticed a slight flaw in logic, and the only reason i can think of doing it the way you did would be to show Hermione's determination to support harry. its the part where you have remus and the others putting him in the bed and have hermione carry the IV while harry is naked. the problem being, that remus could have easily leveitated both harry and the IV, and even if he could only levitate one, hermione would be able to leave the room.
nelgraf posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 6:13pm
It’s not necessary folks, really. Super Powered stories are hard enough to write and make believable without giving Harry laser beams for eyes, retractable claws and cat fur .
cat fur ? explain the super power in cat fur. (hairballs don't count)
darthloki posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 4:02pm