By Bobmin
Marvin posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 1:39am
Fantastic work
Marvin posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 1:00am
Nothing more then being stunned.
Whoa, this is bloody good :)
Thanks :)
Marvin posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 12:29am
Again, I might repeat myself, but now I add something:
Great story, definitly a great plott (does this word exsist? sorry, german writer behind ;-) )
You fixed that Harry / Hermione part perfectly, I'm burning for more ;-)
Would like to say keep up the good work, but as you have done this already, I promise I will write what I think after each chapter :)
Marvin posted a comment on Thursday 15th November 2007 11:58pm
That's all that's left to say for me :)
Great story, really.
Thought that the Harry/Hermione is comming to fast, but the story waves over that :)
Interessted in how it goes on
Jenifer Winterbine posted a comment on Monday 12th November 2007 11:19am
I LOVED the mending of the 'broken' Rosetta Stone! Another great chapter.
BTW despite your story having been beta checked to a high standard I have noticed an occasional error of grammar and one or two Americanisms. If you would like an extra beta checker/nit picker I would love to do that for you so e-mail me on jenifer1 at iinet dot net dot au (Please note: jenifer has only one 'n' and it is followed by the figure one not a lower case L or I )
Lord Slytherin posted a comment on Monday 12th November 2007 12:05am
1.77245385 is the square root of pi....and on another note this is a bloody fantastic story
tinymillion posted a comment on Saturday 10th November 2007 2:07pm
i love your story and the direction it continues to take!!!
in your "pet peeves" section: "shite" is a british version of shit, just like "arse" is to ass
Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 10th November 2007 11:54am
What a sad end to the chapter, it's a shame that Poppy is dead.
tinymillion posted a comment on Friday 9th November 2007 6:57am
i love this story so far! as a harry/hermione shipper i would like to thank you for your open minds and not dismissing this ship because it is not your favorite or acurate to cannon.
Tammerz posted a comment on Wednesday 7th November 2007 8:21am
This story was recced on the Yahoo group for A Year Like None Other by Aspeninthesunlight for having an excellent Draco/Luna pairing. As I have only read the first chapter, I haven't encountered this yet. However, I AM immensely enjoying the story so far. The writing tone is great, easy to understand, but concise. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this!
Bobmin356 replied:
You have a long way to go before you see Luna/Draco in this story. It does happen, and it is one of the romances we follow. However Luna Draco comes later in the fic. It is one of the principle romances in the story, but not the main one.
Keep reading, you'll get there.
nimistar posted a comment on Tuesday 6th November 2007 11:24am
great story you two, i still think you should post this in other places though. many are missing out on this great story and its sad, i am glad i was lucky enough to find it.
Bobmin356 replied:
This story was posted on, but they pulled it down because someone complained about the author's notes.
FFA is our home and the only place besides our yahoo group where we will ever post our stories. While there are a lot of archives out there, we don't feel any particular need to publish everywhere. You found us, that's good enough. :)
kasin posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 4:33am
on your pet peeves point id like to add the people that recap their own stories not the end off the last chapter but rehassing something that happened three or four chapters ago and then there was no point in it good story by way
nimistar posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 10:16am
hmm, looks like ron and draco switched personalities. the only problem is that draco's smart so his plans have a chance to work, ron is about as smart as a rock so his plans chance... not so much.
nimistar posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 1:08am
this is the second time reading the story and i still must say its one of the best. just wish you would post it on other websites, i was lucky to find it and so many people are missing out on such a great story.
IssaBissa posted a comment on Saturday 3rd November 2007 10:44am
I have just spent about a week now reading this absolutely wonderful story!!! It is absolutely Brilliant!!!! I just can't wait to start on the next one in the series!!! I am glad I stumbled across the fic rec like I did!!!! You are brilliant writers really!
nintschi posted a comment on Saturday 27th October 2007 7:06am
great i need to
nintschi posted a comment on Saturday 27th October 2007 6:44am
Hi I really like this beginning it was recomanded by a steve 2 :)
I love the idea with Magical Maturis good idea. so I write this review even though I know there is a sequal already.
so update soon is stupid to say but I am happy to read more Nintschi
Chris26 posted a comment on Monday 22nd October 2007 5:04pm
Well this story certainly starts well.
The Dursley's are gits !!! I want something bad to happen to them! Maybe you could roast them on fire are something ... and throw in Dumbledore as well, he surely deserves ... wait scratch that ... I'm sure you have something (un)pleasent for him in your story.
Well I liked the fact that Remus came to Hermione and her parents for help in taking care of Harry, but how the Order didin't know of his visit if Moddy was "watching" the Grangers.
Well it surely shows how "efective" the Order is ...
Harry and Hermione are falling for each other hard ... I liked the scene where Harry was "persuading" Hermione to have some "fun" in the afternoons. I wonder what kind of "fun" it will be ...
The Weslays are also in trouble aren't they ... Arthur and Molly had the best intentions for their "family" in taking part of stelling Harry's money ... but when the "younger" members of their family will learn ( I mean Ginny,Fred,George,Bill,Charlie ... I don't know about Percy but ...)
And Ron ... well Ron was a git in four'th year wasn't he ... and he was a little jelous about Harry's welth ... so when he learned that he could also be "rich" ... well it certainly is in't OC for him ... and it is another fact for the theory what too much money does to "some" persons.
And I'm not defending him !!!
I think that you should feed him to a bunch of spiders or something , I don't care about the redhead GIT.
Anywhy Good story so far with a twist for sure.
And this chapter also shows that you both are better writers then JK ... because I don't think that she could have such good ideas as for ... example ... I don't know "The Matura Magicus"
Onto chapter 2 I think ...
k13cat posted a comment on Sunday 21st October 2007 7:57am
Wonderful start to the story. I like the twist of an evil Ron -- quite plausible. I like Neville better anyway. As I've only read the first 2 books I don't know where the Grangers stand in canon, but I like their greater inclusion thus far.
Your author notes are great, particularly the pet peeves. I too absolutely Loathe "fic for ransom" as I like to call the demands for x # of reviews before the author will consider posting more. That is only one of my pet peeves.
Marvin posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 5:34am