Content Harry Potter


Roberta Johnson posted a comment on Thursday 17th April 2008 12:01am

"The students names are being withheld pending notification of the Nott, Goyle, Crabbe, Parkinson and Goldstein families. "
This is one of the funniest lines ever, even including your Disclaimers and Author's Notes!

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Sunday 13th April 2008 3:08pm

Once again, I find myself reading this story, for the nth time and loving it every bit as much as the first.

I did notice one thing in this chapter that struck me as a continuity error, something no one has commented on in the reviews, though perhaps it's been brought up in a discussion group.

My question is on this passage:

The figure turned to Lucius again. "Lucius Malfoy, as per the Hogwarts Charter of 983, signed by the four founders and the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts and its environs are exempt from the Ministry's laws and influences. You have no authority within these walls to arrest anyone. Do not force me to remind you of what happened in our last encounter," said the figure ominously.

Now, my concern is,if the Charter forbids Ministry interference in matters that occur on Hogwarts' grounds, how was it that Ron faced criminal charges for his attempted rape of Hermione? I can think of several possible loopholes, but any that occur to me that allow Ron's prosecution would also allow Draco's. Sorry to be nitpicky, especially about one of my all-time favorite SuperHarry fics, but it just piqued my curiosity.

BTW, if I haven't commented on it before, I really admired the plot device of Harry's leg injury. Too often SuperHarry's 'Phenomenal Cosmic Powers!' are acquired without the requisite 'itty bitty living space' to balance them. Congratulations on managing it in a convincing manner.

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Saturday 12th April 2008 5:57pm

While I agree in principle with your peeve, your primary example was poorly chosen. From a web search:

1 definition found for shite

From WordNet (r) 2.0 :

n : obscene terms for feces [syn: crap, dirt, shit, poop,


Look about right?

John Nathan posted a comment on Tuesday 8th April 2008 6:49pm


just finished my fifth read of the sun series and just wanted to let you know the i will never tire of reading it. i have the sunrise in word TMR 12 and its 1354 pages. i'm copying sunset right now. want my friends to read it.

Saere posted a comment on Thursday 20th March 2008 10:59am

Schoolwork caught up with me and I haven't had much time to read, but now I've finally completed this amazing story. It's so...lifelike. You gave Harry an injury. You taught me more about the United Kingdom and international military regimes than I've ever known. Now excuse me while I go read the sequel!!!

dougal74 posted a comment on Sunday 16th March 2008 2:35am

Good start, great chapter.

jpmbur posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 6:51am

I understand that the damage to Harry's leg is too extensive to be healed completely, but he is going to need all the advantages he can find when he fights Voldemort, so maybe if his leg doesn't get all the way better, he should think about amputating and replacing it if a artificial one, like what Voldemort did to Wormtail when he was resurrected.

ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Saturday 1st March 2008 2:52pm

Same here:

When Harry or others get extra power(s) or thangs it would be nice if the auther used what EXTRA were taklked about in the story.

I mean Harry or people get Houses, money, extra powers, etc., USE THEM in the story.

You had other stories pleas add a link so we can find them?

Thanks for the story.

ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Friday 29th February 2008 11:36am

I hope all the elfs are told, and all the other animals, and some muggles.

ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Friday 29th February 2008 8:55am

Why did Harry not get all his thangs befor he left Hogwarts?

ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Friday 29th February 2008 4:01am

Why did Harry not vote agenst the law to hinder him?

ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2008 4:58pm

Why has Harry not started legal action on the people who have wronged him?

ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2008 12:28pm

Why goto Diagon Alley if people are looking for you, why not go somewhere else?

I hope Harry & Hermione need to learn loads.

Harry & Hermione need to test their food & drink, to make sure it is ok.

Harry should get a complet list of all that he has, including all wills.

Harry should stop access to all of his accounts except him.

Harry should make the people who stole from pay.

Saere posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 8:44am

Simply amazing. This story feels like a string of memories woven together.

Saere posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 3:16am

*puffs chest* I am proud to be a Percy fan. =3

Saere posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 2:38am

The Brotherhood cracks me up. Awesome job.

Saere posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 12:26am

Wow, I really need to leave FFN more. But right now I am blazing in anger. I hate Dumbledore more than any other fictional character in history, and sincerely hopes he gets his just desserts. I can't wait! This is amazing, and I'm now going to devour the other chapters you have posted.

Thank you for taking the time to write. I know it can be frustrating.

And Fudge has backbone! That is stunningly rare. In my entire lifetime, I have never read a fic where the Ministry actually HELPS Harry. XD

Sandra Smith posted a comment on Thursday 21st February 2008 9:48am

this is an excellant story

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Sunday 17th February 2008 1:19pm

Hey Mighty Goddess Alex

I have to say this... you missed a spot! You must have been busy torturing Alan somewhere when you by passed this mistake. Or was it possibly Bob?

Oh the mistake I'm referring to is the part where Molly sent that owl to Lavender's mum. Where the owl leaves? I never heard of a 'flying birth' even in Potterverse! That's a new one to me.

Nice cliffy btw. Since I'm reading this as a 'complete' story it doesn't affect me as much as others who waited. (That's a thing I like to do allot, read mostly 'complete' stories.)

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Saturday 9th February 2008 3:31am

Ok, how is it that Harry dying to fulfill the prophecy would be selfish?

I'm trying to find the trail of logic for that one, and I'm coming up empty.

Thanks for writing,