Content Harry Potter


Brian Donnely posted a comment on Thursday 7th February 2008 12:08pm

Ahh, the title mislead me. I thought it would have something to do with whoever in Gryffindor tower shoved that spider on Harry's leg. Oh well! Great stuff, btw.

Brian Donnely posted a comment on Thursday 7th February 2008 5:58am

I'm so proud of Arthur. ;_; That was some great writing with his scenes. :)

goldy23 posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 5:36am

Now that im am done i have to say that this story kicks ass i can tell you put a lot of hard work into it and i have enjoyed reading it

john17 posted a comment on Tuesday 5th February 2008 9:55am

I dont get the comment Dumbledore made about Harry being safer in the castle when he was attacked in the castle. Is Dumbledore just stupid as it makes no sense. lol. Cool story though.

hjdevnull posted a comment on Tuesday 5th February 2008 3:30am

Bravo! I really enjoyed this story a great deal. It has an authentic epic feel to it that usually does not come in fanfiction. I'm looking forward to the sequel, which I'm going to start right now.

goldy23 posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 1:37pm

So far i am really into i dont wanna say anything until i read the whole story

Graham V posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 11:43am

This is more than a little nit picky but after the giant throws the girl to the ground when harry summons her I dont think she move perpendicular to the ground. If she moved perpendicular it would mean she'd zoom back to the giant. I think you meant parallel to the ground. Perpendicular means a 90 degree angle inbetween the line and compared surface. For example if I have a flat straight line another line that is perpendicular to the first line would point straight up into the air. So other than being nit picky an more than a little nerdy I've really enjoyed your stories. Keep up the good work

hjdevnull posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 10:47pm

Well, I'm reading this story quite a while after you've finished it, and I've only not read the latest chapter of "Power of the Press," so as to finish this. It seems almost ridiculous to leave a reply on a story you're only part-way done with, but I've found that I've always enjoyed them myself, so I figured that you might feel the same way.

Great story so far. I've never been much of a fan of the Super!Harry story genre, as I felt it was too much of a wish-fulfillment, blunt-force method of fixing the HP-verse's problems, but you've really done a good job of turning that on its head here. Harry might be super-powered, but he's not invulnerable and he's having to use his mind and his friends as much as he's using his powerful magic. He's having to lead, rather than just doing what he wants. Public opinion matters to him. He's not supremely confident, he just has a lot of power. In other words, he's still Harry. I'm a fan.

Now turning to the next chapter.

kyoshi posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 10:34am

I may b e old but Harry and Hermione have always been the perfect couple to me. I wish you would use madeye in your stories more, as i get quite a kick out of him. thanks for your story though. you take me where I would never think of going! best regards Larry

Shintar Rowen posted a comment on Thursday 31st January 2008 11:31pm

Just a comment to your Pet Peeves - shite is actually an Irish expression, just like the word fek. Both are rather obvious in what they mean, but their use came into being from the British misunderstanding the words through accents.
I use both terms when cursing, as do many Irish people.
(Watch the show Father Ted is you want a good example of such words in use).

Timothy14 posted a comment on Sunday 27th January 2008 8:30am

Okay, one question. What, exactly does the tin whistle thinggy sound like? And another, what does it look like. When you describe it, be less... um... colorful because I'm blind. Hey, at least I can see light.

Why din't I research it for myself? Well, I'm feeling lazy today, and plus, my internet connection is unstable today. (Stupid torrents...) I might research it tomorrow, depends if I remember to or not.

Sorry for the spelling errors; spelling isn't one of my strongpoints.

I just love long, detailed, goodly written stories, don't you? Yes, I'm pretty sure goodly isn't a word. Neither is thinggy, but who cares?

teddylonglong posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 1:13am

Love the story - Brilliant

Chuck Dunphy posted a comment on Saturday 19th January 2008 11:08pm

A great read thank you very much for your efforts..

Chuck Dunphy posted a comment on Saturday 19th January 2008 8:53am

I really like your story. I find it humourus(dont know if that is spelled right)that you had to point out to people about the quibbler line,I am no goin to give you some random set of letters to tell you how funny it was but I will just just say i read it twice and laughed both times.I agree with you own super harry stories though he is gonna half to be a pretty bad dude to take out voldie.I ramble to much here but it has been a very well written(and enjoyed), story so far

Sond posted a comment on Sunday 6th January 2008 11:09pm

Ok this is the third fic I'm reading from you guys (just finished spiritus crystalus and loved it) so why not review once :)

I'm more of a Harry/Ginny shipper myself but that's mostly cause I really like the way Ginny is described in most of these fics (let's just say I have thing for hot sarcastisc redheads :p)

What I hate about most of the H/Hr stories is the Ginny-bashing when your story proves (till now at least) one can write a perfect good H/Hr story without turning Ginny into a slut or (worse) linking her with Draco. Problem is that I don't really believe in Ron/Hermione and 99% of the H/G fics link them *sigh*

Anyway enough with my babbles, I think I'm going to enjoy this fic as I enjoyed your other work.


LordDragon posted a comment on Sunday 6th January 2008 5:25pm

I'm not sure if you still get your reviews since you finished this story so long ago... but have to say again... I LOVE IT!!!

on another note... Love the Standard Disclaimers ROFLMAO

LordDragon posted a comment on Friday 4th January 2008 10:59pm

Thought I should take a minute... 1 only... to write a review.

I LOVE IT!!!!!

sorry can't stop reading for longer... need to read next chapter!


once again, great story. don't mind a bit of ron bashing, he always irritated me. think H/Hr stories only natural, and this one rocks!

anyway, on with the reading!

atruwriter posted a comment on Thursday 3rd January 2008 6:09pm

I'm absolutely loving it so far! I've sat here, totally and utterly enthralled with it as it went along. Just the first chapter alone was incredible. I can't wait to read more. Unfortuantely, it's two in the morning, so I'll have to come back to this in the morning. Until then!:D

Eviloldersister posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2008 2:15am

Ron as a spider mutant would be an interesting affair, especially since he is afraid of spiders, somehow the visions keep rolling through my head. I congrauate you on that

Hayleyrules101 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2008 12:51am

You've written an exceptionally good novel, that being the only word to describe it and despite your amusing disclaimers, having read the last three books i think you are excellent authors, who deserve recommendation and publication. Well done!