By Bobmin
Higgns posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 12:29am
I really enjoyed your story. Thank you :>
dadscooking posted a comment on Tuesday 25th December 2007 4:52am
What a phenomenal story! You are both gifted writers and I will immediately will begin reading the sequel.
Ezmerelda posted a comment on Sunday 23rd December 2007 2:51pm
Oops, I also wanted to say that I enjoyed the Pet Peeves portion of your author's notes. Some had me nodding emphatically in agreement, while a couple had me cringing in shame. And no, I won't tell you which those were. :)
Thanks for writing (still, again, in the future, take your pick)! ~"~
Ezmerelda posted a comment on Sunday 23rd December 2007 2:49pm
I have enjoyed this story very much and truly appreciate your portrayal of Harry - sure, he has tremendous power, but he's still so...ordinary. It's the perfect blend of power and ordinary that make him so believable.
I can't wait to get started reading the sequel. Thanks for writing! ~"~
dadscooking posted a comment on Sunday 23rd December 2007 12:18pm
To address your comment "what took you so long?" (to find the story), I live in the age of instant gratification and HATE waiting for updates, so of which never happen.
Christmassy regards,
Nancy Austin posted a comment on Sunday 23rd December 2007 3:55am
I have really been enjoying this series. My 21 year old son got me started, now I can't stop!
If you ever feel the need for a proof reader to catch things a spell checker can't get, such as too vs to, let me know.
dadscooking posted a comment on Saturday 22nd December 2007 4:34am
I didn't review the last chapter because I couldn't delay reading this chapter to add some inane comment; however, having said that, your AN are almost as long as the chapters now.
Joyous regards,
dadscooking posted a comment on Saturday 22nd December 2007 1:15am
the problem i having leaving reviews is that I don't know how long ago this was posted and if you will ever see it. Oh well, I absolutely love your sense of humor while writing. The irreverent Cynicism is refreshing. I know this is only chapter 1 and I am somewhat gushing but hey, it's Harry Potter fan fiction. Not like this is War & Peace or such.
Keep writing and should you publish anything (and from someone who reads incessantly, you are better than most) let me know.
Best regards,
Bobmin356 replied:
Well we might not reply to every review, but we do see them.
And while it might not be war and peace, you are starting a two part tale that took over a million words to tell.
Enjoy reading and thanks for dropping us a note.
Bob and Alyx
2ndsly posted a comment on Friday 21st December 2007 2:08pm
Me agian
First I would Like to aplolagise because my last review was leaning a little too close to a flaming. Also my spelling is not the best.
In ch1. Dumpy is shown to be very arrogent.
Arregent to the point of stupidity. You did better in that in this chapter.
Harry is very very powerfull.
Scary powerfull.
Harry seemed to get over his funk over the
Dep. of Mist. too quickly.
I have always felt that the whole idea of the Gringot's Cart to be well thought out, but
rediculase(sp?. Sure it would make since but I just do not feel there is enough interaction between muggles and wizards for it to be broought up.
Though, you did do it better than most.
Personally I am a little sick of all the Gringot's extras people come up with.
Endless bags(not too bad but still)
Bags connected to valts but magiced so can't be used by an enemy(come on! if your gonna make something like that it can't be exacly perfect.)
Bags that you just thing the amount you need and that many coins are put in the bag.
on the other hand one I have heard makes much more since. Old families having a tab in larger shops that is payed mounthly.
(That is the type of thing that would evolve
in harry's wourld. If you don't see why I';m more than willing to tell)
This thing is way tooooo long.
I might not do another o these unless I find something expressly wrong.
Story is going strong. And I am enjoying it alot.
2ndsly posted a comment on Friday 21st December 2007 12:55pm
I think it started rather plainly.
When the story open up it started with facts stated almost as plainly as I could imagine
writing it.
However thew story has a good plot and I feel
that things are stated so plainly in the beggining because the basic facts and
misconceptions people could have needed to be
delt with.
Personally I think you could have done better than that but there is not anything wrong with
the way you delt with it. I just don't feel
it makes for the best opening.
I dont have a lot of experiance writing so
if I'm out of line tell me.
I think it could be better because I read
Dumbledores_Army over at
exalilent story by the way,
But I'm not sure if i will read the sequle.
dennisud posted a comment on Wednesday 12th December 2007 10:53am
Well getting rid of percy and distancing Molly & Ron is ok for now. I really like your use of lesser characters here, plus the integraton of the Real life elements of the Muggles is sure to take thing up a level!
firecast posted a comment on Saturday 8th December 2007 1:11pm
Just recently re-discovered your works hiding in my favorites. The both of you truly manage to write believable tales in which I don't like they way certain characters are portrayed ( Ron & Arthur ), but they still have believable reasons behind their actions. I mean, if you look at Ron's actions & attitudes, they are remarkably bigoted and closeminded, yet in cannon Harry forgives or excuses him.
By the way that is the BEST Marauder era prank I've ever read or heard of. Fidelus-ing all th washrooms? Unbelievably hilarious!!
I love the way you both manage to write such excellent stories. I realise that you have finished this tale, but I am loving what I have read so far. Looking forward to your other works. Keep up the Excellent work both of you, it keeps me coming back.
Olaf Rammler posted a comment on Thursday 6th December 2007 7:26am
I'm lost of words. Your Story is more than Fantastic. Please continue it as soon as possible.
Zack Kay posted a comment on Monday 3rd December 2007 9:01am
hey! i love the story so far, great ideas with the Matura! I also noticed a little mistake that i thought i'd point out. When Harry is revealing his story to the Outcasts, the line reads:
"You all know that I watched Sirius go through the veil. What you do know is, an hour after watching him die, the old bastard, Dumbledore, e"
What you don't know instead of what you do know.
I love the story and can't wait to press Next!
Alrune posted a comment on Sunday 2nd December 2007 1:49am
"Er… Dan? I don’t own enough money to pay you what she’s worth. You’ll have to find another way to earn your cows," he said.
Absolutely brilliant... and that line made me swoon and laugh all at the same time... Great work!
TCM posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 6:27am
I've reasently gotten thru both sunset and sunrise I gotta say It's an amazing series
a very good work you've made. I like it greatly.
Sanctimonius posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 2:02am
Ahh man, I haven't even finished the chapter, but you have me laughing to hard to not review early. My name's Aaron Winston, and the whole Auror Winston just made my day. Although I have quite a bit of hair, and I'm not fat at all. But still funny nonetheless.
Great story, looking forward to the rest and the sequel!
Tammerz posted a comment on Monday 19th November 2007 9:14am
Molly Weasley is a wench in this story. Very brilliantly written.
bookaholic_au posted a comment on Sunday 18th November 2007 6:45pm
Why did you destroy Stonehenge? We haven't worked out what they built it for, or how they built it for that matter! I haven't even seen it yet! (tears running down my face) Please, please ressurrect Stonehenge! The only reason it wasn't a wonder of the ancient world is because that list was compiled in Greece, and the Greeks had never seen it!
Okay. Rant over. But seriously, you had better have a pretty good reason for destroying Stonehenge!
Eviloldersister posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 10:11pm