By Bobmin
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Monday 25th June 2012 5:55pm
Superb! I do love the Fidelius Charm on the bathrooms. Perhaps someone should ask Remus where they are or to remove the Charm.
As for Molly, she deserves it all. A man that doesn't defend a woman is no man at all. Ron, literally attacked her. A lot of girls have done what Hermione did. They should have played the memory. It would have settled ALL suspicion.
Looking forward to Christmas. Love the alligators! hee hee Malfoy was sooo Slytherin!
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Monday 25th June 2012 4:57pm
Ack! Non Magical England is being destroyed. Harry doesn't know. Ack. I do like this chapter though. It is awesome as well as the story.
I note he left Charlie out of the Weasleys to be contacted. Is that because he is already out of the country? He might come back to help his parents. He needs told what is happening.
I am glad Professors McGonagall and Flitwick have decided to join Harry.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Sunday 24th June 2012 8:32pm
Totally awesome! I hope Filius and Minerva do support Harry.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Sunday 24th June 2012 8:15pm
Most excellent! I do like having Narcissa recover. Tonks is her niece. Excellent story!
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Sunday 24th June 2012 7:28pm
I really like the idea of Draco asking for help for his mother.
wstphal posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2012 4:16pm
I just wanted to share a comment in response to the AN.
There are good literary uses of person switching. I think it's _Bleak House_ by Charles Dickens that alternates chapters between a 1st person narrator & and a 3rd person omniscient narrator. Switching narrators &/or persons within a chapter is much more difficult for a reader and probably not a good idea in general, but good writers can handle it.
I think the two of you could.
Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2012 12:00pm
Have you seen the size of England? If a supernuke went off, the poor island would be destroyed. On top of that the fallout would destroy Europe.
Your arguement for not having Harry as an animagus is weak. Just saying.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 11:57pm
Really terrific!
PSST: What stories of yours are DA and SC? I looked over all of them on this site and couldn't find them? Did I miss them?
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 11:08pm
Really terrific! Draco can talk to Lord Black for help.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 10:44pm
Excellent chapter!
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 10:18pm
Dear Bob and Alyx,
I personally do like Harry/Hermione and dislike terribly Harry/Ginny. This is an excellent story so far. I would like to point out that leaving a child to be abused is accessory to child abuse and is a felony in most states so Dumbledore is evil to a great extent.
Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 10:17pm
Pet Peeve for this chapter: Authors that make Harry a wizard yet unable to defend himself from a flying rock that he knows is coming. Its even worse when the author has Harry able to stop spells in midpath and redirect them back at the caster but a simple shield is too hard to conjure. Why isnt he in brotherhood uniform when he goes out anyways? Lets face it, its common sense. So the real pet Peeve of this chapter is basically authors who are wishy-washy with how talented, powerful, smart their characters are just to fit the scene. Is it really that hard to "stay in character"?
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 9:53pm
Superb beginning. Very exciting!
Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 7:10pm
Animagi may have been beaten to death but so has Harry facing off with Voldemort, Harry facing offf with DD, Harry being rich etc. Just saying... Animagi is one of the few things i was disappointed with Rowling's work.
drq1492 posted a comment on Thursday 19th April 2012 6:35am
one of the best story's i have read thnk you
Ironhair posted a comment on Saturday 7th April 2012 12:44pm
An interesting book and captivating enough to lead one into the sequel... Thought why don't u collet ur fics on aside from your existing yahoo group?
amsev posted a comment on Saturday 31st March 2012 4:41pm
Oh my, but you've managed to include some Muggle mayhem of the nuclear variety. Am fascinated/horrified by all things nuclear due to growing up in the sixties and the variety of bomb drills we went through in elementary school. Some of my favorite movies are nuclear, including Dr. Strangelove, Failsafe and The Sum of All Fears. Hmmmm, may just have to pause my reading to get in some apocalyptic movie of the radioactive variety.
Nah, I'm enjoying this story too much to stop reading here. One of your pet peeves struck a note with me -- the one where an author changes person seemingly out of nowhere. Seems to me that that's a great way to spot a Mary Sue/Gary Stu story when the character is involved in some sort of action scene and then suddenly flips from third person to first person...
Bobmin, your story thus far is just plain awesome!
amsev posted a comment on Friday 30th March 2012 11:11pm
Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Snape and Dumbles stuck to the ceiling. For a few days. Let's hear it for bodily functions! That'll learn 'em. (As much as I have a hard time separating the incomparable Alan Rickman from Snape, your Snape is a bona fide ASSHAT! And deserves everything he gets.)
amsev posted a comment on Friday 30th March 2012 9:53pm
Dark, dark, dark. It's so incredibly sad what's happening to Muggle Britain.
Thanks so much for writing this story. I have been looking forward ALL DAY to reading this story. (Sad, I don't have a life, and I have a job that's meh, however this story is seriouly worth waiting for!)
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Monday 25th June 2012 6:18pm